Delaware Liberal

Weekend Open Thread

Welcome to your weekend open thread. It looks like it’s going to be a nice weekend. I’m going to be out canvassing this weekend. The election is only 10 days away! Share your GOTV stories, if you have them.

John Carney also had a mailer about Glen Urquhart, tying him to Christine O’Donnell’s extremism (smart):

What do you think? Effective? I also received a mailer today from the Delaware Democratic party with Sarah Palin’s picture on it. It stated “NEGATIVE campaigns

Sarah Palin and friends are trying to take over Delaware. Join us in defending the Delaware Way.

You live here. You decide.”

The front says “Delaware is suddenly filled with Sarah Palin look-alikes”

I’m on the fence about this one but it’s much smarter to try to tie Republicans to Sarah Palin than to George W. Bush, who has been out-of-sight, out-of-mind for most people.

Some positive news in the early voting numbers:

In an election year when good news has been scarce for Democrats, anxious party strategists are heartened by at least one development: In states that have started voting, early indications are that Democratic turnout could be stronger than expected.

Despite the much-discussed “enthusiasm gap,” early balloting suggests that the voter turnout engine that Barack Obama revved up in 2008 has not sputtered out entirely, according to the Atlas Project, a Democratic consulting firm that analyzed voter data.

The firm told its clients Friday that early ballots in the 17 states where voting has been sufficient to draw historical comparisons show a partisan balance that looks very much like that in 2006, the year Democrats took back the House and the Senate.

I’m not sure how much it means because early voters are generally motivated voters, but any good news is good news!

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