Delaware Liberal

Turn Off Fox

The Color of Change have set themselves a new goal — getting people to ask businesses and others with public TVs to encourage businesses and other public places to Turn Off Fox. CoC has been remarkably effective in getting most of Glenn Beck’s advertisers to abandon ship, and no they want places who leave FOX up on the TV to become Fox Free. So go over there and sign the petition, and get yourself a Turn Off Fox sticker for your car. And for those of you who scoff at this — I’m often in public places that have Fox News on the TV. I routinely ask the proprietor to chance the station and have NEVER been turned down — so do know that lots of business people (especially now) are going to be sensitive to the requests of paying customers.

But if you need more incentive, check out this amazing letter from the CEO of the Tides (the group targeted for violence by the wingnut who said he was inspired by Beck) to Fox’s advertisers. A small bit (but you should read the whole thing — it is brilliant):

I am writing to ask your company to take a simple step that may well save lives in the future. And it is not unimportant that taking this action will remove your company and its products from any connection to what could very likely be an unpleasant tragedy, should things remain as they are today. On behalf of my organization, and many others like it, I ask that you cease advertising on the Fox News Channel.

This is neither a hollow request, nor one rhetorically made. There is an urgency to it born of our own direct experience as the target of a would-be assassin inspired by Fox’s Glenn Beck Show.

So sign the petition, proudly display your sticker and pass the word on to your friends too….

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