Delaware Liberal

Friday’s Asshat of the Day

We all know that the teabaggers have taken over the GOP. Some of them are just batshit crazy (Angle, Paul, O’Whack-a-Mole). But some of them are just outright dangerous.

Take today’s Asshat of the Day. Jim Russell, who is challenging Democratic incumbent Nita Lowey in NY is a conservative Christian author and activist who doesn’t like inter-racial marriage, sees a link between race and IQ, and said that parents should “teach their kids ‘appropriate ethnic boundaries’ for marriage and socializing.”

Jim Russell, who’s challenging Lowey in a repeat after trying to take her on in 2008, made the statements in an essay called “The Western Contribution to World History,” which was published in a 2001 – 2002 edition of the Occidental Quarterly, and had also been featured on infamous former politician and Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke’s website. It’s since been taken down from there.

Interesting that a Klansman is running for Congress against one of the House’s Jewish members. It seems as though his comments have been deleted from Grand Cyclops Duke’s website and the Occidental Quarterly, whose board members have been dubbed a Who’s Who of the Radical Right by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Here’s a sample of Russell’s writings:

* “Kevin MacDonald’s work on religion, and particularly Judaism, as a group evolutionary strategy, is essential for a thorough understanding of our current predicament.”

* “While liberals and universalists constantly yammer about “bringing us all together”, and how “diversity is our strength,” it may be suggested that the biological function of human language and culture is just the opposite, that is, to keep discrete groups apart.”

So my question to Boehner, Barber, Cantor, and the rest of the GOP leadership – why do you tolerate people like this in your party? Why have you not condemned this guy? Why are you allowing him to carry the GOP banner?

Jim Russell, our Asshat of the Day.

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