Delaware Liberal

What is Next for Liberals?

For argument’s sake, let’s concede the point that Obama has not turned out to be the Democratic President that he projected in the campaign. There is no “strong man” who is going to knock heads together on our behalf. There is no Democratic St. Ronny Reagan on the horizon, so the question remains, what now?

WTO/World Bank style street protests? No. Only a very small fraction of people who want progressive change would ever actually take part in some kind of street action anyway, so that “police state” stuff is really kind of silly. I think a good starting point is to stop attacking each other.

When disappointed liberals feel push back in these pages it is not from people who think they don’t have a point. It is from people like me who think that we first need to organize the liberal firing squad in an outward facing circle.

– Join your local RD?
– Join a single issue liberal group with a track record of getting its message heard?
– Work for local and state politicians that you think can move the ball toward the goal?

I don’t know. I want ideas not excuses. There has got to be something more effective than constant carping and complaining.

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