Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on October 27, 2010

Welcome to your Wednesday open thread. The election is only 6 days away and I don’t know how it is in your part of Delaware but I’ve witnessed a sign explosion. Lots of Coons signs, some Carney signs and few O’Donnell signs.

When health care reform passed, Steve Benen highlighted the “repeal trap.” The repeal trap is repealing the popular parts of the bill. Democrats, of course, have dropped the ball on this but one Democrat running in a probably doomed race against Eric Cantor is not afraid.

I really wish more Democrats had the strength of their convictions, but I think it’s too much to ask. Politicians are just not brave.

Is anyone really surprised by this – the GOP is asking applicants for jobs with the next Congress to take an ideology purity test.

First, all applicants for staff jobs with Republican members are being urged to take an ideological litmus test.

The House Republican Study Committee is asking people who want to work for a member of the conservative group next Congress to fill out ideological surveys on the websites of two conservative organizations….

The links to questionnaires on the websites of the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, and Leadership Institute’s site, are pasted into the RSC e-mail. The RSC claims more than 115 House Republicans as its membership….

The questionnaire on the Heritage Foundation website asks applicants questions about their views on foreign, economic and social policy.

Applicants are then asked to “rate” their level of agreement with individuals and organizations on the survey.

Individuals and organizations listed include former vice president Al Gore, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the Cato Institute, President George W. Bush and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

I can already tell it’s going to be a long 2 years until 2012.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (27)

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  1. Ishmael says:

    Bookie says GOP can’t lose House, pays bets early

    The Washington Times ^ | 10/27/10 | Stephan Dinan

    Saying there’s no way Democrats can keep control of the House, Ireland’s largest bookie on Wednesday said it has already paid off all bettors who wagered the GOP would capture the chamber.

  2. pandora says:

    Another Dem knocked to the ground and arrested at ANOTHER public/private event. This time Cantor’s.

    Seriously, if they are so offended by being called brown shirts, they should stop behaving this way.

  3. pandora says:

    The Washington Times? Bwhahahaha!

  4. a.price says:

    329 Cannon Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    P: 202.225-2815
    F: 202.225-0011

    Cantor’s office. I just spoke with another nice staffer. Dont know if he’ll get the message but it never hurts to try. Saddly, brass knuckles dont reach across phone lines so some of us wont be able to call.

  5. Blu_Coq says:

    Bullying is much more civilized in Delaware. GOBaggers (O’Donnell) threaten to sue WDEL over coverage.

  6. anonone says:

    Does anybody remember a few short months ago when many Democrats were hoping that the repubs would nominate extremists because they “couldn’t possibly be elected”?

  7. RSmitty says:

    Looks like the threat to sue was retracted and they are now apologizing not only for the threat, but for the Moran (whoops, I got my teabagz on, I meant the “moron”). From the same link that Blu_Coq provided above:

    O’Donnell’s campaign manager, Matt Moran, called WDEL and demanded that the video be immediately turned over to the campaign and destroyed. Moran threatened to “crush WDEL” with a lawsuit if the station didn’t comply.

    That’s right, threats, threats, and more threats. What do they demand? CENSORSHIP. Yeah, that’s right. Censor or be CRUSHED. It’s in the Constitution, right?


    …After seeing the video the attorney for the O’Donnell campaign contacted WDEL’s counsel again to apologize for charges made by their campaign manager. The attorney agreed that there was no legal issue with the video and expressed regret for the incident.

    The only thing that shocks me in all of this, is the expression of humility at the end. What’s sad is, that should be the LAST thing to shock me, if at all.

  8. Geezer says:

    Smitty: They were worried about an incident about 12 minutes into the video. After Jensen asked O’Donnell what she would have done differently from Coons had she run the county, she got angry and snapped her fingers toward the beefy gent who accompanied her, as if to intimidate Jensen into silence, then pulled him toward Jensen.

    These people are bullies. We should all remember that the Boston Tea Party was not a success in overturning taxes. It’s famous because it led to a bloody, destructive civil war between England and its colonies. Never forget what it is that they’re hoping for.

  9. anon2 says:

    WTF-when I think of a future with nut bags like O’Donnell and Urquhart running the country, why do I envision a colorless world with no vegetation, children begging for money on street corners, citizens being arrested for hiding copies of “The Grapes of Wrath” in their attics, and neighbors disappearing….

  10. RSmitty says:

    I am unfortunately familiar with some back-scene stuff hung over others’ heads throughout this election year that came from that camp. It certainly wasn’t her, and I should make that clear, but that camp. I really wish I could say that I am surprised, but I can’t. None of this surprises me, none. I get what you’re saying and when I illustrate in my mind what you say above, it’s just too damned easy to see it playing out in my head. It’s a sad and downright depressing scene, too, what has become of that political discourse and obvious inability for many there to recognize any sliver of culpability and humility.

