Time To Stock Up On Bendy Straws

Filed in Delaware by on October 6, 2010

Tonight Sarah Palin told Sean Hannity that she is going to come to Delaware to campaign for Christine O’Donnell. I’m sure this will really help, since Sarah Palin has a favorable/unfavorable rating of 22/48.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. OpenMinded says:

    Well, we can all get together and boo her like they did on DWTS. There’s that.

  2. She’s unpopular generally but popular with the O’Donnell/Urquhart base. However, those guys don’t need much more firing up, so on that front she’d be of limited use. On the Democratic side she might fire up people more than O’Donnell alone, but I’m not sure by how much. Potentially she could catalyze moderate Republicans/independents to get to the polling place on election day … to cast votes for Coons. She’s not popular with them. So I’m not sure how her coming here would play out, but probably you’re right about it not helping the Republicans. Unless for some reason the tea partiers aren’t as excited as they seem, but I see no evidence suggesting that.

  3. anon says:

    Is any money changing hands?

  4. Delaware Lefty says:

    So momma griz is coming to help Christie campaign. What are they going to do, hang out in Christine’s super secret campaign hideout??

  5. jason330 says:

    Someone should ask O’Donnell if she thinks Palin is qualified to be the President of the United States.

  6. Another Mike says:

    So Palin is going to campaign for O’Donnell, but no one has really seen O’Donnell campaigning for O’Donnell.

  7. L Frank Baum of Chittenango says:

    I think that I last saw O’Donnell, her feet protruding from under a house. With 2 million dollar ruby slippers on them. And now her sister, the wicked witch of the west is coming to claim the slippers. Run Toto, Run!

  8. skippertee says:

    Don’t knock those Bendy Straws.
    When putting “bends” into 40′ lengths of natural gas pipes for eventually welding into a continuous length, it was critical that the SEAM, the weld that turned the once flat sheet of high-grade steel into a circle and held it together, were on opposite sides in adjoining sections.
    So they numbered the joints of pipe.Even right,odd left.EROL
    The bending machine only bent “sags”.Yet, you also needed over bends,right and left hand turns and combination bends.This must have confused the mostly Southwestern pipe-liners who kept the operation of the BENDER a big secret for many years.Whenever they came into my local that job immediately went to their guy.
    Until one day in 1988.
    The local picked me to go on a job where, due to circumstances, the bending man had a choice to make.TRAIN me to run the machine, or let me sit on my ass 10 hours a day/6 days a week for the next four months.He taught me to run the machine.
    There is a lot of math involved.And the seams did get confusing.He would use a welding rod to mimic what the joint of pipe should look like and showed me this “trick”.
    I went home one night and my young nephew was spending the night with his grandparents and me.Mom made me something and I made him some chocolate milk.He asked for a straw and I handed him one. He put it in his glass and bent it over and I said to myself he just made an over bend.It was an EUREKA moment.Two of those BENDY STRAWS together would simulate any combination of bends I had seen.
    So I put a prototype together that fit in my pocket, complete with black magic-marker seam.
    The next day, when that hillbillies fooling around with his welding rod, I whip out my BENDY STRAW and tell him “Top right,let’s git it,time’s a wastin'”. When he confirmed it he said you’re pickin’ this up pretty quick.
    I showed him my gizmo a couple days later.
    And he left the next day, tweaked my idea a little bit, manufactured and sold enough to start a computer company that dirty son-of-a bitch.
    Yes, that’s tight, I’m talking about Bill Gates.
    And that’s why I’m so BITTER !

  9. MJ says:

    L Frank wins!

    Have they announce where this campaign appearance is going to be? We could all dress up like witches and attend.

  10. skippertee says:

    I’m willing to go for it on one condition. Endora has GOT to make me LOOK like ELVIRA ! And I WANT the huge CANS.No need to worry about my gams. They’re spectacular as they are.

  11. paratrooper18 says:

    Looks like they are going to con the out of state donors into more donations. They seriously do not think they are going to peel off democrats away from coons.. (dam laughed so hard milk came out of my nose ).

    This is starting to become an amway scheme or something. I wonder what the split between palin and o’donnell is at this point on the rake?

  12. pandora says:

    Deal, skipper!

  13. skippertee says:

    You got it, Endora ! If you can work the MAGIC, I’m willing to be your familiar. LET’S DO IT !