Delaware Liberal

Some Random Political Musings

*If Richard Korn didn’t intend to, you know, actually campaign for office, why did he file? He’s hiding b/c he (allegedly) is afraid that Delawareans won’t take to his Lawn Guyland accent? Is this something he just discovered? Congratulations to Korn for enabling the profoundly mediocre Tom Wagner to waltz back into office.

*Brad Bennett has surpassed (the Brandywine Hundred) Dennis Williams as most-endangered D House incumbent. Celia had the DUI story, but what threw me for a loop was not only that he and his wife have separated, but that his wife is Brian Bushweller’s sister (daughter?). Anyways, while we may not know what’s been going on in the Bennett family manse, you can bet that they (residents of the district) do. Can’t say I feel any sympathy for Bennett. He’s just like his old man, a green eyeshade budget hawk with no personal empathy, and a ‘law & order’ guy always pushing the envelope on minimum mandatories. I love it when holier-than-thou types get their comeuppance.

*Ya gotta wonder if Joe Booth would have taken that sleazy pay grab from Sussex Tech if the hapless D’s had bothered to actually run someone against him. Betcha the ghoulish Adams family and Sen. Bob Venables (D-Mars) are right proud of themselves about  getting the original nominee out of the Special Election. Wouldn’t be shocked if Venables is actually on the board at Sussex Tech. This story needs more reporting.

*John Carney’s sign presence in Brandywine Hundred is still piss poor. Could it be that people don’t want the sign of someone who supports keeping the Bush tax cuts for the rich on their lawn? Come to think of it, that’s why his sign isn’t on my lawn. I mean, seriously, we have heard hosannas from those who work for him about how he can’t stand intellectual dishonesty. Let me spell it out for John: As a Democrat who claims working-class roots and working-class values, your support of exorbitant tax cuts for billionaires is intellectually dishonest. Very cynical and very disappointing.

*Look for Ed Freel and the other Igors at Carper Cryogenics to get behind Bryon Short for Insurance Commissioner in 2012. At first glance, it makes sense as you’re replacing a total incompetent with someone who is, at the least, competent. But the Freel/Meconi presence should tell you all you need to know…no matter how ‘progressive’ the language may sound, the new IC will be every bit the shill for the insurance companies that Carper and Freel are/were. Remember that it was Short, chair of the House Insurance & Everything Else Committee, who said that there was ‘nothing (he) could do’ to hold Stewart’s feet to the fire. That statement was manna from heaven for the insurance industry. So, what we’ll get is a far more effective front man for the industry, which will mean that all’s right with the Delaware Way. And Short gives the greatest illusion of sincerity since Tom Carper, who he used to work for.  I’ve never been fooled more completely by a politician, which is saying something after 25 years of working with them. Won’t get fooled again.

Wish I could be more positive about the D’s than this, but, aside from Coons, who shows some progressive bona fides, they’re far from an inspiring bunch.

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