Delaware Liberal

Delaware Senate Debate Drinking Game

Here’s the drinking game, put together by commenters on Delaware Liberal. If you’re watching at home CSPAN is airing the whole debate, CNN is broadcasting the first hour only (whole debate re-aired at 11:00 PM).

Delaware Liberal Delaware Senate Debate Drinking Game

Take one drink if you hear the following:

If O’Donnell is asked about being a witch
If Chris Coons has to deny he’s a “Bearded Marxist”
If Chris Coons says he’s “independent”
If Christine O’Donnell claims to be “you”
If Christine O’Donnell claims to be “smeared”
COD mentions ‘my lesbian sister’
COD mentions ‘tax and spend liberal’
COD mentions ‘real Delawareans’ or ‘real Delaware voters’
COD mentions ‘there you go again’
When she claims she didn’t go to Yale
When she claims she’s had “money problems”
When she claims she beat Joe Biden
When she says she’ll repeal and replace “Obamacare”
When she turns Coons into a newt
If COD says “backroom deals” offer a toast
If Chris Coons says “job creation”
If COD says “so long ago”
If COD says she was “misrepresented”
If either says “there you go again”

Take two drinks for the following:

If an audience member gets thrown out for clapping/heckling

Other (or you could drink one drink):

COD says that regulations are hurting business drink mercury.

COD says that regulations are hurting business–eat some Gulf shrimp, sign yourself up for a sheriff sale of your home, and store some nuclear waste in your basement

COD asks ‘where is your stimulus’–tell her that your kid’s teacher is in the classroom because of the stimulus, and police are on the street, firefighters/EMTs are on the job, libraries are open for business

COD complains about Coons raising real estate taxes–note that this is only for those who own a home, not those who sell their house to their boyfriend just before the sheriff comes

“Things I may have said 20 years ago” – eat eye of newt and/or tongue of toad

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