NY Mayor Mike Bloomberg Endorses Chip Flowers

Filed in National by on October 18, 2010

In a coup for the Flowers campaign, former Republican and current Independent New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has endorsed Chip Flowers in his race to become Delaware’s next Treasurer. This is a huge, massive and very unexpected blow to Colin Bonini’s campaign.

From the press release:

Bloomberg, an independent who has endorsed candidates from both political parties throughout the current election cycle, is endorsing Flowers because of the centrist economic policies set forth in his plan, “The Flowers Framework for Restoring Prosperity,” and commitment to revamping the state treasurer’s office to focus on fiscal responsibility, economic growth, effective government, innovation and restoring prosperity to the people of the state of Delaware.

In announcing the endorsement and citing the need to promote the next generation of public leaders, Bloomberg said, “It is my privilege to endorse Chip Flowers as Delaware’s next state treasurer. Chip’s creative plan, along with his impeccable academic credentials and success in the business community, will make him a strong asset to Delaware. I look forward to working with Chip over the coming years and developing a strong working relationship between our city and the Delaware’s treasurer’s office in moving our economy forward.”

“I am humbled by the receiving the endorsement of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who is not only a dedicated and respected public servant, but a true leader and trailblazer in our nation’s financial community,” Flowers said. “For a young aspiring public servant, Mayor Bloomberg’s practical governing style has been instrumental in developing my own career path and I am grateful for his support.”

Flowers also stated that he would follow Mayor Bloomberg’s lead and only accept a $1.00 yearly salary in his first year, if such is legal under Delaware law.

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  1. Ummm…okay. Good for Chip, but why is Michael Bloomburg endorsing in the Delaware Treasurers’ race? It seems odd to me. But good for Chip for generating some attention in a race few are paying attention to.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Well, the interaction between New York and Delaware with respect to the Bankruptcy Courts and the banking industry is huge. I think this endorsement is aimed to win over that important industry, which does employ a large number of people in Delaware.

  3. Colin Bonini promises to say no to stuff.

  4. Publius says:

    Isn’t Flowers saying he’s only going to take $1 as salary because he’s also said he’s going to keep his law practice? Isn’t the State Treasurer’s job supposed to be full time? Isn’t a lucrative side job what got Velda into so much trouble? I can just imagine the attacks and fun most posters on this blog would be having if Bonini said he was going to only accept $1/year because he was also going to be working another full time job.

  5. anon says:

    Colin Bonini promises to say no to stuff.

    Actually, the Treasurer isn’t asked to say yes or no about anything. Bonini is simply promising to continue being a do-nothing pain in the ass. And to keep badmouthing Delaware to the investment community by saying stuff like “Delaware has a significant spending problem” … and to keep implying that Delaware cannot afford to continue paying its expenses. That is way out of line for a Treasurer who is responsible for maintaining a relationship with Wall Street – not exactly a job for a teabagger.

  6. I’m really not clear what Bonini plans to do if elected Treasurer besides use the position as a soapbox.

  7. Geezer says:

    If I understand it correctly, Flowers will appoint a managing partner for the law firm.

    My objection to Velda’s situation wasn’t that she was supposed to be doing a full-time job. It’s that she was taking tax money for doing next to nothing.

    All of which is beside the point. If you want someone to mock the sitation, why aren’t you willing to do it yourself?

  8. This is great news! And how funny that people in here were dripping wiht sarcasm that Chip “was comparing himself to Bloomberg” when all he was doing was echoing that he intended to accept a $1 in pay like Bloomberg. I know that Chip said at the UUFN forum that what he is suggesting is already being done in Maryland. No so risky, dangerous and experimental as a more and more desparate Velda tried to portray it.

  9. JustTheFacts says:

    I hate both people in this race. I’m writing in Rose Izzo.

  10. cassandra m says:

    Funny, JTF! I may do exactly the same thing…..

  11. Delaware Dem says:

    If you are going to waste your vote on a write in, write in Mike Castle for Treasurer. It could be his consolation prize.

