Will the Real Jon Moseley Please Stand Up!

Filed in Delaware by on September 23, 2010

Remember a few days back when Christine O’Whack-a-Mole’s former campaign manager decided to weigh in on our blog with his thoughts on her deceit? Thanks to some intrepid searching by commenter Boxwood, we are finding out new things about Jon Moseley.

We all know from his website that he’s an ambulance chasing attorney. He also has claimed on here that he is thoroughly knowledgeable about FEC law and regulations. What we didn’t know was that he’s one of these wingnuts who thinks that President Obama is a “secret Muslim.”

In an article—titled “Is Barack Hussein Obama (Still) A Muslim?”—Moseley asserted that because Obama had recited to a reporter the Muslim call to prayer (which he apparently learned as a child in Indonesia) he must be a Muslim: “According to Islamic scholars, reciting this Muslim declaration of faith makes one a Muslim.”

Following his “logic,” I guess I’m a Roman Catholic because I know the the Trinitarian Formula in Latin. Don’t ask me why, I just do (and I can name a lot of the popes as well).

The article also shows that Moseley was a paid staffer on COD’s campaign this year. Of course, Moseley scoffs at this, insisting that any payment he received this year was for his 2008 services. Well, unless the money she took in this year was designated for her past campaign debts (and we already know she hasn’t paid those), Moseley is a liar. Just like his candidate. And if she did pay him for his work 2 years ago, why isn’t she paying off all of her other campaign debts. A good lawyer would advise his client to do just that.

The Mother Jones article is good reading. My only question is, when will Jon Moseley start asking for the President’s birth certificate?

About the Author ()

A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

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  1. Brian Shields says:

    He still believes that because a politician said something, that said politician must then believe it?

    How naive.

  2. I love how all these wingnuts pretend to be Islamic scholars. I don’t see how they have time, seeing how they also pretend to be Constitutional scholars.

  3. MJ says:

    Especially Moseley – he spends most of his time going from accident scene to accident scene trying to get clients.

  4. Brian Shields says:

    The Constitution is like the Queen of England. Highly regarded and respected, used to run the country.. but is now mostly ceremonial.

    ..I just now realized how ironic that is.

  5. Boxwood says:

    Somewhere I read that Moseley was the attorney O’Donnell used to help her with that lawsuit she filed after getting fired by that Wilmington publisher. A man of many talents obviously ;^)

  6. MJ says:

    Boxwood, it might have been on his website, but I remember seeing the same thing.

  7. cookie says:

    Mosely said in one of those comments that he wrote the original complaint, but Fasic of Wilmington was the atty of record. Reading that complaint, Mosely is not a very good atty at all, and the amended complaint written by Fasic is much better. Of course, everything in both complaints are completely false. No surprise there.

  8. Well, if you had any logic, you might have realized that Mother Jones’ description is not accurate.

    Why don’t you try looking at what I actually wrote?

    MEANWHILE, MJ, I would like to know why you think the moon is a giant marshmallow simply because it is white? What kind of reasoning is that?

    OOPS! I guess if we don’t listen to what you ACTUALLY think, we can misrepresent your views to say anything at all, right?


    Wednesday, April 29, 2009
    Is Barack Hussein Obama (Still) A Muslim?
    The national news media, acting as the Palace Guard for “Dear Leader” Barack Obama, is fiercely protective of Obama’s image. Facts about Obama’s religious upbringing as a Muslim have been censored and attacked. The media tells us that it is perfectly okay for any American to be a Muslim. Our Constitution forbids any religious test for anyone to serve in government. But it is not acceptable to the media to inform the country about President Obama’s Muslim roots as a child, and who they voted for.

    On February 27, 2007, Barack Hussein Obama described the Muslim call to prayer as “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset,” in an interview with Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times. Obama’s comment is especially odd
    because no one forced to listen to the “Adhan” would call the screeching song ‘pretty’ without enormous indoctrination into Islam. Obama also told Kristoff how he was once caught making a face at a classmate during Koran study classes.

    Even more astonishing, Obama then sang perfectly the entire Muslim call to prayer to Nicholas Kristof “with a first-class [Arabic] accent.” Not only had Obama memorized the call to prayer precisely, but his long years of experience in singing it to melody was so extensive that his Arabic accent was ‘flawless.’

    According to Islamic scholars, reciting this Muslim declaration of faith makes one a Muslim. The words express a Muslim’s complete acceptance of, and total commitment to, the message of Islam. The opening lines chanted by Obama say: “Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme! I witness that there is no god but Allah! I witness that there is no god but Allah! I witness that Muhammad is his prophet! ” Having attended Islamic religion classes, Obama knows this.

