Friday Open Thread

Filed in National by on October 22, 2010

Welcome to your Friday open thread. All I can say is TGIF! Plus, there’s 11 days to go until the election. I hope you’re out there urging your friends and colleagues to vote for Chris Coons and John Carney.

The Hill published a story about the drop in teen pregnancy rates and the increasing difference between regions. I’m sure you’re shocked to hear that those immoral liberal states have lower teen pregnancy rates. Apparently prayer & ignorance is not an effective form of birth control.

Although national teen-pregnancy rates are on the decline, the disparities between states are often dramatic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported Wednesday.

Some women’s health advocates say the discrepancies are indication that comprehensive sex-education programs are producing results for states that offer them, while states emphasizing abstinence-only programs aren’t faring as well.

Whatever the reason, the regional disparities are stark. In Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont, for instance, 2008 birth rates were less than 25 per 1,000 teens aged 15 to 19, CDC found. In the same year, Arkansas, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas all had rates topping 60 per 1,000 teens.

Mississippi had the country’s highest rate (65.7), CDC says, while New Hampshire had the lowest (19.8).

The article also shows the 5 states with highest rates are all abstinence-only states. Of course, that won’t keep the bedroom police from screaming bloody murder if school districts try to move to comprehensive sex education.

Is Glenn Beck’s star dimming? An appearance in South Dakota has sold only 10% of the available tickets.

So many good seats, in fact, that ticket prices were just slashed. The event’s organizer claims the prices were cut after the group “received a large donation from the South Dakota Campaign For Liberty,” and that more than 1,000 tickets” have been sold. The Civic Center holds approximately 10,000 people.

I’d like to think his unhinged conspiracy-mongering is driving people away. Perhaps it is but he still has plenty of fans. Too many for my comfort.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (15)

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  1. Joe Cass says:

    HMS not very Astute

  2. Joe Cass says:


  3. anon says:

    I’m sure you’re shocked to hear that those immoral liberal states have lower teen pregnancy rates.

    Actually the study is about birth rates. Somebody needs to do this study factoring in abortions. I’m not sure there is any good data for this though.

    But I think even with abortions included, the low teen birth states will still have lower teen pregnancy rates.

    Update: Guttmacher tries to sort this out, but the data is only up to 2006:

    New Mexico had the highest teenage pregnancy rate (93 per 1,000), followed by Nevada, Arizona, Texas and Mississippi. The lowest rates were in New Hampshire (33), Vermont, Maine, Minnesota and North Dakota.

  4. anon says:

    This is something different.

    A woman marries herself, and it’s not Christine O’Donnell.

    Question: Is it masturbation if you are married to yourself?

  5. TellTheTruth says:

    Tonight on DemocracyNow, 7:00 on Comcast…Wikileaks making their dump of documents.

  6. TellTheTruth says:

    Rush Limbaugh has made a sick statement. He stated that “free lunches should end, let the kids dumpster dive”. This is mantra of the tea baggers, repukes and GOP’ers who could give a damn about the middle class. Food Stamps are up all over the country. Is this what corporate America, Chamber of Commerce and multi nationals want for america? This election is about saving the “democracy” from the demented!

  7. TellTheTruth says:

    Turns out ole Juan Williams harassed women sexually when he was at Washington Post! So much for the right wing fringe supporting this guy. Dick Morris calling for the defunding of NPR!

  8. Joe Cass says:

    TripleT, I heard that bile too. Its disturbing that the ‘dittoheads’ will cast there votes against their own; that they are heeding the words of a multimillionaire and believing he knows what is best for them. The fact that his listeners hang on every word about his jet setting lifestyle they will never have for themselves,in fact,are barely hanging onto their own lifestyle, and don’t feel it being rubbed in their faces astounds me. I can’t wait to get back to work so I can turn off the radio.

  9. To Get My Vote says:

    Interesting roundtable discussion between Flowers and Bonini.

  10. Aoine says:

    you gotta check out this link:

    they are STILL trying to spin the gaffe….they realy do not get it!!

  11. C says:

    You would think their fair damsel is worth more than that.
    I wouldna give a plug nickel but its hilarious they go to ground with the offer rather than MSM.

  12. Aoine says:

    well now that they have established what she is….(not a witch)

    they are just haggling over the price

  13. MJ says:

    And the post is written by her former campaign manager, the ambulance chaser from Virginia. He just doesn’t quit. Guess he doesn’t have too many clients.

  14. cassandra m says:

    Apparently he shouldn’t have his law license, either.

  15. Joe Cass says:

    Hi. I’ve been in my cups so I hope I’m not repeating your content over and over and over and oh.. Chris Coons!
    They said its an attack ad but I see it as an apt ad.