Christine O’Donnell, Now 98.7% Delaware-Free

Filed in National by on October 16, 2010

Christine O’Donnell filed her FEC report last night and raised an eye-popping $3.8M, mostly from out-of-state. The News Journal took a look at the report.

The Tea Party Express-backed candidate, who shocked the nation with her primary victory over GOP Rep. Mike Castle, raised nearly $3.8 million from across the country between Aug. 26 and Sept. 30 and spent $1.2 million, according to a 956-page fundraising report she filed late Friday afternoon with the Senate Public Records office

Very little of the money actually came from individuals. Of the individual donors, only 1.3% of them are from Delaware.

Her report showed that just 1.3 percent of her contributions from individuals — $47,361 out of $3.7 million — came from Delawareans. She also received about $52,000 from political action committees, including PACs run by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the National Rifle Association, the conservative advocacy group Citizens United and other conservative groups.

She has a lot more money to spend in the last few weeks, she’s outraised Chris Coons 3x although most of his money is coming from individual donors.

The New Castle County executive’s campaign provided summary pages showing he raised more than $1.3 million between Aug. 26 and Sept. 30 and spent just over $1 million.

Coons raised $979,734 from individuals and $296,873 from PACs. A spokesman did not respond when asked how much came from Delawareans.

I can see why she would be an appealing candidate for shady groups that want to buy our government. She’s not too smart, so she’ll do what she’s told. She’s always relied on the kindness of strangers, so she’s already proven that she’s not very ethical either. They probably should have used that money to give her better debate coaching, rather than the same people who coached Sarah Palin.

One commenter on the NJ site said “COD = Cash On Delivery”

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About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (34)

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  1. PSB says:

    i’ve heard candidates note that yard signs on roads do not indicate voter interest (whether large or small)–yard signs in yards do indicate voter support. “yard signs don’t vote”

    the overwhelming majority of O’Donnell supporters don’t have a vote on November 2nd.

    thank goodness

    maybe she should have stayed in NJ

  2. Boxwood says:

    She’ll have trouble spending this much money before Returns Day. DL should start an over under pool on how much is left over.

  3. I went to the FEC website to look at the report but it’s not up yet. I wish the NJ would provide a link at the document they’re looking at so we can go through it.

    In the NJ article it says her campaign has paid a lot of money for temporary housing (I guess all those out-of-staters) and $12,000 to do background checks. She also has at least 2 bodyguards (she must be protected from those pesky locals).

  4. Fire Ant says:

    Out of state GOP social Darwinist want to buy our U S senate seat. I’m so glad it’s not happening. This is the worst of the worst, a carpet bagging Tea Bagger. I think we are witnessing the end of a shameless woman that would stop at nothing to do an honest days work.

  5. jason330 says:

    Whatever her campaign expenses are, her PAC is going to be loaded after this election and I think that has been the whole point.

  6. KathyJ says:

    Comment by jason330
    Whatever her campaign expenses are, her PAC is going to be loaded after this election and I think that has been the whole point.


  7. WTFC says:

    You don’t get it? She will have serious $$$ left over and start a non profit where she will be the Executive Director and live off the money until she challenges Carper in 2012.


  8. Joe Cass says:

    Come November 3rd, I’m changing my tune. I want to be an outreach counselor for SALT. You know, turn those lesbians around.
    (this is written as a joke, unless lesbians want me to turn them around. I must point to the fact that straight women don’t want in their vicinity so I must be the man for Chrissie’s job)

  9. a. price says:

    more proof that conservatives throw their money at ill conceived stupid crap that is destined to fail.

  10. MJ says:

    I call bullshit on her claim that they weren’t doing background checks on Coons. I know for a fact that they aren’t checking on volunteers (hell, I even got approved).

  11. Joe Cass says:

    She ain’t no Vivian Leigh, but she does depend on the kindness of strangers
    up to 1:07

  12. Joe Cass says:

    wow. I sometimes like where my mind goes.This time with the help of UI. COD is really Blanche DuBois. For those that never read Tennessee Williams nor seen a black & white movie (yes, there was no colour in the world before the war), Blanche is a very,dare I say, unstable, woman. Well, just get Wiki’s page on her. This time life does not reflect art, rather then a descent into madness our Delusional Darling ascends to the height of American culture, the boob tube. Yeah for us! Senator Coons has to run again in four years; Ditzy Christie gets the loudspeaker for as long as her (good) looks hold. yeah…

  13. Some RWNJ on Twitter yesterday assured me Chris Coons was a self-avowed Communist. Even after I pointed out that this winger had never met Chris Coons (or even read the bearded-marxist article [pdf]) and that I have. The guy’s location was listed as Washington State, surprise surprise.

    Then I checked out the guy’s blog and found it to be entirely paranoid rants about Obama and the United Nations world government citing only articles from other wingnut sites. So I stopped trying to argue with him.

  14. Zentrails says:

    This is actually a good time for the Repubs to gain the House. They aren’t going to get the Senate, possibly because of this bimbo. But the House is enough.

    We’re in this mess because of three reasons:

    1 Bush Tax cuts that created a huge deficit so that Bush’s buddies could get more rich.

    2 Bush eliminated every regulation he could get his hands on, including regulations that might have prevented the financial system meltdown

    3 Started two wars, one with no reason for it at all. The other was needed, but you move in, get rid of the Taliban, then move right back out. They move back in, you repeat. What we are doing now is what Bush called Gore “nation building”.