    Recent events have now revived questions about Obama’s allegiances. On April 14, to deliver another speech on the economy, the President demanded that Georgetown University cover up the name of
    Jesus in a campus hall before Obama gave a speech there. (The speech was widely interpreted as an attempt to defuse the tea parties scheduled for April 15.)

    The gold “IHS” monogram inscribed high on the wall was covered over by a piece of black-painted plywood, and remained covered over the next day, CNSNews.com reported. Georgetown University confirmed this to the Washington Times. “IHS” is a “Christogram” derived from the first three letters of the Greek name of Jesus. “IHS” is also sometimes said to mean Iesus Hominum Salvator (“Jesus, Savior of men” in Latin).

    So why would someone claiming to be a Christian first choose a private Catholic University as the location for a speech to appeal to conservatives on the eve of tea parties, but then demand that Christian symbols be covered up? Why didn’t Obama, as a professed Christian, want pictures of him speaking below the Christian symbol “IHS” visible in the Muslim world?

  9. http://usnavjonmoseley.blogspot.com/2009/04/is-barack-hussein-obama-still-muslim.html

    Meanwhile, another event this week in Kenya brought this taboo topic to attention once again. Obama’s grandmother, Sarah Obama had arranged to be baptized to become a Christian in a large evangelistic revival in Kisumu, Kenya. The event led by Australian evangelist John Jeremic filled the Jomo Kenyatta Sports Ground for
    several days.

    When the van arrived to bring Obama’s grandmother to the Christian service, her son Saidi Obama refused to let her go, insisting that Obama’s Grandmother is a Muslim. Her son said: “I did not understand why they were asking her to attend a Christian ceremony, yet she is a Muslim.” Her son described this as the
    decision of most of her family. However, two of Sarah’s sisters-in-law had previously accompanied Mama Sarah to earlier sessions of the evangelistic crusade, and had taken her to the Christian Church for the previous three weeks.

    This incident confirms that (a) Barack Obama’s Kenyan family is largely Muslim, and strongly so, opposing grandmother Sarah’s desire to convert to Christianity, and (b) Barack Obama’s Kenyan Grandmother does not believe she is yet a Christian and was preparing to become a Christian through baptism at the event.

    At the G-20 summit of the world’s 20 largest economies, President Obama bowed reverently to Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah.. By contrast,
    Obama did not bow to Queen Elizabeth of England, other than to simply look down from his greater height, standing straight..

    Of course, Saudi Arabia is the guardian of the Muslim holy sites of Mecca and Medina, making King Abdullah very important and revered among Muslims. Therefore, a Muslim would instinctively give reverence to His Majesty, the “Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques.” By contrast, the British Monarch is technically the head of the Church of England. Obama did not bow to the royal queen who is guardian of the world’s first and oldest Protestant Christian Church.

    Diplomatically, the summit placed the heads of state on an equal footing. Therefore, President Obama’s sign of subservience and allegiance to the king of Saudi Arabia was diplomatically incorrect. Saudi’s king was obliged to treat the President of the United States with equal respect no less than he received. Then, continuing his
    tour into Turkey, Obama declared that the United States is not a Christian nation and does not consider itself a Christian nation.

    Most Muslims do not recognize the possibility that a Muslim can ever leave the Islamic faith. Islamic converts to Christianity are put to death around the world, in accordance with Islamic teaching, sometimes by their own families in “honor killings.”

    It is undeniable that Barack Obama was raised as a Muslim. Obama’s biological father was a Muslim, as is most of Obama’s extended family in Kenya even today. Obama wrote in his auto-biography that his father had lost faith in religion. However, Muslim communities do not accept this concept of a non-practicing Muslim. “Once a Muslim, always a Muslim” is their approach. Therefore, Obama’s extended family and neighbors would have demanded the son’s regular attendance at a local Mosque with the entire community.

    Obama’s mother later re-married to Lolo Sotero (or Soetero), also a Muslim, and an Indonesian citizen. In Indonesia, Lolo enrolled their son, then “Barry Sotero,” in school. Obama’s step-father had to identify Barry’s religion, since religious instruction is a required part of education in Indonesia. “Islam,” wrote his father.

    This choice determined which religious instruction the future President was enrolled in: Muslim, Buddhist, or Christian. Obama’s identification as a Muslim is documented by his school registration papers in that country, first obtained by a citizen journalist “Israel Insider.”