  11. Geezer says:

    “…children begging for money on street corners…”

    But remember, according to Rick over at DP, they’ll be “dressed like whores.”

  12. Geezer says:

    Smitty: It was her in this video. I strongly encourage everyone to view it. She pulls in her muscle to try to cut off Jensen’s line of questioning — as if Jensen was Keith Olberman or something.

  13. warren says:

    …well, it sure looks to me like cod reached out for a “lifeline” from her campaign cohort shown in the video…

    also,when discussing what she would have done differently with county finances, cod said something to the effect that she wouldn’t have used tax payer money to hire a private investigator to look into/investigate political rivals. is she insinuating that coons used taxpayer money to investigate her?

    she and her campaign are imploding slowly but surely.

  14. Mr. Orwell says:

    Censorship is Freedom of Speech! War is Peace! Poverty is Prosperity!
    And some animals are created more equal than others: Patriots with guns are more equal than than those without.

  15. woah says:

    Orwell you read my mind…some in the gop have to be resisting this

  16. heragain says:

    Teaching Animal Farm this month, Mr. Orwell, showed my students your reference. Also, COD’s tape. Also the headstomp video.

    I just cannot believe we have contemporaneous video for this lesson. I’m used to relying on “Eyes on the Prize.” 🙁

  17. The Straight Scoop says:

    I was starting to wonder if Jensen would wake up, stand up and call O’Donnell out and rethink his support for the “no” vote he said he wants in the Senate. Then I listened… he’s not defending her, but good God, if I were threatened with a lawsuit by someone I was supporting for doing my job, I damn sure would rethink my allegiances.

    This is a watershed moment for Jensen. Will he actually be a conservative commentator with integrity, or will he compromise his professional pride to continue supporting O’Donnell?

    Sadly, I think most people already know the answer. I just wish someone on the right had the courage to call her out.

  18. RSmitty says:

    Impossible wish: Whenever CoD campaign bans any media, the media bans her and blacks her out from access. Less impossible of a wish: Get Anderson Cooper to interview Ginger Gibson and others from the News Journal about this cowardly, yet passive-aggressive chest thumping.

    Another constitutional-loving move of media suppression.

  19. heragain says:

    Some time ago, I got on an email list for the ‘non-partisan’ educational organization, “Liberty Central”. Because, I’m in favor of the Constitution, right?

    Now, apparently, Ginni Thomas only stops drunk-dialing Anita Hill long enough to email me. Here’s a link to the most recent, as a webpage.

    Constitutional scholar that I am, that looks like political activism, to me.

  20. I wish the media would support each other and deny COD the media oxygen she thrives on. Alas, that doesn’t seem to work.

  21. anon says:

    And what is this sham of a “Dems for O’Donnell” event she apparently is holding today–would like to see who these “Dems” are and verify that they are actually Delawareans to boot!

  22. anon says:

    Here is the WHYY report:

    Christine O’Donnell maintains a number of Democrats are supporting her Republican, tea party-backed candidacy for US Senate. Democratic candidate Chris Coons has also released a list of over 70 Republicans supporting him in Tuesday’s election.

    Several registered Democrats spoke in support of O’Donnell Wednesday in Wilmington. She said it is an indication of the frustration many Americans feel with both political parties.

    Wilmington resident Ish Prado said he spoke out because he felt the Democratic party with which he is registered has gone too far to the left. Michael Degnars, who is with a family-run bakery businesses, said O’Donnell would work on behalf of small businesses, and he criticized what he sees as the current “arrogance in Washington.”

    O’Donnell also said there were dozens of other Democratic supporters who wanted to speak on her behalf, but were concerned about possible “political retaliation” or intimidation. She continued to outline her top priorities if elected: keeping the Bush tax cuts from expiring, implementing a two-year holiday on the capital gains tax, and preventing “cap and trade” and an increase in the estate tax from taking effect.

    Names on the list of his Republican supporters released by the Coons campaign this week included former Congressman and Co-Chair of the Republican National Committee Tom Evans, former Chief Justice of the Delaware Supreme Court Norm Veasey, and William “Bud” Roth III, the son of the late Senator William Roth. “It’s a great honor to have the public support of so many Delaware Republicans who understand the consequences of the election,” Coons said.

  23. at the rally says:

    Is anyone else at the coons, carney markell jobs rally?

  24. heragain says:

    Frankly, I’d think any D that supported O’Donnell would be right to expect criticism of their stupidity.

  25. skippertee says:

    I caught reference.
    You funny.
    Me not care.
    Me high.
    You jerk.