The Real Enthusiam Gap

Filed in National by on October 20, 2010

Although I am loathe to link to Politico, they got their hands on some hilariously desperate emails from the George Washington University chapter of the College Republicans:

We are still DESPERATELY looking for people to sign up for the campaign trip to Delaware this weekend. Please attend! Our candidates in Delaware desperately need help! A gift of 50 dollars, free food, transportation, and lodging at a beautiful hotel in Delaware will be provided to ANYONE who comes on this trip. YOU WILL GET PAID FOR GOING! THIS WILL BE THE EXPERIENCE OF YOUR YEAR HERE AT GW! Additionally, the campaigns will give our College Republicans chapter 2,000 dollars for future programming if we get 30 people to go. Please go!

It would seem that the word is out that Christine O’Donnell stiffs her campaign workers and keeps the money for herself.

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  1. pandora says:

    Oh my. They’re begging (and bribing)!

  2. Tonight I heard that Chris Coons has 2,000 volunteers. They don’t need to pay college students from other states to come on election day.

  3. MJ says:

    We made over 2000 phone calls yesterday just down here in Sussex. Not too much of an enthusiasm gap down here. And not a bad story in the News Journal about the new “left coast” this morning.