Heathcare Warrior, Arm Thyself

Filed in National by on October 16, 2010

Do you remember all of the breathless claims of Republicans and Tea Partiers talking about their “Canadian friend” that hates the Canadian healthcare system and came to the US for a really important surgery?  Yeah, as you may have guessed, it is probably bogus.  Last week, I heard a radio interview with the author of a blog post about anecdotal stories of Canadians seeking care in the US.  Go read it.  Here’s a taste:

1) First, they surveyed United States border facilities in Michigan, New York, and Washington.  It makes sense that Canadians crossing the border for care would favor sites close by, right?  It turns out that about 80% of such facilities saw fewer than one Canadian per month.  About 40% saw none in the prior year.  And when looking at the reasons for visits, more than 80% were emergencies or urgent visits (ie tourists who had to go to the ER).  Only about 19% of those already few visits were for elective purposes.

2) Next, they surveyed “America’s Best Hospitals”, because if Canadians were going to travel for care, they would be more likely to go to the most well-known and highest quality facilities, right?  Only one of the surveyed hospitals saw more than 60 Canadians in one year.  And, again, that included both emergencies and elective care.

3) Finally, they examined data from the 18,000 Canadians who participated in the National Population Health Survey.  In the previous year, only 90 of those 18,000 Canadians had received care in the United States; only 20 of them had done so electively.

20 out of a survey of 18,000 went to the US specifically for surgery, the rest slipped on ice or choked on a pork-chop while vacationing in the US.  Granted, your mileage may vary, as the studies use scientific methods.  Many Republicans are impervious to this sort of logic.

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  1. Joe Cass says:

    20 out of 18,000 only proves Dick Jensen talks out of his asshole on a daily basis. Thanks for the link, LG. I was under the impression we were being invaded from the north for our “greatest care in the world”. “Yeah, not so much.” Dbag.

  2. Aoine says:

    So THAT’S why COD wants to secure the northern border….to keep all those medical services seeking Canucks from pilfering our healthcare system….all 90 of them…..yup and that wall will cost???? Million

    Okay cool. That’s a good use of our tax $$$$ and will cur down on….fraud….waste……and abuse…

    The o nly thing that will cut down on fraud waste and abuse is keeping COD OUT of the Senate…

  3. Joe Cass says:

    Aoine, you can’t have Canadiens masturbating in our midst! Nor should Americans contend with superior wingman (thats hockey-talk) that take jobs from low scoring non-passing Americans that would lay bloody and broken upon the ice. Our founders would never endure the sound of a language other than english, for no Frenchman or Spaniard ever obliged us from the tyranny of King George. Our founders intended to build a nation on no debt in complete agreement on all things and maintain a fair hand to all native peoples.
    And thats exactly how it has worked out. Hasn’t it?

  4. Jason330 says:

    Also…when a Republicans says something, you can say, “That’s not true.” And you will be right 97.5% of the time.

  5. jason330 says:

    The other 2.5% of the time they are saying that they don;t trust “book learnin'”

  6. WTFC says:

    When a Liberal starts talking it means he/she hates America, wants to increase your taxes and kill more private sector jobs.

    Health Care? In Canada you can get private health care for your pet but not for yourself, there is no choice only mediocrity and waiting lines.

    Here at home one sixth of Medicare is fraud ($60 billion) , go get em government. Keep screwing up and doing nothing right.

  7. I find it funny when Jerkhart raves about Canada cutting their taxes. For once, Canada’s taxes are much higher but also Canadians have universal coverage.

    My in-laws live in rural Canada and they do complain about the healthcare. They have to wait for elective procedures, for example. Of course, my relatives in rural Kentucky have the same problem. It’s more the availability of health care professionals than anything else.

  8. WTFC obviously gets his deep knowledge of Canada from…?

    “Mediocre” health care? Canada has a long life expectancy than the U.S.

    U.S. is 49th in life expectancy. Best healthcare in the world!

    Glenn Greenwald
    Health Affairs (Journal)

    MSNBC, from an interview with the study’s authors:

    “But what really surprised us was that all of the usual suspects — smoking, obesity, traffic accidents, and homicides — are not the culprits,” Meunnig said in a statement.

    “The U.S. doesn’t stand out as doing any worse in these areas than any of the other countries we studied, leading us to believe that failings in the U.S. health care system, such as costly specialized and fragmented care, are likely playing a large role in this relatively poor performance on improvements in life expectancy.”

    In June, the Commonwealth Fund, which advocates on and does research focusing on healthcare reform, reported that Americans spend twice as much on healthcare as residents of other developed countries — $7,290 per person — but get lower quality and less efficiency.

    Muennig and Sherry Glied compared the United States to Australia, Austria, Belgium, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland.

    All these countries provide universal health insurance, in contrast to the United States, where 15 percent of the population lacks health insurance, although healthcare reform passed in March is designed to lower that disparity.

  9. When a Liberal starts talking it means he/she hates America, wants to increase your taxes and kill more private sector jobs.

    Giving people healthcare = hating America

    Republicans like Sharron Angle (obviously a Republican darling since she raised $14M) talk about “2nd amendment remedies” if they lose an election.

    Threatening revolution = loving America

  10. skippertee says:

    I was lucky [?] to have served during the Vietnam debacle.
    Now I have my health coverage through the VA and it’s been a life-saver, literally.
    COD and JERKHART want to PRIVATIZE the VA Medical system.
    I’d go so far as to allow vets living in lower DE. to see local doctors for routine check-ups.That’s IT.
    Otherwise, move closer to an EXISTING medical facility you fucking cry-babies.

  11. Mike Mahaffie pointed to this article about Christine O’Donnell. Apparently she is uninsured.

    Christine O’Donnell does not have health insurance. I got my chance to ask her at the Kent County GOP headquarters on Thursday evening 10/14/10. She was an hour and a half late. She gave a standard speech. Then she said we could ask questions.

    I walked up to her and said “I admire your dedication and convictions. My main concern is health care and I would like to ask a couple of questions“.

    Fields: Do you have health insurance?

    O’ Donnell : No. I pay for myself.

    Fields: Isn’t that kind of frightening?

    A well dressed man was standing with her, listening to us. He seemed to be a public relations person. There were two body guards. She turned away briefly to sign an autograph then turned back to me.

    O’Donnell: There is a difference between health insurance and health care.

    Fields: In this country you can’t really separate the two.

    O’Donnell: That’s the problem.

    Please read the whole post. A lot of people ask “what does insurance do?” It negotiates prices for you. I can’t imagine going into the hospital with a broken leg and haggling over price. One big advantage an insurance company has is just having a large pool of people – they can get better prices for the group (that’s why universal, government-run systems get the best prices).

    So O’Donnell wants us to haggle while bleeding on a gurney. Perhaps she wants hospitals to turn you away after checking your credit. That’s the problem – health care isn’t like other services.