Delaware Liberal

The Conspiracy Against Christine O’Donnell

I think it should be obvious by now that there’s a conspiracy against Christine O’Donnell. Someone is running around creating all these false, subtly misleading résumés, with the purpose of making her look bad in 2010. This conspiracy goes back to at least 2002, when some nefarious wrongdoer sent a résumé to the Claremont Institute saying that Christine O’Donnell got a certificate from Oxford. Six years later, this same rogue created a false LinkedIn profile for Christine O’Donnell. I mean, it only took her at least 2 years and 3 weeks of press inquiries for her to figure out someone had done this. This miscreat was really smart though. He also created a false ZoomInfo bio, this time calling it “user verified.” As if.

Why are we talking about this college stuff anyway? That’s like, ancient history. I mean, O’Donnell graduated college way back in September of 2010. Who hasn’t done dumb things at the young age of 41? Obviously, there should be an exception for college essays written 25 years ago because Chris Coons used the magic words “bearded Marxist.” Everything he’s done in the subsequent 25 years is not important because he’s a Democrat.

Anywho…Christine O’Donnell really likes to discuss issues. Issues like building a border fence at the Canadian border. That’s why she sends out tweets like this one:

Yale values! Who wants those? Don’t even get me started on fiscal sanity. I think that same rogue who’s been faking Christine’s résumés has been saying that Christine hasn’t paid her staff, her mortgage or her campaign bills. They’ve also said that the she used campaign donations to pay for her rent, food and bowling trips. They make that sound like a bad thing.

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