Delaware Liberal

Will the Real Jon Moseley Please Stand Up!

Remember a few days back when Christine O’Whack-a-Mole’s former campaign manager decided to weigh in on our blog with his thoughts on her deceit? Thanks to some intrepid searching by commenter Boxwood, we are finding out new things about Jon Moseley.

We all know from his website that he’s an ambulance chasing attorney. He also has claimed on here that he is thoroughly knowledgeable about FEC law and regulations. What we didn’t know was that he’s one of these wingnuts who thinks that President Obama is a “secret Muslim.”

In an article—titled “Is Barack Hussein Obama (Still) A Muslim?”—Moseley asserted that because Obama had recited to a reporter the Muslim call to prayer (which he apparently learned as a child in Indonesia) he must be a Muslim: “According to Islamic scholars, reciting this Muslim declaration of faith makes one a Muslim.”

Following his “logic,” I guess I’m a Roman Catholic because I know the the Trinitarian Formula in Latin. Don’t ask me why, I just do (and I can name a lot of the popes as well).

The article also shows that Moseley was a paid staffer on COD’s campaign this year. Of course, Moseley scoffs at this, insisting that any payment he received this year was for his 2008 services. Well, unless the money she took in this year was designated for her past campaign debts (and we already know she hasn’t paid those), Moseley is a liar. Just like his candidate. And if she did pay him for his work 2 years ago, why isn’t she paying off all of her other campaign debts. A good lawyer would advise his client to do just that.

The Mother Jones article is good reading. My only question is, when will Jon Moseley start asking for the President’s birth certificate?

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