Wednesday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in National by on October 20, 2010

Drunk dialing. It’s what someone does when they’ve had one too many. Most of us have done it at one time in our lives, most likely when we were in college.

But in a exercise of extreme chutzpah, Virginia Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, decided to call Anita Hill after 19 years a demand an apology from her for “what you did to my husband.”

Virginia Thomas, who, besides being the wife of the biggest jerkoff on the Supreme Court, is a Tea Party activist, must have been having a weird Saturday morning on October 9! Because around 7:30 a.m. she called up her old, you know, person whom she hates, at her (Hill’s) home office in Waltham, Mass., and left the following message in what The New Yorker’s Jane Mayer calls “a singsong voice”:

Good morning, Anita Hill, it’s Ginni Thomas. I just wanted to reach across the airwaves and the years and ask you to consider something. I would love you to consider an apology sometime and some full explanation of why you did what you did with my husband. So give it some thought and certainly pray about this and come to understand why you did what you did. OK, have a good day.”

Now, Ginni Thomas is unusual for a wife of a Supreme Court Justice. Most, if not all, of the spouses of the Justices have not taken an active role in politics, since the Justices themselves are not supposed to be political. But Thomas has her own PR firm, and is the CEO of Liberty Central, whose mission is to “promote education, civil discourse, and activism focused on protecting core founding principles of the United States.” Basically, it’s a teabagger organization.

In November of 2009, Virginia ‘Ginni’ Thomas founded Liberty Central, a 501(c)4 organization whose primary objective is to harness the power of citizen voices, inform everyday Americans with knowledge, and activate them to preserve liberty. Ginni recognized the need for our country to bridge the gap between our nation’s citizens and its Capitol and return to a government that adheres to our core Founding Principles – limited government, personal responsibility, individual liberty, free enterprise, and national security.

Her public comments about President Obama have raised serious ethical questions about Justice Thomas’ ability to be an impartial jurist.

Max Reed, who authored the post on Gawker raises a serious question:

Serious question: Maybe I am parsing the Ginny Thomas Saturday Morning Account-Settling a little too much, but what does she mean by “did with my husband”? This is like a Raymond Carver story, isn’t it?! Though, Mayer says the message sounds “more adversarial than most peace offerings.”

Yes, what did Ginni mean by her statement?

Ginni, next time you feel the urge to call someone on an early Saturday morning to demand an apology, have a Coke and think about it. And make sure the Coke can doesn’t have a pubic hair on it.

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About the Author ()

A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

Comments (24)

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  1. Liberal Elite says:

    My first thought on the Ginny Thomas call is that Clarence might be sick. What would spur a comment like this after 19 years? She’s certainly not going to help anyone get elected by this ploy.

    So.. What was it?

    Anyone want to take a bet that Clarence is gone before Obama leaves office?

  2. So passive-aggressive

    Clarence Thomas is SCOTUS’s worst justice and we’re stuck with him. Ugh. I’m disgusted by his profiteering on his own SCOTUS decisions and the bribery that is occurring through his wife’s secret donors.

    This just reminds me of Harry Whittington apologizing to Dick Cheney for having the face in the way of his shotgun.

  3. Michelle M says:

    I think drunk dialing is the best explanation, especially the voicemail was “in a singsong voice.” Maybe Clarence accidently called Ginni “Anita” and that set her off.

  4. anon says:

    Drunk at 7:30 AM? If you are up drinking all night, you don’t have a singsong voice.

    More likely she had a restless night worrying about… something… and called as soon as she figured it wasn’t too early.

    Off her meds maybe.

  5. Drunk at 7:30 AM

    I’d be if I was married to Clarence Thomas

  6. cassandra m says:

    Awesome nerve asking for an apology from the one person in that deal who took the lie detector test. Anita should have sent a message back to Ginni that she’ll start thinking about an apology they day Clarence passes *his* polygraph.

    And while I’m at it, Joe Biden owes Anita Hill an apology.

  7. Joe Cass says:

    She’s a teabagger shill. Nothing gets the right as fired up as the “high tech lynching” done to a conservative justice.

  8. MJ says:

    As does Arlen Spector and Alan Simpson.

  9. alyn pearis says:

    I find it most interesting that after the call, Miss Hill called the police. What is more intriguing is the fact that the police decided to inform the FBI. I think there is more on that recording than the public has heard. If Mr.T is not a drinking man now, think he soon will be.

  10. Professor Hill was right to call the police. She thought it was some kind of hoax. It was the campus security that determined it was real.

  11. Joe Cass says:

    Miss Hill has undoubtedly received threats before from the whackjobs; there is a real possibility of harm to her. Ginny is a shebag leader with plenty of minions ready to pull a Byron Williams.

  12. skippertee says:

    Joe, don’t you mean sheHAG leader ?
    Or SEAHAG, shebag leader ?
    What a BEAST !

  13. Joe Cass says:

    Thank you for the correction, skippertree. She is quite monstrous when you consider her hubby and his co-worker hang out with the Koch bros. What do these people have up there collective sleeves and how awry will it go when implemented?

  14. anon says:

    Professor Hill was right to call the police. She thought it was some kind of hoax. It was the campus security that determined it was real.

    Maybe it was James O’Keefe in falsetto.

  15. skippertee says:

    James O’Keefe in falsetto.-Good one, anon.

  16. Prup (aka Jim Benton) says:

    If Clarence Thomas IS retiring — or there is any other vacancy on SCOTUS guring the next four years — it is THIS election which will determine who is ‘confirmable.’ (We don’t get a ‘do-over’ in 2012, because there are only ten Republican seats even available — and most of those are in unwinnable states like MS and WY. Meanwhile we will have many more vulnerable incumbents — Webb, Tester, etc. — to defend.) So not only ia defeating Chrissie important, but anyone who can help some other of our close candidates should do so. If not, we’ll be lucky if we can get even a centrist on to the court.

  17. cassandra m says:

    Why Anita Hill Deserves An Apology and this time for Gini Thomas calling her.

  18. pandora says:

    Ginni Thomas is the type of woman who makes other women roll their eyes in pity. She’s the girl from high school who always blamed her boyfriend breaking up with her on his new girlfriend. Not the boy, and certainly not herself. Truly pathetic.

    And while there may very well be underlying political reasons for the call, and the ever-present Republican desire to re-write history, I think the high school model of excuse and revenge is the driving force that was clutched in desperation. It’s just so petty. It’s as if she’s using this phone call to shriek, “He never wanted you. He wanted ME! ME! ME!”

  19. Geezer says:

    Pandora: If that’s not a bulls-eye, it’s darned close. You know where all this comes from — Clarence denying, denying, denying that he watched porn or talked dirty with gals in the office. It reminds me of Larry Craig denying, denying, denying to his wife that he’s gay.

  20. pandora says:

    Why, thank you, Geezer!

    When dealing with conservatives I find it best to refer to high school antics and bodice-ripping historical romances.

  21. MJ says:

    Larry Craig is gay? You don’t say.

  22. Geezer says:

    MJ: Depends on whom you ask, I suppose — the cop on that beat or Tappy McWidestance himself.

  23. skippertee says:

    Larry Craig gay ? I’m not sure he would HOOVER a penis.
    But, I’d bet you dollars to donuts he’d let you lay one across his mouth as you took a ride down a bumpy road.

  24. Joe Cass says:

    skippertree, that’s clarence thomas talk! Break out the coke cans.