Delaware Liberal

Chris Weeks is Weak

This morning, House Majority Leader Pete Schwartzkopf and his teabagging challenger, Chris Weeks, one of St. Bodie Girl’s acolytes, had a debate on Dan Gaffney’s show on WGOP. Weeks had challenged Pete to a debate last night at Rehoboth Elementary after arrangements had been made and before asking if Pete could be there. The only other debate that Pete could have made was this past Tuesday night, but that was his 20th anniversary and he declined. I would have done the same. And they have appeared together at least three times over the past few weeks at different forums.

Questions for the candidates came from the listening audience, who were asked to email their inquiries to Gaffney prior to the debate. By the sound of the questions being asked of both candidates (and they had to be addressed to both), most came from the loyal, right-wing fringe that listens to WGOP on a daily basis. Questions about immigration, casinos, drug testing of people before they can receive welfare. The typical wedge issue questions.

Both were asked if they would support an amendment to the Delaware Constitution to outlaw “gay marriage.” Weeks said “I would and I say this out of a position of love. I love my wife. I love my children and I will always defend them.” Chris, who are you defending them from? His response was not surprising, though. According to parishioners I’ve spoken with, Weeks decided to leave Epworth United Methodist Church about 8 years ago because the church was becoming more opening and welcoming to the gay community in the Rehoboth Beach area. Good show of tolerance there, Chris.

He is against a Sussex County casino on moral grounds. Pete told him that that argument has already “left the bus station,” and that the proposed casino would bring jobs to the area. Weeks dismissed that saying that the jobs would not be in the 14th District. Duh! But why would a casino in Millsboro prevent people who live in the 14th from getting one of those jobs? And what will stop people who might go to that casino from coming to, or staying at, the beach? I guess Weeks forgets how all of the motels on Route 1 get booked solid during NASCAR weekends.

The big question was about the anonymous political group that has targeted Pete this year. Gaffney phrased the question as a Freedom of Speech issue. Pete’s answer: how can you protect freedom of speech from someone who is anonymous. And even though Weeks claimed he doesn’t know who is behind the signs and website, Pete pointed out that these folks have been supporting Weeks. And Weeks was palling around with them outside the Home Depot on April 15.

Weeks has claimed to have been a successful businessman and knows how to create jobs. As far as I can tell, he has been a bookstore manager, a front desk hotel manager, and now a salesman for an engineering firm… all very respectful positions, however, he has not owned the business and I find it difficult for him to truly understand the pressures of wondering where the next paycheck that has to go out the door will come from, or how inventory will be handled when its delivered. Chris Weeks is an employee, not an owner.

In closing, cultural warrior Weeks said that it was “an easy decision for voters in the 14th” next Tuesday. Indeed, Chris, it is. And if you knew anything about this district, you would know that no matter party affiliation or political viewpoint, Pete is well liked. And it’s an easy choice for us to return him to Dover next Tuesday.

PS – Chris, are you sure all of your taxes are paid?

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