    Thus it is beyond dispute that Barack Obama, then Barry Sotero, was trained as a Muslim in his youth. He was presented to all other Muslims in the school and community as a fellow Muslim, by his participation in Islamic classes. That would compel him to attend Mosque with his classmates and his Muslim father Lolo. In Islam, one is automatically a Muslim if the father is a Muslim. One of his classmates Emirsyah Satar, now CEO of Garuda Indonesia, said: “He (Obama)
    was often in the prayer room wearing a ‘sarong’, at that time,” and “He was quite religious in Islam….”

  10. http://usnavjonmoseley.blogspot.com/2009/04/is-barack-hussein-obama-still-muslim.html

    It must be said that rumors during the campaign that Obama attended a “Madrassah” as a youth were false. A “Madrassah” is essentially a form of child abuse, in which young boys are taught nothing but memorization of the Koran. Not only are Madrassah students indoctrinated in extreme, militant views of Islam, but they emerge with
    no skills or useful education with which to get a job to support themselves. Their lack of options further pushes them into Islamic Jihad. While a great many mysteries remain unexplored about Obama, the news media leapt into action, flying reporters to Indonesia, to prove that Obama’s school there was not a Madrassah. But Obama’s enrollment in the school as a Muslim was confirmed (though buried).

    Nevertheless, Obama presented his unusual, international childhood as his main qualification in foreign affairs for the Presidency. Early in the campaign, we were told that because Obama had lived overseas, he could understand and relate to other countries. Because he had been trained as a Muslim, he could reach out to the
    Muslim world and understand their mindset. Working as a community organizer in Chicago did not provide experience in foreign affairs, so his campaign depended upon his international childhood. But it has now become taboo to mention it, just as mentioning his middle name “Hussein” is harshly criticized. (Since Obama changed
    his name back from Barry Sotero, he could have legally removed the “Hussein” in the process had he wished to. He did not.)

    However, Barack Obama professes to have converted to Christianity approximately 20 years ago in Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, under the leadership of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jr. It is certainly common for Americans to change religions, and well-accepted. Many insist that a person’s claim to be a Christian should
    never be questioned. The very idea of doubting a person’s professed choice of religion is offensive to many. Many of various religions demand that if Obama claims to be a Christian, his declaration cannot be questioned.

    However, many other Christians place great importance on the authenticity of conversion, citing the many warnings of Jesus about people who will believe they are followers of Jesus, but on Judgement Day Jesus will tell even those who performed miracles in Jesus’ name “I never knew you, depart from me, you who practice lawlessness.”

    Matthew 7:23. They warn that a clear understanding of who Jesus is and what salvation means is vitally important. Without a clear understanding, a person may falsely believe they are a Christian, leading to personal tragedy. Also, Jesus spent a great deal of His Ministry challenging the depth and reality of people’s
    relationship with God.

    Adding to doubts is Obama’s claim that Christianity is only one of many alternate paths to God. According to columnist Cal Thomas, Obama gave an interview in 2004 to Chicago Sun-Times religion editor Cathleen Falsani for her book, “The God Factor: Inside the Spiritual Lives of Public People.” Obama told Falsani: “I believe there
    are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people.” According to Falsani, Obama thinks that “all people of faith — Christians, Jews, Muslims, animists, everyone — know the same God.” Falsani adds, “Obama doesn’t believe he, or anyone else, will go to
    hell. But he’s not sure he’ll be going to heaven, either.”

    However, Jesus explicitly stated that there is no other way to God without Him. See John 14:6. Jesus also warned against false prophets who would come after Him, and commanded Christians not to listen to them. Matthew 24:11-24. And the essence of
    salvation through Jesus Christ involves absolute certainty — that is, faith — that one will go to heaven because of what Jesus did for us on the cross (not at all based on our own worth or works).

    On June 28, 2006, Obama sarcastically mocked the Bible at the Call to Renewal Conference, implying that the Bible could not be trusted, while taking Biblical quotes out of context.

    In an ABC News interview, Obama said that “John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith.” Only when George Stephanopolous corrected him, did Obama change “Muslim” to “Christian.”

    On the campaign trail, Barack Obama described how he had visited 57 of the 58 States. While slip-ups on the campaign trail are not new, in fact there are 57 States in the Organization of Islamic Conference.. So the number of Islamic OIC States appears to have sprung more readily to Obama’s mind than the 50 States of the U.S.A.

    Does membership in Rev. Wright’s church mean Obama became a Christian? On February 15, 2008, Usama K. Dakdok, President of The Straight Way of Grace Ministry called Trinity United Church of Christ and reported the following conversation: ” I then asked the person who answered what I needed to do to join. She told me that I needed to attend two Sunday School classes in a row and then I would walk the aisle. I replied, “That sounds easy. One last question please. If I am Muslim and I believe in the Prophet Mohammed, peace be unto him and I also believe in Jesus, peace be unto him, do I have to give up my Islamic faith to be a member in your church? She answered: “No, we have many Muslim members in our church.”

