Delaware Liberal

Random Political Musings-Oct. 20, 2010

*The quality of the Coons campaign  is so much better than the Carney campaign that it’s shocking. On both sides.  I never dreamed that Coons could run this kind of a grassroots effort. It is reflected in the number of signs, signs on peoples’ lawns, the activity of the candidate and the campaign, the mobilization of a huge group of volunteers, and especially in its attention to detail. Anyone who saw the cornucopia of carefully-arrayed Coons signs at the Widener debate knows what I’m talking about. Coons is running like he’s behind against someone he’s trouncing. Which is exactly what he should do.

By contrast, the Carney campaign is eerily and disconcertingly reminiscent of the uninspired effort that cost him the gubernatorial nomination in 2008. His campaign is running as if it’s a coronation, not a contest. I was quite surprised to see Urquhart within 9 points of Carney in the most recent poll that I’ve seen. Very few yard signs, most that are there are at union households, at least in Brandywine Hundred.  John’s a nice guy who admittedly isn’t the most inspiring of politicians/public speakers. But, with the exception of one very good commercial, he has failed to convey any sense of urgency in getting people to vote for him.  He is indeed fortunate that the Coons/O’Donnell race tops the ticket. It may be enough to pull him through, but not enough to create a feeling that his tenure in DC will be a long one.

*There is no reason whatsoever why Chip Flowers shouldn’t win the Treasurer’s race, especially since he’s in a political dead-heat with his opponent. Were I advising the campaign, I’d recommend two things: (1) Do whatever you can to bring Velda Jones-Potter into the fold. Even if it means promising her a plum job in the Treasurer’s office. After all, she’s already proven her competence. I think there are a significant number of disaffected Jones-Potter voters out there who are (IMHO) justifiably unhappy with the mud that was slung on her. You don’t want them ‘cutting’ you on Election Day.  (2) Go full bore after Bonini. He really IS as lazy and disinterested as he’s been portrayed. It would be ideal if the campaign could identify Republican surrogates who would be willing to speak publicly. This can’t be done by the candidate, who must focus on his message and vision, but people have to know that Bonini is even worse than most generic R’s.

*Really impressed with Debra Heffernan’s signage, especially on people’s lawns, in the 6th RD. Even along Shipley Road, which should be Tom Kovach’s stronghold, she more than holds her own. I’d love to see Beau Biden campaign with her in the Claymont areas of the district east of Philadelphia Pike, it’d help. I think she’s gonna win if…she has enough $$’s to do so. This is a seat the D’s can win and hold.

*Which reminds me, I’d like to see more of Beau Biden on the campaign trail. He IS up for reelection after all, his signs are up, and there are campaign chits to be collected. My suggestions: Debi Heffernan, Mike Barbieri, Chris Counihan, Dennis E. Williams, and Darryl Scott. Those races would be boosted immeasurably by some ‘Biden’ campaign magic.

*Former (sort-of) Rethug congressional candidate Rose Izzo has my early vote for strangest array of campaign signs on a Delaware lawn. Pat Toomey, James Corbett and Brian Meehan, all of whom are R’s running for office in Pennsylvania, and…Bryon Short. I actually get the Short sign as Judy Travis no doubt wanted no part of endorsing Izzo for Congress. But the signs for PA rethugs? Well, I guess they’ve wrapped up the Holiday Hills Pennsylvania expatriate vote, thanks to Rose Izzo. Or maybe it’s for the Pa. guests who frequent her garage sales…

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