Christine O’Donnell Emerges From Her Bunker

Filed in National by on October 8, 2010

Christine O’Donnell obviously got tired of being in her dank cave guarding her precious. She gave an interview to “local” station CNN.

In one part of the interview, she shows off her math skills:

On the Bill Maher tapes: “No I haven’t been embarrassed. And I’m not saying that I’m proud. You know, obviously what they’re trying to do is paint a picture of who I was 20 years ago. I’ve matured in my faith. I’ve matured in my policies. Today you have a 40-something woman running for office. Not a 20-year-old. So that’s a big difference.”

The Bill Maher clips I’ve seen were from 1998 and 1999. I’m not a mathmetician but 2010-1998 = 12. Also 41 – 12 = 29. So, no, Christine wasn’t 20 when she was saying these things, she was 29 or 30 years old. There’s also newer tapes, in 2007 she talked about “mice with human brains” and in 2006 she talked about classified information about China’s U.S. take-over plans.

This part made my head spin with dizziness – it reminds me of people who reword the question and pretend that’s actually an answer (and hope you didn’t notice):

Health care reform — scrap the whole thing including consumer protections? “What I want to do is create real health care reform. Things like that are absolutely crucial and you have to make sure that people with pre-existing conditions get the coverage and carte that they need. I want to scrap the bill and start over with real reform, piece by piece. Nobody is disputing that we need health care reform, but this bill is a massive government takeover of the health care system that gives the government way too much power.”

Great idea! We’ll make sure people while pre-existing conditions lose their health care coverage while we figure out how to give them coverage. Brilliant!


Is a repeal realistic? “If Barack Obama vetoes that the year before his re-election, he’s setting himself up to be very vulnerable and I’ve seen many Hillary for President ads running. So if he chooses to thumb his nose at the will of the American people and ram this unrealistic, unconstitutional bill down America’s throats, then there will be consequences politically for Obama.”

Where has she seen Hillary for President ads?

O’Donnell actually talked to real, live voters in Delaware! She’s really gaining momentum now.

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell spoke to a group of about 60 voters in Newark on Wednesday night in one of her first publicly announced events in weeks.

The candidate, who had cut most public events out of her schedule following her Sept. 14 primary upset of Rep. Mike Castle, spent 30 minutes talking to a group of Republicans and Independents.

Many in the room sported O’Donnell T-shirts and a small crowd waved signs outside the Newark Republican Regional Headquarters.

The interview-style meeting featured a mix of prepared questions about O’Donnell’s upbringing and her views on the issues.

She fielded four questions from the audience.

Far be it for me to give advice to Republican candidates, but trying to be “me” while avoiding Delaware’s “me’s” doesn’t really make much sense. It smacks of elitism to run a campaign by talking to only your friends.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (38)

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  1. Boxwood says:

    The empty desk behind her is a metaphor.

  2. pandora says:

    “If Barack Obama vetoes that the year before his re-election, he’s setting himself up to be very vulnerable and I’ve seen many Hillary for President ads running.”

    Nice to know Christine thinks Obama will be re-elected.

  3. Delbert says:

    The Tea Party drew a huge crowd at the Millsboro Fire Hall last night. Filled all three parking lots and both sides of the side street there. I’m forecasting a large right-leaning voter turn out in November.

  4. TommyWonk says:

    She won’t be out of her bunker long enough to discuss environmental issues:

  5. anon says:

    So, no, Christine wasn’t 20 when she was saying these things, she was 29 or 30 years old.

    Actually she is 1200 years old. So she is old enough to know better.

  6. anon says:

    The Tea Party drew a huge crowd at the Millsboro Fire Hall last night.

    And that is exactly where they belong.

    I’m forecasting a large right-leaning voter turn out in November.

    With that kind of forecasting skill, you should offer your services to the O’Donnell campaign for a fee.

