Delaware Senate Debate Drinking Game

Filed in National by on October 13, 2010

Here’s the drinking game, put together by commenters on Delaware Liberal. If you’re watching at home CSPAN is airing the whole debate, CNN is broadcasting the first hour only (whole debate re-aired at 11:00 PM).

Delaware Liberal Delaware Senate Debate Drinking Game

Take one drink if you hear the following:

If O’Donnell is asked about being a witch
If Chris Coons has to deny he’s a “Bearded Marxist”
If Chris Coons says he’s “independent”
If Christine O’Donnell claims to be “you”
If Christine O’Donnell claims to be “smeared”
COD mentions ‘my lesbian sister’
COD mentions ‘tax and spend liberal’
COD mentions ‘real Delawareans’ or ‘real Delaware voters’
COD mentions ‘there you go again’
When she claims she didn’t go to Yale
When she claims she’s had “money problems”
When she claims she beat Joe Biden
When she says she’ll repeal and replace “Obamacare”
When she turns Coons into a newt
If COD says “backroom deals” offer a toast
If Chris Coons says “job creation”
If COD says “so long ago”
If COD says she was “misrepresented”
If either says “there you go again”

Take two drinks for the following:

If an audience member gets thrown out for clapping/heckling

Other (or you could drink one drink):

COD says that regulations are hurting business drink mercury.

COD says that regulations are hurting business–eat some Gulf shrimp, sign yourself up for a sheriff sale of your home, and store some nuclear waste in your basement

COD asks ‘where is your stimulus’–tell her that your kid’s teacher is in the classroom because of the stimulus, and police are on the street, firefighters/EMTs are on the job, libraries are open for business

COD complains about Coons raising real estate taxes–note that this is only for those who own a home, not those who sell their house to their boyfriend just before the sheriff comes

“Things I may have said 20 years ago” – eat eye of newt and/or tongue of toad


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (51)

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  1. PSB says:

    now how am I going to be able to drive home safely from Newark Timothy’s?

  2. WTFC says:

    Take a drink no matter what because the dems run the country and state with no jobs, too much debt and no hope and change.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Take two drinks if you see EvanQ in his Best Buy uniform on TV.

  4. PSB,

    The commenters were very diligent with the game. There’s a good reason I’m watching the debate from the comfort of my couch.

  5. Joe Cass says:

    Who do you think will be the one to say “When I’m elected”?
    Coons has the right if you go by the polls but COD has that ignorant streak.

  6. fightingbluehen says:

    Looks like I’m getting drunk tonight.

  7. Joe Cass says:

    There’s that ignorant streak I mentioned.
    (jpconnorsjr’s photo)

  8. Holy sh…

    he just forgot the.  S. #netde. #desen only a little racist #... on Twitpic

    Photo credit: J.P. Connor, Jr.

  9. Matt says:

    I was standing by that dude at one point lol

  10. V says:

    see how he also conveniently left the S off there.

    That’s an informed voter for you.

    or, you know, a subtle racist.

  11. liberalgeek says:

    The liveblog link is up. There was a minor issue, but it is fixed now.

  12. AQC says:

    She was coached well I think. But, she still sounds like a fumbling idiot if she is taken off her talking points!

  13. Chris Coons slaughtered Christine O’Donnell.

  14. MJ says:

    she would have been better off staying in her bunker

  15. anon40 says:

    UI–Smart people might think it was a slaughter. The baggers aren’t smart & they’re very forgiving when one of their own stumbles. I’m sure they’ll claim COD “destroyed” Coons.

  16. Joe Cass says:

    Chauncey, you made me look

  17. WTFC says:

    O’Donnell was terrible.

    She booted every question especially the Supreme Court. She did confirm she is a supreme fool.

    Too bad she says she is a Tea party candidate because she did nothing for the Tea party the last two years. Cope, land and Protack did, she did not.

    I am a Tea Party person and I am ashamed of O’Donnell.

    Go back to NJ.

  18. More Christine-isms again:

    “We will see triumph over freedom again”
    “Our laws should not force businesses to break our laws”
    “No one disputes before Obamacare health care didn’t need reforming” (not sure this is exact)
    There was also some nonsense about fighting Soviets in Afghanistan

  19. Aoine says:

    russia is a hostile nation

    support legalization for immigrants here legally

    no understanding of immigration law

    no knowledge of recent SCOTUS decisions

    doesn’t know the difference between federal and supreme courts

    don’t medically treat illegal immigrants (federal law dictates emergency medical care)

    coons supports illegal immigrants getting Social security…

    OMG I could write a novel

  20. Joe Cass says:

    Sorry about your candidate,WTFC. I have respect for Copeland, or rather had now that you say he’s Tea damaged. What ever they feed you brother on Beck or Colley really isn’t so. Does America need the Tea Party? NO. Do the two parties over-reach? YES. Thats why we register, snail mail, phone call and meet our elected. When they f up, we use all the old methods and hit harder with the new. And what do you know about the constitution? You’ve read it, I read it but neither of us are scholars on it. You are being lied to about our founding fathers. You read what you’re told. You have faith in where there is no fact. Well, religion is one thing lad, the American Revolution is another. Facts abound, written words are still around. All you have to do is use your voice, not the voice amplified by corporate interests. That’s letting them speak for you.Is there a Koch brother’s hand up your ass? I doubt it.Be your own man, don’t be a pawn.