    So, we’re out of jobs, economy sucks, and we’re building two nations that have no chance of ever being even good allies to us.

    So, let’s get these suckers back in charge of the House and then blame them for everything. They deserve it, not Obama, and certainly not the DEMS.

  15. Zentrails says:

    I wonder who those 1.3% stupid Delawarians are. LOL

    Our political system is really scrued up now. I sure hope that there is something we can do to fix it. Having a right wing Supreme Court sure doesn’t help things.

  16. Tom S says:

    Like no Democrat gets a lot of outside money…look at Scranton Joe’s & Prince Beau’s campaign finance information.

    But why are you so upset if Coons is a shoe-in…isn’t it more money into the Delaware economy…or are you worried?

    So why ARE BO & Scranton Joe campaigning here? Why all the churn by the libs? Why are you so worried by such a “non-candidate” as O’Donnell? Shouldn’t you be focusing on the next thing you’re going to tax and control?

  17. jason330 says:

    Your insipid rhetorical questions aside, we all know that a large portion of the millions that O’Donnell has taken from the country’s gullible suckers are going to be put into around-the-clock lies and smears. And your comment is good first hand evidence that stupid gullible people who will vote based on nonsense live among us. Does that put is on the bottom shelf for you? Good.

  18. heragain says:

    Well, I fear this won’t be the last of our carpetbagger influx. Next one will be more plausible.

    But I have to say, Christine O’s finances fascinate me. For example, I see nowhere in her resume or employment history that she might have had money to get the gap in her teeth fixed, but it was. Look at SALT era footage, then shortly after.

    Earlier this year, she paid 725? or some such, each month, into her account, according to FEC docs. Like a payment. But where did she get money for that? My husband works at a job, but we’d be hard pressed to find $700 extra bucks even one month, let alone several.

    Fascinates me. Big money moving. Why?

  19. Auntie Dem says:


    Yes, we will be plagued with carpet baggers because the two Delaware Senate seats are cheap and 41 Senators is the cheapest way to hog-tie the government. The people buying our government are rich, but they also look for value for their money, that’s how they got rich. Smaller (relatively) investments buying Senators from Delaware, Alaska, Rhode Island, Utah, etc. are more effective than trying to buy Senators from California, New York, etc. It’s a very simple but effective strategy.

  20. skippertee says:

    We already have one. Tommy ” CARPETBAGGER ” Carper, who flew over the state as a Naval aviator, and, by his own description, saw it RIPE for the pickin’ instead of his NATIVE Virginia.

  21. skippertee says:

    Tommy ” There isn’t a banker I wouldn’t blow for a campaign contribution ” Carper.
    Tommy ” Fuck what’s best for my constituents in Delaware ” Carper.

  22. OpenMinded says:

    Whoa. Some of us need to dial it back a notch, yes?

  23. skippertee says:

    I’m saying on here what I’ve told him to his face.

  24. skippertee says:

    Yet, I’ve always, reluctantly pulled the lever for him.

  25. delacrat says:

    Comment by OpenMinded on 18 October 2010 at 7:48 am:
    “Whoa. Some of us need to dial it back a notch, yes?”

    As someone whose said similar things to Carper’s (D-Visa, MC, AMEX) face myself,
    skippertee has the right idea. We need to step it up a notch.

  26. David Anderson says:

    Wrong again. The vast majority of the donations were from small donors. If you want an accurate percentage of known donors, compare itemiszed donations to itemized donations. Many of the small donations came from Delaware as well as across the nation. Most people would consider it a benefit for a candidate to have a small donor network instead of a special interest network. I guess you are what is wrong with campaign finance. You want the system to be owned by special interest groups like those who support Coons.

  27. a.price says:

    oh i guess there is no such thing as a conservative special interest group.
    just because they all have names like “american families for america” and “the family of american american’s society” and “yay america family council” doesnt make their agenda any less neocon.

  28. anon says:

    I am feeling more confident as election day grows closer that she is going to be blown out. She has her core group of supporters but everyone else is just annoyed by her. I have lost count of how many repubs I have talked to who refuse to vote for her and can’t wait to put this episode behind them.

  29. pls louise says:

    I wouldnt count the witch out. Take a ride through Kent and Sussex and see all her signs in peoples yards! Not many dem signs around down there, have the dems given up on lower~slower Delaware?

  30. Geezer says:

    ” have the dems given up on lower~slower Delaware?”

    I hope so. The downstate Democrats are no more progressive than the downstate Republicans.

  31. MJ says:

    Geezer, you cannot lump those of us in Eastern Sussex with our conservative brethren in Western Sussex. Two different breeds of Democrat.

  32. Geezer says:

    MJ: Point taken. I was talking about the elected officials, not the citizenry. There aren’t enough folks like you to elect a progressive Democrat, even in eastern Sussex.

  33. anon says:

    I don’t see her getting above 40% in the general as long as Dems get out and vote!

  34. MJ says:

    We have a newly elected progressive on the Cape School Board (off-setting the 9/12 Patriotic teabagger who won an uncontested seat), but yes, they are few and far between.