  12. pls louise says:

    I will be writing Donald Duck. Neither of these candidates get my vote. Flowers made a lot of promises he will never be able to keep. In fact that comment about $1.00 a year is so bogus it stinks. He never said, he “would hire a managing partner”, he is the sole owner. Shifty and wifty.

  13. pls louise says:

    Where did this connection come from: the Buccini Brothers! How many of you writing on this blog are actually being paid by Flowers?? Thats the question of the day. You never dealt with issues, you never reported anything that wasnt pro Flowers? If it was anyone else with two domestic violence cases on their back, you would all be crying foul. This is nothing but a con job.

  14. Yogie says:

    Wow! Great job…this is a huge show of support. Bloomberg is a finance/business guru. This should earn some independent and republican votes.

  15. Anon2day says:

    I thought we don’t want endorsements from out-of-staters playing into our political races here in Delaware???

  16. Delaware Dem says:

    Pls Louise–

    You are simply an ignorant fool, or a liar. This blog was so divided between Chip Flowers and Velda Jones Potter that we refused to endorse either candidate before the primary. Cassandra, Nemski and myself sat down with and interviewed Velda Jones Potter. LiberalGeek met with and interviewed Chip Flowers. We presented both candidates’ visions here and allowed our readers to decide. I personally voted for Velda. I am sure some of my colleagues here at DL voted for Chip.

    None of us were paid by Chip Flowers, either before or after the primary.

    And if you think we don’t deal with issues here at DL, please feel free to leave. We won’t miss your insightful and half baked commentary.

    (If I sound angry, I am. I hate it when people accuse us of being paid. Indeed, idiot knuckle dragging conservatives all believe that George Soros has paid every liberal blogger in the country $100,000 or something. I wish. Still waiting on that check. Seriously though, we take blogger ethics every seriously, and always disclose when we are involved in a campaign we are writing about.)

  17. MJ says:

    Pls Louise thought she was reading something from Celia Cohen, who is paid to blog by the du Pont family.

  18. PSB says:

    pls louise “two domestic violence cases on their back”

    isn’t it the case that Chip was found not guilty in all such court cases.

    What does ‘not guilty’ mean in your book?

    In my book it means that the accusers speak up, bring their case, Chip presented his side, and the court decided that the evidence didn’t support the allegation.

    You know, innocent unless proven guilty.

  19. pls louise says:

    No I didnt read it on Cohens blog. I told you before the Primary the repukes would hold the Flowers court cases and use it in the general. You can say what you want. Most of you were so pro Flowers it was sickening. Not paid who knows? You certainly did your best to trivalize everything about Flowers and used this blog to create pure nonsense re: Velda. The court decided between TWO lawyers, one Flowers and one the defendant. If you knew these cases were out there before the primary why didnt you speak about them. You called it lunacy, and acted like the cases were irrelevant.He may have been found innocent of the charges in court….but the people who know him, never got answered on this blog. You know there are powerful attornies and not so powerful ones. The question you should be asking is, “why the Stooge Journal did the hit piece on Velda who was not double dipping” and why they held the story until after the election? Geek certainly had some comments re: Velda that were not true but didnt bother to check the facts on Flowers before the election. Its all spilled milk now, lets see who wins the race. If you don’t have a problem with Bloomberg sticking his nose into a state treasurers race, perhaps you should. Who went to Bloomberg on behalf of Flowers: Buccini Pollen? Give me a break. You know what I am gonna vote for Bonini because HE will do no harm just keep the status quo.

  20. To Get My Vote says:

    This is a huge endorsement and is indicative of the connections Chip has as well as the type of people who are willing to support him.

  21. Belinsky says:

    What does ‘not guilty’ mean in your book?

    It means the charges were not proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

  22. Geezer says:

    Once again Louise is wrong. These allegations were treated on this blog before the primary. Louise, you’re setting a new standard in being a poor loser. The voters decided they didn’t like what Velda was doing, whether you want to call it double dipping or not.

  23. Jefferson says:

    This is huge news and shows the broad appeal Chip has. Bloomberg is the best national endorsement a candidate can get right now, especially for a candidate seeking a financial office.