  7. Dominique says:

    Wow, Anon. Elitist much? Aint nuthin’ but a bunch of hicks down below that there canal, huh? Ain’t no docs er lawyurs er enjuneers or nuthin’. Two bad they ain’t got none uf ya’ll smert fokes too git im threw lahfe.

  8. MJ says:

    Delbert has stolen Delusional David’s crack pipe and has been smoking it for the past week. That’s the only explanation for his crazy posts on here.

  9. I think we all know that Christine O’Donnell has some passionate supporters. To win, however, she needs to attract new people and she needs to flip voters from Coons to herself. What is she doing to do that?

  10. Aoine says:

    Im wondering….with all those Tea Baggerz at the Millsboro fire hall

    was there a full set of teeth among them??

    I mean – lets face it – look at the folks that live out that way!

    Sussex isn’t all full of hicks – but long neck and millsboro’s got em thar fair share

  11. anon says:

    was there a full set of teeth among them??

    Medicare does not pay for dentures. So if you see a senior with no teeth, congratulate them on their fiscal conservatism. They saved a lot of money on dental care in their lifetime, and didn’t hit up taxpayers for the bill.

    Never mind that bad teeth are associated with costly coronary problems, cancers, and infections. That there is just book learning – Yale culture.

  12. anon2 says:

    No offense to our friends in the south, but most elections are decided in the north because the population numbers are in New Castle County. Winning New Castle County by a wide margin essentially guarantees a victory. Looking at the recent polling numbers-her unfavorables are so high she is going to have a hard time changing minds this close to the election.

  13. Geezer says:

    “Elitist much?”

    Why? Feeling inadequate again? Ever notice that you only post here when you start resenting people acting like they’re smarter than you?

    And since when are there no hick doctors or lawyers?

  14. Dr. Strangevote says:

    But anon2 she does not need to change minds- she IS you, and she already knows that she is voting for herself.

  15. Looking at the recent polling numbers-her unfavorables are so high she is going to have a hard time changing minds this close to the election.

    That’s why I am totally confused by her decision to not make public appearances for 3 weeks. Does her team think she’ll do the same thing to Coons that she did to Castle? Didn’t she actually go to events to beat Castle? I thought that was part of her appeal – she was out there working and Castle was assuming he’d win without doing anything. It’s almost like the roles are reversed now. That’s my confusion – why is she acting like an incumbent or someone who is far ahead?

  16. Perhaps she’s doing a lot of appearances in Sussex and Kent. I don’t really know. She’s going have to convince a lot of people in NCCo to vote for her, too.

  17. anon says:

    I think if she keeps making public appearances, she will drive her vote total so low the GOP might become a minor party.

  18. Can you elaborate anon?

  19. anon says:

    The point is COD’s ads and appearances seem to be hurting her.

    I am thinking of this scenario… in CO when you get less than 10% you are classified as a minor party, and in the next election your whole slate is listed lower on the ballot. In CO though there is a three way race, so the GOP is going to finish last for Gov.

    Not sure if we have similar rules in Delaware, but certainly there would be other problems for all GOP candidates, like not being invited to debates.

    Probably not an issue though since she is at 31%, and if Kent and Sussex turn out for COD like it seems they will.

  20. Boxwood says:

    Does anyone know if COD is attending the candidate forum in Newark tomorrow that’s being hosted by WDEL?

  21. UUFN forum says:

    The O’Donnell campaign has not yet decided whether
    1) Christine O’Donnell will attend, even perhaps for a short period (Chris Coons will be there less than an hour)
    2) a campaign representative will attend and will read an opening and a closing statement from Ms. O’Donnell, or
    3) a campaign spokesperson, specifically authorized by Ms. O’Donnell, will attend, give opening and closing statements, and participate in the questions and answers

    We have asked to hear from them on their decision by noon, and if they choose #3, we will decide on whether the spokesperson will be permitted to field Q&A–the decision will depend on the spokesperson’s position in the campaign and related credentials.

    our goal is to enable the audience to better understand where each candidate stands on issues that matter to them. Based on our experiences in the past, we do not wish an ‘unofficial’ backer of a candidate to appear to speak for the candidate.

