Guess Who Didn’t Go To Yale?

Filed in National by on October 7, 2010

Me, I mean you. This “I’m you” thing is very confusing.

She also didn’t go to Princeton or Oxford.

Is Christine O’Donnell going to have a whole lot of commercials outlining the things she isn’t? Personally I can’t wait for the commerical “so I fudged my résumé, I’m you.”

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Third thought: who else hates the music in these ads? I feel like someone’s putting an infant to bed.

  2. anon says:

    First thought: “OMG, this one’s real!”

    Second thought one second later: “She’s doubling down on these ads? “

  3. pandora says:

    I can’t believe she’s sticking with the “I’m you” nonsense.

    So let’s counter that with this:

    (Thanks for sending me the video, cassandra m!)

  4. Delbert says:

    I never knew Coons was a rich kid that went to Yale. He comes across as a lawyer who was too dumb to make it in private practice or work his way up in a reputable firm. So he made his living being a sponge on the non-profits. A Yalie, huh? Probably sang with the Whippenpoofs.

  5. MJ says:

    So when will her media handlers get the hint that this whole “I’m You” line is falling flat? Guess they’re taking a nice chunk of that $2.5 million.

    My guess is her former campaign manager, the ambulance chaser, wrote these. The scripts are very much him.

  6. MJ says:

    Delbert, at least he went to college, a real college and didn’t get his degree from a diploma mill or a cereal box top like you.

  7. Boxwood says:

    Why does O’Donnell continue to make an issue of Coons inherited wealth? Doesn’t she oppose the death tax?

  8. cassandra_m says:

    That music is horrific — the kind of stuff that appears in those “Are you feeling not so fresh?” ads…….

    and that oh-so-faux concerned voice. At the end of this series, she’s going to be selling feminine hygiene products, you wait.

  9. Anon Knows Nothing says:

    Protack has a kid at Yale, wonder if he thinks the place sucks?

  10. Melissa says:

    So, we’ve reached the day when NOT going to a good university is a badge of honor? If I believed in god, I’d be praying for humanity.

  11. Dr. Strangevote says:

    What does Chrissy the Pooh know about taxes? According to her filings she qualifies for many public assistance programs. Making less than $6000 in a year, what taxes could she possibly pay????

  12. ek says:

    The Giant Word is win!

  13. OpenMinded says:

    Well, at least they removed the boiling steam rising from the cauldron behind her. I have to say, that PR firm is playing her. No content in the copy and a set that cost about $4.12 with music that is basically one-handed piano plunking.


  14. dv says:

    I wash my vajayjay with a monkey claw I got from my shaman. It’s ok though, I use it so I don’t make any contact at all with my naughty naughty and possibly arouse myself.

    I’m you

  15. I pay for my living quarters with campaign funds? I had no idea! When’s that check coming anyway?

    Seems like it would be pretty “tough” “to make and keep a dollar” as a professional, and not very successful, candidate.

  16. Miscreant says:

    I didn’t go to Yale either. So… in that context, she is me. Conversely, because I went to Delaware State, I suppose I am Louis Farrakhan?

  17. pandora says:

    I didn’t go to Yale either. So… in that context, Miscreant is me? Or, me too? Or… I am the Walrus?

  18. We are actually all miscreant.

  19. The National Review reviews the ad:

    Instead, O’Donnell begins, “I didn’t go to Yale.” Er, no, but she’s been accused of serially misrepresenting her education record. She continues, “I didn’t inherit millions, like my opponent.” Besides the slight dollop of envy it suggests, it’s a poor defense to the accusations of stiffing former employees. Again, if the aim is to make the race about what’s happening in Washington or what Chris Coons would do in office, turn to those issues a bit quicker — Election Day is in less than four weeks!

    Finally, the slogan “I’m you” recurs again, twice, and I’m not sure how far that will carry her. It’s clear what they were going for, but perhaps, “I’m not the establishment” or “I’m not Washington,” or “I’m the only candidate that’s as angry as you are about what’s going on in Washington.” I find it too easy to imagine a voter saying, “You’re not me.” For starters, if you went to Yale, she’s explicitly saying she’s not you.

    Maybe folks will love this ad, but to me it feels like a misstep.

    Chris Coons’s campaign sent out a press release after the first commercial was released saying something like Christine O’Donnell wants to talk about herself, I want to talk about you. You can watch Chris Coons’s latest ad and judge for yourself:

  20. Miscreant says:

    “We are actually all miscreant.”

    My work here is done.

  21. Belinsky says:

    She can’t say, “I didn’t go to Amherst,” because her target audience never heard of it.

  22. Delbert says:

    Prozac has a kid at Yale? The kid must have a smart mother.

  23. V says:

    Bush went to Yale. And Harvard. It wasn’t a smear then.

  24. Delaware Horsepower says:

    At least O’Donnell did go to college. Guess who didn’t go at all even though she said she did? Funny how you hypocrites never called out that corrupt bitch KWS on her total lack of education and job experience that she invented out of thin air. O’Donnell committed the unforgivable sin of being a Republican which makes it open season on her for you, doesn’t it. Just keep on protecting the corrupt DE thugocracy and see where it gets you in November.

