Delaware Liberal

Christine O’Donnell Emerges From Her Bunker

Christine O’Donnell obviously got tired of being in her dank cave guarding her precious. She gave an interview to “local” station CNN.

In one part of the interview, she shows off her math skills:

On the Bill Maher tapes: “No I haven’t been embarrassed. And I’m not saying that I’m proud. You know, obviously what they’re trying to do is paint a picture of who I was 20 years ago. I’ve matured in my faith. I’ve matured in my policies. Today you have a 40-something woman running for office. Not a 20-year-old. So that’s a big difference.”

The Bill Maher clips I’ve seen were from 1998 and 1999. I’m not a mathmetician but 2010-1998 = 12. Also 41 – 12 = 29. So, no, Christine wasn’t 20 when she was saying these things, she was 29 or 30 years old. There’s also newer tapes, in 2007 she talked about “mice with human brains” and in 2006 she talked about classified information about China’s U.S. take-over plans.

This part made my head spin with dizziness – it reminds me of people who reword the question and pretend that’s actually an answer (and hope you didn’t notice):

Health care reform — scrap the whole thing including consumer protections? “What I want to do is create real health care reform. Things like that are absolutely crucial and you have to make sure that people with pre-existing conditions get the coverage and carte that they need. I want to scrap the bill and start over with real reform, piece by piece. Nobody is disputing that we need health care reform, but this bill is a massive government takeover of the health care system that gives the government way too much power.”

Great idea! We’ll make sure people while pre-existing conditions lose their health care coverage while we figure out how to give them coverage. Brilliant!


Is a repeal realistic? “If Barack Obama vetoes that the year before his re-election, he’s setting himself up to be very vulnerable and I’ve seen many Hillary for President ads running. So if he chooses to thumb his nose at the will of the American people and ram this unrealistic, unconstitutional bill down America’s throats, then there will be consequences politically for Obama.”

Where has she seen Hillary for President ads?

O’Donnell actually talked to real, live voters in Delaware! She’s really gaining momentum now.

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell spoke to a group of about 60 voters in Newark on Wednesday night in one of her first publicly announced events in weeks.

The candidate, who had cut most public events out of her schedule following her Sept. 14 primary upset of Rep. Mike Castle, spent 30 minutes talking to a group of Republicans and Independents.

Many in the room sported O’Donnell T-shirts and a small crowd waved signs outside the Newark Republican Regional Headquarters.

The interview-style meeting featured a mix of prepared questions about O’Donnell’s upbringing and her views on the issues.

She fielded four questions from the audience.

Far be it for me to give advice to Republican candidates, but trying to be “me” while avoiding Delaware’s “me’s” doesn’t really make much sense. It smacks of elitism to run a campaign by talking to only your friends.

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