Delaware Liberal

Adventures Of Our Senate Candidates

The News Journal did in-depth profiles of both Chris Coons and Christine O’Donnell. If you’ve been paying attention I don’t think there is much new stuff in either article. The profile on Coons details his college years (and the “Bearded Marxist” article), his time at Yale and his work on advocacy for affordable housing.

As a law student, Coons became an advocate for housing and homelessness issues, joining a group of students who sued Connecticut on behalf of 1,200 homeless men, women and children.

Coons carried his work on fair housing into his political world. As council president, he led a two-year fight to institute New Castle County’s first rental registration and inspection program.

As county executive, Coons started a task force to crack down on rental properties plagued by high crime rates and rampant building-code violations.

Christine O’Donnell’s profile describes her years as a rightwing activist and her early runs for Senate. I’m not sure what goes on in Christine O’Donnell’s mind but she claims to have heard the audible voice of God.

Just four years ago, she told The News Journal that during the primary she “heard the audible voice of God. He said, ‘Credibility.’ It wasn’t a thought in my head. I thought it meant I was going to win. But after the primary, I got credibility.”

Two years later, during another Senate run, she implored voters: “When you go into the voting booth, ask God which candidate will further the kingdom of God.”

These days, she talks more about the Constitution than the Bible.

One of O’Donnell’s classmate says she’s a nice person but is skeptical of O’Donnell’s claim to have dabbled in witchcraft in high school.

Morelli said he never heard of anyone involved in the dark arts at Moorestown High School.

“Goodness gracious, when I think Moorestown, that’s the last thing I think of,” Morelli laughed. “I think of penny loafers with pennies in them and every other preppy attribute that would go with that.”

O’Donnell has started doing interviews and making appearances again. She’s quietly broken her pledge to do local media only. In an interview with Greta van Susteren O’Donnell told us what Senate committee she would like to serve on:

Delaware Republican Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell said Friday she “would love” to be on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee if elected in November.

And really, why shouldn’t someone with such a nuanced position on foreign policy serve on the Foreign Relations committee?

She referenced the foreign policy of former President Ronald Reagan. “His foreign policy was summed up in four words – We win, they lose,” she said. “And he did that by not backing down, by not compromising, by strengthening our military and making it once again that the threat of military action, U.S. military action, had some teeth to it. Right now, it doesn’t, and that’s tragic.”

Way to insult the troops there, Christine. Also, how do Republicans explain Reagan’s withdrawal from Lebanon after a terrorist bombing? I guess like all the tax-raising Reagan did, Republicans just ignore it or pretend it didn’t happen.

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