    Please remember that our format calls for audience members to write their questions on 3×5 cards, which will be collected and handed to the moderators (WDEL’s Allan Loudell for the morning sessions, and WDEL’s Al Mascitti for the afternoon sessions) to choose from.

  22. Geezer says:

    “I’m forecasting a large right-leaning voter turn out in November.”

    It will be in Sussex, but it’s not gonna be enough to elect O’Donnell. I heard David Wilson of UD’s polling operation say that Urquhart is about 16 points ahead of Carney in Sussex, but Coons and O’Donnell are neck and neck. Which means that only the dumber hayseeds are buying it.

  23. I hope she loses all three counties again. Maybe that would make her go away. (I know, wishful thinking)

  24. Joe Cass says:

    UI, she’s long gone already. Fox has a seat for her waiting to be filled.

  25. Polemical says:

    The ‘Real’ question these days isn’t ‘Where’s Christine?’ It’s Where the HECK is Carney. I rarely see campaign signs (before and/or after the primary), I never see print ads or mailers, and I haven’t seen or heard him reaching out to the Delaware voters via radio, local television or even community events.

    I’m sure he’s out there; however, from my standpoint, I just haven’t seen it. It’s like he’s been in hiding since the NKS Distributors/Minner administration ‘DE good-ole-boy/gal’ deal was uncovered.

    I know he debated Urquhart at UD earlier this week, but other than that?…..

  26. Carney’s been at the events I’ve seen Coons at. He’s definitely not in hiding. Since you asked here’s the latest I got from his campaign, his first TV spot:

  27. pandora says:

    I like how that ad ties Urquhart to O’Donnell – which is where he belongs.

  28. anonone says:

    Do you like how he talks about Xtine and Glenn wanting to shift the tax burden to the middle class while he supports doing exactly the same thing by supporting extending the Bush tax cuts for millionaires?

  29. anon2 says:

    UI- good points above. I think her media and mailings onslaught is going to motivate dems to get out to support Chris(BTW-who are the 15% of dems voting for her?) and turn off independents as she goes more negative against Chris, because we know that is her only card to play–casting him as evil incarnate ready to do the president’s bidding. She just does not have enough time to turn it around.

  30. Anon Knows Nothing says:

    The GOP in Delaware will crater this year with or without O’Donnell’s gaffes, the entire structure of the party is kaput. Yes, GOPers might get excited on the fringe but way too many will simply assume all is lost.

    The losers are going to be the local races where no GOP seat is safe.

    The GOP spent so much fighting O’Donnell and Urquhart it has no money left to fight this fall.

  31. Grania says:

    Jake Tapper of ABC news is tweeting O’Donnell to be on Bill M. show tonight – maybe via satellite?

  32. UUFNForum says:

    Christine O’Donnell expects to stop by the Newark forum tomorrow morning for a brief time, between 10 and 11am.

  33. xstryker says:

    I’m much less interested in bozogate than I am in the fact that she has “no opinion” on global warming, and she believes the zombie lie that tax cuts increase revenue. Republicans aren’t simply ignorant of facts, they are on a crusade to suppress them.

  34. Boxwood says:

    Good TV spot by Carney. The b&w still photo of Uquhart is scary, especially coming after that cute little girl.

  35. PSB says:

    Christine O’Donnell indeed participated in today’s forum. She took a few questions from WDEL’s Allan Loudell, and she met with attendees and for ten minutes or so.

    It appears that she is has entered phase III (phase I was the primaries, she was everywhere, accusing Castle of ducking events–phase II was first 3 weeks after the primary, ducking events with Coons–phase III, out in the public again?)

  36. Blu Coq says:

    Sarah Palin comes… at a price. I’m thinking a nice stay at Dover Downs and probably not in Rehoboth?