  21. anonone says:

    What I learned tonight: What’s the Supreme Court? We have to finish the job of fighting Soviets in Afghanistan. And the Federal Government should stay out of enforcing the First Amendment – free speech should be left up to community standards.

  22. Joe Cass says:

    DialogueDel: O’Donnell on her debate performance: “I feel comfortable. We’ll have a do-over tomorrow at the rotary club.” [via Twitter]
    Um, do we do debate do overs? Mulligan! Pandora, tell the Mister P O’Donnell calls Mulligan!

  23. Joe Cass says:

    A1, I’m almost down with that

  24. More weird moments:

    We need to keep fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan
    She compared to repealing DADT to adultery

  25. anon says:

    I checked the twitterfeed of #DESEN, people are having a field day saying COD was amazing…what were they watching?

  26. anonone says:

    News Journal Poll: Who won the debate:

  27. anonone says:

    Well, she was amazing.

  28. paratrooper18 says:

    OK, after watching that debate I no longer claim the GOP as my own party. And I am also convinced that O’donnell is running as some sort of college prank. Or it is a bet between two billionaires for like a dollar. And they are laughing themselves silly.

  29. paratrooper18 says:

    That was like watching a college professor debate a 12 year I am amazed she had enough slogans for 90 mins.

  30. Polemical says:

    Coons clearly won this debate. COD stumbled in both her opening statement and her concluding statements. COD also seemed very combative and defensive.

    I did notice a real bias of ‘soft-ball-type’ questions directed to Coons vis-a-vis COD. COD did a lot of attacking, using unsubstantiated remarks, hyperbole and exageration – something she’s very accustomed to.

    I almost laughed when she commented about the US military fighting in Afghanistan against the USSR. She also dodged the ‘Evolution is a myth’ question. Moreover, while trying to explain herself, she inadvertently lamented that the Federal Government should make the decision on what gets taught in schools (i.e., creationism). This stance is a REAL contradiction to what nearly all Rebublicans/Conservatives believe – that only local districts/states should make this decision.

    I also thought that Coons had a lot more pressure on him because COD has done quite a bit of TV/media in the last 10-plus years while he has not. As a conservative, I was impressed with Coons’ performance.

    COD jumped around a lot. As someone on here stated earlier. ‘When she gets off of her talking points,’ she’s horrible.

    And don’t get me started on the Supreme Court query she botched.

  31. Could anyone watching on TV hear the heckler who got ejected (I assume)? He was in the balcony but I didn’t see who it was from my seat below.

  32. anon says:

    She needs to talk to her priest about evolution.

  33. Joe Cass says:

    She needs to talk to somebody….a priest is the last in line, too much of that nonsense already

  34. Joe Cass says:

    Ladies and Gentlemen, the greatest progressive band in America have prognosticated this election, I give you Chris Coons

  35. Aoine says:

    So Joe – you think frank is still up trying to watch the debate – LOL


  36. Joe Cass says:

    how many times do I get shhhhhhed tonight?
    But that is good, right? I only meant for the title(refrain) but when the camera starts distorting, well.

  37. Joe Cass says:

    Aoine, could you, would you? Rather than me being posed, you can put it down in a hurry.

  38. Joe Cass says:

    Aside from the hot French women interviewing Jack, I found this pic of Ryan Gilroy-NJ to be the most amusing.

  39. Joe Cass says:

    Hot French Women
    I could have been there and been ignored by them but no, I had to participate in the drinking game and have a great time. Damn those belles femmes.

  40. dv says:

    I love how people needed a debate to really decide she’s an idiot opportunist.

    Because, you know, up until today she really could have done well and all you teabagging idiots would have forgiven her for her sterling record previously

  41. jpconnorjr says:

    The thing I find sad is there are otherwise sane people who iistened to the same debate I did and believed her, liked what she had to say and will with a straight face feel she “won”

  42. dv says:

    I’d rather have a guy at a RT 13 gas station ask me for a dollar to put gas in his car then have this fraud tell me what she thinks I need to here to get what she is really after

  43. Joanne Christian says:

    Totally missed EVERYTHING because of another commitment. Up top you write it was re-aired at 11pm, is there anywhere else I can find the whole thing the next day? Or did I miss this like an eclipse?

  44. cassandra m says:

    Joanne, WDEL seems to have the whole thing up at their site.

  45. Joanne Christian says:

    Well thanks cass—looks like this rain and WDEL archives is enough to compel me to hole up in the office awhile.

  46. cassandra m says:

    Sure! And here is another option from Delaware First media

  47. Joanne Christian says:

    Just finished seeing it all—All I can say is WOW!!! And thanks WDEL!!!!! I’ll opine later.

  48. anonone says:

    Did she make you proud to be a republican woman?

  49. Joanne Christian says:

    That’s a loaded question in these days and times.