Sierra Club Endorses Melrath; Christine Embraces Cole

Filed in National by on October 20, 2010

And now, for a change of pace, we have some breaking news out of one of the Sussex County Council races. In the 4th District, which surrounds the Indian River and Rehoboth Bays, Democrat Russ Melrath, who is challenging decades long incumbent George Cole (R), has been endorsed by the Delaware Chapter of the Sierra Club. Given the locale of the district, where environmental issues and over-development are top concerns, this endorsement is important. Meanwhile, George Cole got the endorsement of infamous constitutional expert Christine “really, is that what the First Amendment says?” O’Donnell:

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  1. Hooray for Russ Melrath! How is his race going?

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    From anecdotes I hear while down there, it is going well. But you can never tell in such a local race. Will O’Donnell mania sweep Cole back into office? Or will local issues like development have more impact? You can’t tell until election day because there are no polls of a county council race.

  3. MJ says:

    Russ is a great guy. He was over the house last Saturday for a meet and greet. I’m just sorry we didn’t have more people. But we’re getting the word out for him. He’ll have strong support in the 14th. And Chip’s people dropped his literature when they went door-to-door last week.

  4. Miscreant says:

    Melrath seems like a nice, intelligent chap. However, his only issue is that Cole has been in office too long, and that he has lost his “passion”? For those of you who are out of touch with Sussex politics, Cole is the only reason all of eastern Sussex doesn’t look like a fucking parking lot (like most of New Castle). He’s routinely outvoted by the pro-development douchebags from western Sussex.

    For the record:
    -On a personal level, Cole’s a rather arrogant asshat.
    -He’s not in my district.
    -I voted for Deaver (D) over Baker (R)… (another pro-development douchebag).
    -In Sussex, the Sierra Club is widely regarded as partisan, and having negligible influence.

    Do some research. “Anecdotal” information will be given all the consideration it deserves.

  5. capesdelaware says:

    ISSUES? You want issues? First, how about funding the planner that’s been in the budget and unfunded for two years. Sussex county has had no certified planner for two years. New Castle county has 14 planners and Kent county has 8. Sussex-nada. This is Vance Phillips idea of cutting government spending. He announced two weeks ago that Sussex county has $600,000 surplus just in time for the election. Seems like a prudent person might want to consider taking some of that surplus and funding this position. Second, DROP THE SUIT AGAINST DNREC concerning the 100 ft. buffers and save the taxpayers money. Three, correct “the mess” (George Cole’s words) at the BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS that allows close to 86% 0f variances being approved instead of national average of closer to 60%. This is creating problems in our Manufactured Home parks……George Cole (as you can see by the picture at the top) is a smooth good looking guy who placates people. He is good starter but lousy finisher. After 24 years its time for a FULL TIME county councilman who follows up and gets back to people on their problems. A finisher not a starter.

  6. Miscreant says:

    Thanks for your rather verbose response, but there is little substance.

    1st – Cole is in favor of hiring the certified planner. In fact, he and Deaver “demanded” it at a recent meeting.
    2nd – It is well documented that Cole is against the lawsuit against DNREC.
    3rd – Cole also believes the Board of Adjustments approval rate is out of proportion.

    Mr. Melrath (10 year resident, and former insurance salesman) and Mr. Cole seem to be in agreement on most of the key issues. It would appear that the only argument against Cole is the above picture.

  7. capesdelaware says:

    Not So. First- If he was serious about hiring a planner why is the amount in the budget $40,000. This is a joke amount. Try to hire a certified planner for $40,000. George Cole placates people. He takes “cover” in the majority of his votes. 2nd- This vote is perfect example. Did he lobby his fellow republican councilman to his side. Did he show up at the CENTER FOR INLAND BAYS yesterday to hear DNREC Secretary Collin O’Mara speak . George Cole is part of the problem with our Inland Bays not part of the solution. He is a part-time councilman who is a realtor and antiques dealer. We need a Full time County councilman. 3rd- But what has he done about it? At their joint appearance in front of Manufactured Homeowners Assoc. last month they hammered him for 30 mins.+ on his broken promises and lack of action. Don’t believe me? Show up Monday night at their next meeting at Oak Orchard Fire Dept.