Ginger Gibson Moving On

Filed in Delaware by on October 7, 2010

We knew that after the national media got a look at Ginger Gibson, she wouldn’t be long for this one-horse town.  We got a tip that she has accepted a position with the Newark (pronounced new-irk) Star-Ledger in New Jersey.  This is a shame for Delaware, as she was one of the good reporters over at the News Journal.  Her coverage of the exploits of Christine O’Donnell have garnered her national media attention in the past few weeks.

But prior to that, Ginger has been a good reporter doing the grunt work that is required to cover Delaware politics.  In addition, she has been a pioneer at the News Journal in the effective use of Twitter and Facebook.  I hope that the News Journal will replace her with someone with an equal amount of integrity and tech savvy.

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  1. I hope that Ginger’s replacement continues her apparent 18-month odyssey to uncover the House travel records that Terry Spence and his successor, Bob Gilligan, have successfully kept from the public.

    Since when does the public not have a right to know about legislative travel, especially with the allegations of excessive travel dispensation under Spence’s ‘leadership’? This is a coverup, pure and simple.

    I really liked Ginger as a reporter, but her failure to follow up on this, as she had promised, was a disappointment, to say the least.

  2. Delbert says:

    Newark, NJ will be a nice palce for Ginger.

  3. jpconnorjr says:

    Delbert I like a guy who stays in character, your’s being asshole:)

    Good luck, Ginger it was a forgone conclusion you were going somewhere. Enjoy being almost in the Big Apple!

  4. Dana Garrett says:

    That’s a shame for us. I thought Ginger did a good job. I wish her the best in her new venture.

  5. bluehenbuddy says:

    Well, Ginger moves on ! What a loss for the reporting staff at TNJ. Finally they had a beat reporter who wasn’t affarid to ask the tough questions. Good luck Ginger. Job well done.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    Good luck Ginger! I hope that she will be covering Cory Booker, who may be the most interesting politician around right now…..