Friday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in National by on October 8, 2010

There really is nothing I can say about today’s winner. You just need to watch the video and listen to him and you’ll understand why he wins hands-down.


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A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

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  1. OpenMinded says:

    I just don’t know what to say. I’m dumbfounded. Where are all these dumb people coming from? Is the whole world this dumb, or is it just all that fast food we eat in America that is making us dumber than most?

  2. Joe Cass says:

    So, his 3,500 individual in-state contributors have donated over $1,000,000 into his campaign. Doesn’t that divvy down to over $28,571 per? Is that legal?
    “a 15 year old quote” – sound familiar?
    A side note: I’ve been subjected to rick jensen all week. He has tried to beat up on Maddow without her present (she towers over him). His whine is that she interviews people then clips the video “to make them look stupid”. As anyone can see, nothing was clipped and only Mr.Robinson looks stupid. He also looks about the same age as Jensen so I should go easy on the old homophobe.

  3. heragain says:

    He was at CalTech a lot longer than 15 years ago, but he thinks that’s relevant to his candidacy. What an unpleasant fellow.

    One of the centerpieces of the homeschool curriculum whose sales mostly support him is a 1911 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica.

  4. Joe Cass says:

    But if being at CalTech IS relevant, but his writings from after that AREN’T then what conclusion can one draw?That earth is 6,000 years old,right?

  5. heragain says:

    You’ll like this, UI.

    I searched for peer-reviewed publications by this eminent ‘independent’ scientist too smart for Maddow.

    PPT] Skeptics – PowerPoint Presentation
    File Format: Microsoft Powerpoint – View as HTML
    Peer-reviewed – but controversy surrounding its acceptance. 3. 2007, by A. B. Robinson, N.E. Robinson and W. Soon, in Journal of American Physicians and … – Similar

    Fabulous. One hit & a lot of misrepresentation.

  6. Art Robinson’s micro-expressions are telling… they’re so noticeable, and I’m not an expert or anything.

    I see him flash what appears to be contempt when he’s welcomed on the show (and obviously he doesn’t like her based on what he says within a few minutes), and then you see a hint of a smile when she asks to confirm that he has no idea who the secret funder is. To me, that says he knows damn well who it is and thinks he’s getting away with it. His languorous chair swivels seem to give off the same confident air. When he finishes his rant at around 3:22, he leans back and smirks for a second as if he’s won a major argument. When she comes right back with an attack, there’s a flash of anger (I think) in his smile. Every time he leans back to listen I see contempt, contempt, contempt. When he says “I’m a scientist and a very good one,” I see that smile again that says he thinks he’s getting away with something.

    The weirdest facial expression is something I see from wingnuts all the time, though it’s not limited to them obviously, which is the broad, fixed smile when engaged in a heated argument on stuff like conspiracy theories. It’s like they’re furious but still think they’re so completely right that they can smile with righteousness or something. But I may have read too much into that out of person bias.

    I like the look she gives, sort of a flash of anger, when he tells her to “settle down.” She’s a pro, but you can still see it in her eyes for a second. It’s also fun to imagine how fast and interview like that on FOX or hate radio would have ended had it been a right-wing host interviewing a left-wing candidate.

    Given how much contempt he was showing, I don’t understand why he ever agreed to go on the show.

  7. Brian Shields says:

    He’s a uniter, don’t throw mud at him. LOL dayum.

    Nancy Grace would have shut him down in 30 seconds. Probably why she’s on HLN and not on MSNBC.