Delaware Liberal

Monday Open Thread

Welcome to your Monday open thread. It’s Monday so you’re no doubt ready and raring to go! Right? Share your thoughts below.

Conservatives have weird obsessions. Especially with so-called “manliness.” I’ll spare my usual observation that you talk to most about that which you feel most insecure.

I think the hug lacked dignity. It did not send a message of American power and forcefulness. So I fret about the reaction around the world to this kind of fraternity-like emotionalism in full public view.

Why not just a dignified, stand-up, serious handshake? That’s what Reagan would have done. A strong handshake shows friendship, respect, and even affection. But a big fat hug seems to go over the line.

Perhaps I’m overreacting to this. But when it comes to the presidency and the behavior of our top leaders, I think the image we want to send at home and abroad is one of serious strength of purpose. Not some kind of collegiate squeeze. Somehow the Obama-Emanuel embrace seemed demeaning — to the presidency, to our officialdom, and to our strength of purpose.

Let us behold the horror:

I just don’t know how America can hold its head up high anymore. 🙄

Are the DNC’s September fundraising numbers more evidence of the closing of the “enthusiasm gap.” The DNC had a record-breaking haul in September.

The Democratic National Committee will report today that September was the committee’s best fundraising month of the election cycle, besting its previous high, in March, by a significant amount.

Brad Woodhouse, a spokesman for the DNC, said the organization plans to report raising more than $16 million last month; in March, the committee raised about $13.3 million.

Even better for the Democrats, most of that money came from the kind of contributors who fueled the Obama for President campaign in 2008: low-dollar donors who gave online or sent small checks in the mail.

I hope the enthusiasm gap is closing. The return of Republican rule could mean a disaster for our economy.

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