Delaware Liberal

Wednesday’s Asshat of the Day – UPDATED

Tonight I’m calling out, once again, that mysterious group down here in Sussex County that hates Pete Schwartzkopf. These are the chicken-shits who put up the billboard on Route 9 outside of Lewes claiming that Pete raised taxes all by himself. The have a porcine fetish (guess that’s why they love Curly’s show on WGOP).

Last night, they were out in force putting up signs with a hundred dollar bill on fire and claiming that this was
“Pete Schwartzkopf on our economy.” No disclaimer on the signs as to who was responsible for them. But we all know who’s behind this bullshit campaign. Their last name is the same as a river in New York City and the organization has the same initials as a professional golfing association. But these folks don’t have the balls to take responsibility for their actions. As I said, they’re chicken shit.

But their little ploy has backfired and it has hurt the candidate they wanted to help. Folks down here don’t like this kind of a negative campaigning. They expect candidates to run “gentlemanly” campaigns and to discuss the issues. But Chris Weeks, Pete’s opponent, is being blamed by many in the community for being behind these signs. He claims he doesn’t know who’s behind them, but he also won’t condemn the anonymous group behind them. Guess he doesn’t have his man-pants on and won’t stand up to his puppet masters.

So to our anonymous Pete haters are today’s asshats of the day. Maybe they’ll find their balls and reveal themselves. That is, of course, if they can find the time to do it after teabagging each other.

Honorable mention goes to the nimrod who called in to Curly’s show today and said “I want less people voting, not more.” This was after a discussion about supposed voter fraud in Nevada and people who don’t take the time to “educate themselves” about the candidates and issues. My guess is that this citizen will be one of the voter integrity poll watchers on Election Day, making sure brown people aren’t allowed to vote.

UPDATE – A check of land records shows that the land where the huge, new anti-Schwartzkopf signs and billboards have been placed is owned by the Hudson Family. The Hudson’s are well known for their extremist conservative views (until the patriarch died earlier this year, the sign outside their Hudson Fields sports complex bemoaned that “Socialism was at the Gates”). The Hudson’s are also huge supporters of the Positive Growth Alliance, which is a pro-developer group down here. And the PGA hates Pete.

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