Monday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in National by on October 25, 2010

It’s the week before Election Day and some folks are getting desperate and paranoid. Today’s winner thinks there’s an evil plot by the President to get your personal information.

Yes, those wacky, paranoid, idiots over at (you know, the ones that want to round up illegals and shoot them from the backs of pick-up trucks and the ones who worship at Curly’s obese feet) are telling their members that a page on Facebook is not as innocent as it looks. Under the title of “Facebook Users, BEWARE! Obama Supporters Launch Misleading Facebook Application Which Steals Your Personal Information,” Assistant National Director Mellie of Dallas, GA tells her minions

Commit fraud. Obama’s lust for power has lead his team to create a Facebook app which data mines your page and steals as much sensitive information as it can. As you can see from the photo below, it attempts to convince
you to give up everything about you, which is then fed into the Team Obama database, and WILL be used against you at some future point.

This app wants to know everything about you, including your religious and political beliefs. If you see this app on your page, we highly recommend you to not only delete the post, but also block the app and then block the person who posted it to your page. This is war, people, make no mistake about that. Because Obama’s Team has no intention of taking prisoners.

We aren’t the least bit paranoid, are we now, Mellie?

And an honorable mention goes to Friday’s winner, Sean Bielat, who just doesn’t know when to stop. Last week, he introduced a homophobic commercial to the campaign. But as is typical of the teabaggers, they love to shove another foot in their mouth (amongst other things). Yesterday, he compared being gay to being short, when it comes to military service.

According to the Huffington Post,

Bielat also did something else. He made a bizarre comparison when discussing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” to the Boston Herald, arguing that gays should have no guaranteed right to serve in the military — just like short people.

“There’s no absolute right to serve. Men under the height of 5 feet, 2 inches can’t serve — I don’t see anybody protesting. Where are the people standing in front of the White House, the short guys standing in front of the White House? You don’t see it,” Bielat told the Boston Herald. “We understand that there’s no absolute right to serve in all these other areas,” he continued.

Bielat is not an asshat. He’s a complete and utter fucktard!

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About the Author ()

A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

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  1. ek says:

    Well, it is nice to hear a teabagger admit that being gay isn’t any more of a choice than being short.