  11. http://usnavjonmoseley.blogspot.com/2009/04/is-barack-hussein-obama-still-muslim.html

    Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s church does not inspire confidence for those wondering about the authenticity of Obama’s introduction to Christianity and conversion. Trinity United Church of Christ appears to have been little more than a left-wing political club. From what we can tell, Jesus was rarely mentioned, and then only in his guise
    as just a moral teacher. So was Barack Obama confronted with the true identity of Jesus Christ as Creator of the Universe (see John 1), God
    Incarnate, and Savior, and explained the complete meaning of the gospel and Jesus’ death on the cross? Obama attacked Black pastors who preach the Bible, while praising Wright.

    So could a Muslim attend a Christian Church for 20 years? Actually, yes. Muslims honor Jesus very strongly as a great prophet of God, really the second greatest prophet to Mohammed himself. Islam teaches that Jesus Himself will stand up at the end of the world and confirm that Mohammed is the true Prophet of Allah. Most Muslims have a higher opinion of Jesus than many casual pop Christians in America. However, Muslims adamantly deny that Jesus
    Christ is God or that Jesus died on any cross. They believe that God swapped Jesus for someone else at the last minute, and it was a murderer who died on the cross instead. Since Islam denies that Jesus is God, they view it as an outrageous idea that God would pick some random man to die for mankind. Islam teaches that Jesus was a Muslim (as was Adam, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel), Moses, King David, etc.)

    So a Muslim could feel comfortable sitting in a “social gospel” liberal church that presents Jesus as only a good teacher, and never preaches Jesus as being God Incarnate or the Savior who died for our sins. Obama was exposed mainly to political speeches from the pulpit with a little bit of Jesus-as-just-a-good-man thrown in.

    Joining Rev. Wright’s African-American mega-church was surely no accident. For any Black man interested in a political career in Chicago, membership at Trinity United Church of Christ was almost a requirement. Black churches play a very major role in the Black community, and Wright’s mega-church more than most. Wright’s highly-poltical, “Jesus-lite” brand of almost-Christianity attracted visits and speeches from politicians all over the area. Wright’s politics-heavy church was the perfect place for Obama to make his early political contacts, get noticed, and get connected for his later runs for office. (Note that Wright’s church is unusual
    and very different from most Black churches. Many Black churches are vastly more sincere, devout, serious, deep and profound in Christianity than the typical White church.)

    So did Obama convert to Christianity in Obama’s church? Or did he simply make a career move by professing to join Trinity United Church of Christ? Even if Obama thought he was learning about the real Jesus, did Rev. Wright’s brand of anti-American politics starve and deprive Obama from an encounter with the real Christ? Could Obama have truly wanted to know Jesus, but was cheated with a counterfeit Christ instead? Does Obama not even realize that he does not yet know God?

    But would a Muslim sit through Rev. Wright’s sermons for 20 years? Islamic teaching encourages strategic deception, when necessary, to advance Islam throughout the world. It is possible that a Muslim could intentionally pose as a convert, in a church that talked about Jesus as only a moral teacher, as Muslims already believe.

    Of course, everyone must seek out God and find Him. It is reported that President Abraham Lincoln, one of our two greatest Presidents, received salvation through Jesus only very late in his Presidency. After many years of quoting the Bible, as deep analysis of the nation’s crises and as great encouragement, Lincoln himself came to realize he had never actually been “saved.” Lincoln had only an intellectual education in the Bible, but not a personal faith or experience. It is reported that one evening the President — all alone — knocked on the door of a pastor in Washington, D.C. After they talked for a few hours, the pastor led Lincoln in praying the sinner’s prayer and giving his life to Jesus. Obama likes to compare himself with Lincoln also of Illinois.

    Likewise, perhaps God may also lead Obama to understand that there is more than Obama has yet found, and bring Obama to salvation at the right time.
    Posted by US News and Views is the leader at 9:51 AM
    Labels: Barack, Hussein, Muslim

  12. By the way, MJ, I have never had a “personal injury” client. Not only do I not chase ambulances, but I have never had a personal injury lawsuit client at all. That’s not what I do.

  13. MJ says:

    OMG – someone must not have any clients to write all of this drivel. This is funnier than any sit-com on television today. Parents, let this be a warning – take your kids off of high fructose corn syrup immediately! It warps your brain (see the above diatribe from JM as evidence).