Angry at Joe Biden? You are not alone.

Filed in National by on September 29, 2010

Is it okay to be mad at Obama and Biden yet?

While some of us are perturbed about the civil liberties stuff, and others are miffed about not getting their Health Care Reform Pony, and still others are upset because the Democrats are ceding so much ground to the vile GOP needlessly, Donviti is mad about all of it.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (32)

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  1. Joe Cass says:

    On a personal note Jason, dick jensen was using Man Pants on his show. How he would know anything about Man Pants is easily contested.
    All he knows is britches and those pipi longstockings.

  2. jason330 says:

    Castle to announce at 7 p.m per NJ

  3. liberalgeek says:

    Honestly, donviti could get just as angry about someone picking their nose.

    Perhaps if Dick Cheney had told his base to quit whining, we wouldn’t be dealing with an internal war at Republican HQ, we wouldn’t have Christine O’Donnell and we wouldn’t have the summer of spittle. So I think from a Democratic standpoint, maybe it’s good that Cheney didn’t do that. Conversely…

    I actually wonder what would have happened if Joe had told another constituency to quit whining. What if he stood in front of the room and said that the union guys should stop whining, or that African Americans or Latinos should stop whining. I suspect that there would be an uproar like you’ve never seen.

    But what gets me through the night is picturing Joe say “quit whining” to A1, Delacrat and Jane Hamsher. I’m having a hard time deciding which of the groups in Bush’s base consistently screamed that he was a screw-up and used the language of the far left to their ends. That’s what we have here. The proud far-leftists screaming “no compromise!!!” and Obama saying, “this is politics, and politics is compromise”. I don’t agree with every strategy, but on the whole, Obama’s “base” has been impassioned, but hyper-critical.

  4. Where’s Castle’s announcement?

  5. jason330 says:

    UPDATE: He says he’ll announce after close of house business tonight.

  6. anon says:

    I actually wonder what would have happened if Joe had told another constituency to quit whining.

    You mean like the banks or health insurance companies? that would be awesome. We’d have Dem turnout like you have never seen.

    Actually, Obama and Biden occasionally do admonish Wall Street or insurance. But they know to take it with a big wink, because they know the legislation will all come out their way anyhow.

  7. jason330 says:

    So… Is it okay to be mad at Obama and Biden yet? LG says no.

  8. delacrat says:

    Joe needs to stop whining about the base and start delivering for the base.

  9. dv says:

    I could get angry at a lot of things yes. Picking one’s nose…nah.

    I think I asked a commenter before to define Far Left. LG, would you like to define what is far left?

    ACLU? People that don’t like indefinite detention? Wire Tapping? Please do tell. DOoooooo Tell 🙂

    And I’m wondering, as a writer for delawareLIBERAL what you consider yourself?

  10. anon says:

    I can’t think of anyone in the “far left” who isn’t actually outside the Democratic party.

  11. pandora says:

    And I’m wondering, as a writer for delawareLIBERAL what you consider yourself?

    Perhaps you’d like to take this test

  12. anonone says:

    LG, you fail to address his blatant and overt lying, his failure to lead, his kowtowing to corporations and the right wing, and his total disregard for civil liberties and the rule of law.

    The fact is that we are are only trying to hold him to the standard of “hope and change” and leadership that he espoused. When it comes to “compromise,” why is it always the progressives that lose and the corporations and the police state that win? Why should we be quiet in the face of lies?

    So you can go along to get along, but I’m not. The only way that we are going to get change is to demand it. Sitting down and shutting up never accomplished anything.

    What ever gets you through the night…

  13. dv says:

    I had to stop to masturbate and type a blog post at the same time. No score for that though!

  14. dv says:

    It’s us v. them A1 and if you have to give up some of your principles to keep them from winning so be it. What’s so hard about that? Eventually your civil liberties will be given back as soon as all the bad guys are gone.

  15. Joe Cass says:

    Pandora, I took the test. I passed even having taken a hit for “dirty limericks”.
    There’s nothing wrong with limericks
    Its an expression and how I get my kicks
    If my talent was so strong
    to write chords to a song
    There’d be crowds in attendance to flick their Bics

  16. anonone says:

    By the way, the REVEAL is this: When Bush was doing the SAME THINGS that Obomba was doing, you guys wrote almost daily columns expressing your outrage. That is a fact. When Obomba does them: nothing. Not a peep. This blog goes for weeks without a single post about Obomba. Not a one.

    I hope that you eventually learn that when your freedoms are being taken away, including your very right to live, it doesn’t matter if there is an “R” or a “D” after the name of person who is doing it. The republicans consistently put party over country and most of the Democrats who blog here do exactly the same thing.

  17. anon says:

    I guess you are right. Asking your leaders to stick to their principles is best left to Republicans. Democrats don’t seem to get the concept.

  18. a. price says:

    now ive supported this administration quite i bit. I wish there was more, but i understand why the choice was between the steps we’ve made, and nothing.
    This is actually quite offensive. Joe Biden used to be proud to be a fire-breathing liberal. he was a champion for the cause.

    I guess biden would rather we all act like the Teabaggers.

  19. dv says:

    Oh and thanks for linking Jason sincerely.

  20. Joe Cass says:

    Whoa. Blatant lying from a politician? Its never been done!
    As for leadership, scratch the crap out of your ears because you must have had your head up your ass forever. Delaware has had some phenomenal leaders, some have been republican. I’ve never been satisfied with 100% of what either party does, but they seemed to keep jobs and money IN our state. Yeah, big banks rape cardholders. Just be glad that they are Delaware based banks delivering the stiffness to your sphincter. Oh, pollution! Air quality! Water quality! That boo hoo shite has sent DuPont to China and it is a STATE matter. Our DNREC has failed, not Carper,Biden nor Man Pants (i wish i had ’em)Castle. Bleeding leadership! A leader is propelled from the diligence of his/her base.

  21. Haha that progressive test is hilarious!

  22. Miscreant says:

    “… suit made of Credit Cards … GOP down syndromed candidate … dressed in a wolf slash grizzly suit, her own hat festooned with an animated & flaming twin tower replica that has half aborted fetus plummeting to the stage every 18 seconds while straddling atop a 3 foot Oil Derrick shoved up her Vajay-jay… back to the Mama grizzly that has started ripping apart a Koran while masturbating to Genesis being read to her by a guy dressed in a KKK outfit…”
    … in 3D …

    I miss DV.

  23. jason330 says:

    He has a blog. No need to go around missing him.

  24. AstroZombie says:

    Exterminate the whole human race

    solves all my problems, right? except fuel,food and fun. At least I have blood soaked altars to masturbate upon.
    wrong blog. xusa

  25. Brandywine Pete says:

    Vile GOP, nah you mean incompetent liberal Dems are the vile ones.

    Screwed up Afghanistan, huge jobless and record debt. Obama and Biden would have to study to be idiots.

  26. jason330 says:

    That’s some high level argument making right there. Great work Pete.

  27. anonone says:

    “Democrats agree to block Obama nominees”

    This is what you get with weak, dishonest, and disloyal political leadership. But stop whining.

  28. anon says:

    Weak-Kneed Harry Reid just got schooled by McConnell.

  29. dv says:

    Quit whining you far left pricks!

    and I beat you already A1

  30. anon says:

    Buck up, stop whining, and go get drug tested.

  31. delacrat says:

    Comment by anonone @ at 9:41 am:

    “Democrats agree to block Obama nominees”

    Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution:
    The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate.

  32. Geezer says:

    “Screwed up Afghanistan”

    You’ll have a tough job finding a time when Afghanistan has not been screwed up.