Delaware Liberal

Monday’s Asshat of the Day

As you may have heard, Carl Paladino (he of the imprisoning the homeless so we can teach them hygiene) told a group of Orthodox Jews that homosexuals “brainwash” children. So, in honor of National Coming Out Day, our winner today is David Barton.

No, not that David Barton (the gay-friendly gym owner), but this David Barton.

Yes, we have another person who believes that “homosexuals should be regulated.” I remember back when AIDS was first discovered, there were calls from some right-wing fanatics to tattoo all gay men so you could avoid them. That way, you couldn’t catch AIDS by being in the same room with them or using the same drinking fountain or toilet. And unfortunately, some people haven’t evolved.

“We have a Department of Health and Human Services; we have health care bills; we have health insurance and we’re trying to stop all unhealthy things so we’re going after transfats and we’re going after transparency in labeling to make sure we get all the healthy stuff in there.”

He continued:

So if I got to the Centers for Disease Control and I’m concerned about health, I find some interesting stats there and this should tell me something about health.

Homosexual/bi-sexual individuals are seven times more likely to contemplate or commit suicide. Oooh, that doesn’t sound very healthy.

Homosexuals die decades earlier than heterosexuals. That doesn’t sound healthy.

Nearly one-half of practicing homosexuals admit to 500 or more sex partners and nearly one-third admit to a thousand or more sex partners in a lifetime.

So, he concluded: “I mean, you go through all this stuff, sounds to me like that’s not very healthy. Why don’t we regulate homosexuality?”

Yeah, makes me feel safe. I guess the next thing he’ll recommend is that they set up camps for these “unhealthy” people to keep them away from society.

Barton served as the chair of the Texas GOP, campaigned with Florida Senate nominee Marco Rubio (R), launched an effort with Newt Gingrich on behalf of Sharron Angle in Nevada, and stumped for John McCain in 2008. A rethuglican through and through.

David Barton, our Asshat of the Day.

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