O’Donnell’s Pants Are On Fire

Filed in Delaware by on October 14, 2010

Remember last night when she claimed that Chris Coons has spent $5,300 on a “Men’s Fashion Show”?  Talking Points Memo has gotten to the bottom of the claim.  Guess what, it’s a lie.

But just like her “Man-pants” and “I never said that Mike Castle is gay” there is an implication about Chris Coons sexuality.  What a class act.

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  1. Dr. Strangevote says:

    At least she didn’t claim that she had “secret knowledge” about a plot by midgets and dwarfs to take over America (presumably gleened from watching “Little People, Big World” re-runs over and over again during her unemployed periods between campaigns).

  2. anonone says:

    The remark about Chinese taking over the United States was made during a debate for the Republican Senate nomination several years ago against a Chinese-American named Ting. She knows how to slander with subtlety.

  3. Aoine says:

    its 5:30 and I went to Christine’s website to see the SCOTUS issue posted as she promised last night on national TV

    I could not find it – can any of you??

    Chritine O’Donnell – empty promises and lying again

    she tweeted responses were here: http://debate.christine2010.com/

    but nothing on SCOTUS!! LOLOL

  4. anon says:

    This might turn out to be an OCR error on a scanned document that turned the dollar signs into 5’s.

    The point is, COD believed it uncritically. Crap from wingnut mailing lists is now finding its way into US Senatorial debates.

  5. So, has Christine O’Donnell posted those unemployment statistics yet? She repeated the same talking point today in today’s debate.

  6. jason330 says:

    So she was off by $50,000….so she could not pay her rent…. She is a fiscal conservative. The evidence of that is the way she keeps saying it.

  7. Boxwood says:

    The cheapest shot she took last night imo was when she compared her Catholic faith to his belief in Marxism. (my apologies to any marxists among us).

  8. JG says:

    Her unemployment thing is really nuts (like she’s otherwise sensible). She claims unemployment has risen by some large amount during Coons time as County Exec. Sure, that’s probably true. But trying to pin that on Coons doesn’t pass the laugh test. Did she notice employment is nearly 10% nationwide? I suppose that’s his fault too?

  9. anon says:

    Politifacts does a nice job sorting out some of her nutty ramblings…..

  10. alyn pearis says:

    I would have liked them to ask her what she plans to do with that 2M dollars that the corporate sponsored Tea Party gave her. From the few attack ads that she has aired so far, I suspect that she plans to pocket the rest. Maybe she plans to buy a house and move out of state before the AG’s office can investigate her mishandling of past campaign funds. That would be a good thing.

  11. Geezer says:

    During the debate she accused Coons of doing something with “our” tax money. “Our” money, kemosabe? How much did O’Donnell actually pay in taxes during her time in Delaware? Probably nothing in income taxes, given her abysmal earnings. Since she at some point stopped paying her mortgage, she probably stopped paying her county property taxes at the same time, since most people pay them along with their mortgage. It’s something Coons’ people ought to look up.

  12. jason330 says:

    That’s a great catch Geezer. Her lifetime earnings are probably under $20,000 or something. I’d love to see her Social Security statement.