Delaware Liberal

Almost Time for the DC Trip **UPDATED**

Saturday is almost upon us.  We are currently waiting on the last minute confirmations from the bus company about the features of the specific bus that we will be using for the DC trip as well as a few details about the drop off/pick up locations in DC.  In addition, I was just informed that there may be some extra seats available if a larger bus is assigned to us. Stay tuned.

**There are not seats, unless someone is not showing up.

If the bus has an entertainment package, we may run a movie on the trip, so I’m looking for suggestions.  I would think that we want a comedy, but one that could be easily ignored while chatting with others on the bus.  Any suggestions?  The suggestions so far are Idiocracy, Harold and Kumar, The Aristocrats, Tommy (The Rock Opera), Dr. Strangelove, Religulous, Jesus Camp and Office Space.


I’m promoting this thread to the top so we can update information. The latest:

The bus leaves from the Shipyard Shops in Wilmington at 8:00 a.m. The bus is supposed to be there at 7:45 a.m. (How many bets that the bus gets lost?)

Prohibited items: No glass, No kegs, No red wine
I haven’t paid the deposit to allow alcohol yet. I’m asked to pay it so alcohol may not be allowed. I’ll update.

I’m going to the store tonight to pick up cardboard, markers and a stencil. I plan to make a do-it-yourself sign on the ride down.

We still haven’t decided a meet-up spot in D.C. Let’s finalize that.


**UPDATE #2**

You will be able to bring alcohol on the bus. Please don’t make a mess. As said above, no glass, no kegs and no red wine.

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