
Filed in Delaware by on October 18, 2010

In a battle of two lightweights nobody wins. Meghan McCain had some harsh words for Christine O’Donnell yesterday:

“I just know, in my group of friends, it turns people off because she’s seen as a nut job,” McCain said on ABC’s “This Week” program. “It scares me for a lot of reasons.”

The daughter of Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain said O’Donnell’s candidacy sends a message to the younger generation that you can just “wake up and run for Senate,” regardless of past experience.

“Christine O’Donnell is making a mockery of running for public office,” McCain said. “She has no real history, no real success in any kind of business.”

OUCH! It hurts ’cause it’s true. Not that Meghan McCain has vast experience doing anything except milking her famous connections (much like her father).

Christine O’Donnell, being the class act that she is couldn’t let it alone and responded:

“Christine overwhelmingly won her primary battle against the establishment candidate, so Ms. McCain’s vast experience in politics and running for office probably won’t influence many Delawareans of any age to listen to her latest rant,” Matt Moran, O’Donnell’s campaign manager said in a statement.

That was kind of muddled but I do believe O’Donnell’s camp said McCain doesn’t know what she’s talking about because she hasn’t run for office. Well, that is one thing O’Donnell can claim experience in – she’s run for office as a career since 2006.

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About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. heragain says:

    UI, it bothers me to have this characterized as “Meow” because that plays into narratives about ignorant, catty, women. I hold no brief for COD, but Megan’s a bright cookie, who brought up an apt concern. Maybe a less gender-specific title?

  2. skippertee says:

    heragain-the mouse that roared.

  3. Lisa Wilt says:

    OK, I have to say I’m feeling a wee bit duped by the media here. I’m an independent
    (social liberal, fiscal conservative) I don’t vote straight ticket. I try to find out about each candidate and make up my mind based on the individual. I was all ready to vote for Mr Coons because of the radical nonsense that Ms O’Donnell spouted on TV in the 90’s but then I came across this website with actual speeches and interviews that O’Donnell recently took part in. People change. It seems to me that Ms ODonnell is more concerned with letting the states decide how to handle social issues than she is with inserting her ideas. Given the current economy, I’m willing to put lgbt rights, the right to choose, and other social issues that I feel passionately about in the state’s hands.

    See for yourself

  4. cassandra m says:

    Thanks for that bit of astroturf, Lisa. Interesting, isn’t it, that website has none of the crazy stuff that she’s said over the years. Truly amazing what some selective editing will do. A real independent voter would have seen right through that.

  5. pandora says:

    Lisa is spamming all over the place. She expects everyone to believe she just “clued” in. Not likely. Altho… Christine must be a little desperate.

  6. a.price says:

    ” Given the current economy, I’m willing to put lgbt rights, the right to choose, and other social issues that I feel passionately about in the state’s hands.” If you were a ture social liberal you wouldnt say that…. also what the hell does ANY of that have to do with the economy….
    history lesson time for ms Astroturf.

    We used to let the states decide social issues. the result was civil war, jim crowe, etc etc etc. The would-be confederacy cant be trusted to handle that kind of power on their own. Every time we let them, we get regressive legislation that makes america look more like iran.
    No one really says that because it sounds non-P/C but it is true. We would have states where interracial DATING is illegal as well as ALL abortion, divorce, homosexuality…. you name it.

  7. a.price says:

    Given the current economy, we should throw out our principles and ideals and elect someone who doesnt know how to balance a checkbook and also thinks all sex is evil!!! THAT’LL SHOW EM GLEN BECK 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. heragain says:

    I like ‘wee bit duped’.

    And under in universe would Christine O’Donnell be considered “working class”? Neither the ‘working” part nor the “class” part applies at all. 😀

  9. anon says:

    Christine’s looks and poise make her a member of a natural aristocracy. And like any gift of inheritance, it can be used for good or evil.