  25. Joe Cass says:

    Well written Horsehockey! We’ll take care of KWS next election because she is actually in office, something your little lying lass will never be. How’s that taste?

  26. Delaware Horsepower says:

    I don’t care if O’Donnell doesn’t get elected. The difference between your treatment of her and KWS is just too glaring not to comment on. KWS should have been exposed before she was elected. Had that happpened she wouldn’t be in office now and get ever richer off state funds and payoffs from insurers. She won’t run for reelection because she already has untold millions and will have more before the end of her term. Someone ought to have her impeached but the cover-up artists are all getting cut in so they don’t want to turn off their cash cow. And that’s the truth, whether you want to believe it or not.

  27. Joe Cass says:

    Blah blah blah Horsehockey. KWS stinks out loud! There, you happy? The main difference in treatment between the two is the race is for a national office. Thats the senate, buddy. They affect the entire country and our global policies. KWS is gone next primary, but she never ran her mouth spewing so many ridiculous comments as COD, on national programming. We treat asshole plumber Joe the same way and he hasn’t ran for anything (puts him 1 over COD). So do you get it now or do you need a pop up book? Seriously, are you one of those mice with human brains? Give ya a piece of cheeeeeeeeese.

  28. Delaware Horsepower says:

    Yeah, yeah. I know all that. KWS didn’t run her mouth because her minders wouldn’t let her. If you’d paid attention back in 2008, you’d know that the few times she got out of her cage unsupervised and on the radio, she opened her mouth and proved how stupid she is. It was hilarious. How quickly they forget.

    By the way, you ought to brush up on your grammar. It’s “he hasn’t run”, not “he hasn’t ran”.

  29. Joe Cass says:

    Thanks for policing my grammar! I love to be proven wrong. However, I did listen to her being interviewed on WDEL and heard what a total catastrophe she was(is). Your point remains moot. COD is the licensed target because she is at present running for office. KWS is in office. You really should check into the archives here to discover how much support KWS had on this site. Let me give you a hint, little to none.

  30. Brian Shields says:

    Why is she reminding us of her flaws? Yale reminds us of her college resume discrepancies.

    This must have been an earlier take. She has more energy and is less whiny. The Witch ad seemed so practiced and rehearsed she was bored to tears and whined her way through it.

    Her voice just comes off like a spoiled brat trying to get her way, IMO.

  31. cookie says:


    I doubt Protack is smart enough to read a cereal box top, much less attend a college.

  32. Miscreant says:

    So, Brian, is this a Libertarian endorsement of the bearded Marxist, or do you just hate women now?

  33. Will McVay says:

    I’d expect most libertarians would endorse the Libertarian candidate, Jim Rash, not O’Donnell or Coons…

  34. Geezer says:

    Delaware Horsepower: Nobody doubts that it’s the truth. What we lack is hard evidence so she can be arrested. Without that, nothing anyone says makes a difference. If you have evidence of these allegations, take it to the authorities.

  35. Delaware Horsepower says:

    Geezer: Remember what happened at the legislative hearings back in April. Plenty of evidence of KWS’s corruption was provided to the legislators, including her taking kickbacks from the crony consultants she’s paying almost $200K each per year. McDowell arranged for her to get their soft questions ahead of time so Jacobson could script the answers for her, but nothing was asked about misuse of state funds and the whole thing got swept under the rug. The same thing is happening now with the huge amounts she’s taken in payoffs from various insurers. Several layers of cover up go WAY up in the state hierarchy. No one involved in it will expose her because they don’t want to answer questions about their own role in this conspiracy. Money will buy you just about anything, even a very lucrative four years as IC, and I don’t mean her state salary.

    KWS won’t run for reelection but she’s now schmoozing for a federal appointment having to do with Obama’s health care plan. That’s ridiculous but is the reason why Jacobson is constantly putting out press releases lately where she explains the plan, or rather Jacobson explains it since she can’t read most of it or understand any of it. I doubt she’ll get such an appointment because her illiteracy and stupidity will become obvious and will be too much of a liability for the administration. Jacobson doing everything for her may work in Delaware but it won’t in DC. By the way, Jacobson was never demoted as she claimed in June. It was another lie, just window dressing to make herself look better with Jacobson’s consent.

    No doubt she’ll finish out this term and will retire with her stolen millions to her grand new home in Florida as planned.

  36. Geezer says:

    Where’s the evidence of those kickbacks? That should go to the U.S. Attorney.

  37. Delaware Horsepower says:

    Ask the legislators.

  38. Geezer says:

    Sorry, that won’t fly. If there’s evidence, there are places to bring it. Hell, bring it to the newspaper. It’s not up to the legislators to do something. If there’s evidence, bring it forth. If it’s not brought forth, I have to conclude there’s no evidence. “Evidence of kickbacks” ought to be pretty straightforward — checks, banking accounts, something of that nature. Does it exist?

  39. Delaware Horsepower says:

    You’re wrong. It was up to the legislators to do something with the evidence they were given. It’s called impeachment. Criminal prosecution follows. Your suggestion to bring it to the newspaper is ludicrous. Other than nobody Nancy Willing, the WNJ has been Karen Weldin Stewart’s biggest supporter since before her election despite many questions about her qualifications and integrity, or rather lack thereof.