Christine O’Donnell Responds To The Gawker Story

Filed in National by on October 29, 2010

Christine O’Donnell responded to the universally discussed story of her almost-one-night stand by blaming Chris Coons.

Wilmington, DE – Communications Director Doug Sachtleben stated in response to the universal condemnation of the Gawker story:

“This story is just another example of the sexism and slander that female candidates are forced to deal with. From Secretary Clinton, to Governor Palin, to soon-to-be Governor Haley, Christine’s political opponents have been willing to engage in appalling and baseless attacks — all with the aim of distracting the press from covering the real issues in this race. Even the National Organization for Women gets it, but Christine’s opponent disturbingly does not. As Chris Coons said on September 16th he would not condone personal attacks against Christine. Classless Coons goons have proven yet again to have no sense of common decency or common sense with their desperate attacks to get another rubber stamp for the Obama-Pelosi-Reid agenda. Such attacks are truly shameful, but they will not distract us from making our case to Delaware voters — and keeping the focus on Chris Coons’ record of higher taxes, increased spending, and as he has done again here, breaking his promises to the voters.”

Is Christine O’Donnell accusing Chris Coons of hiding in her bushes in 2007 to take pictures of her to sell 3 years later? In my opinion, O’Donnell steps all over her own message (the article is baseless and shameful) in her hurry to attack Chris Coons. I was sympathetic to yet another sexist attack on female candidate but O’Donnell can’t leave well enough alone, can she?

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. I’ll have to admit that I’m flabbergasted as to why O’Donnell responded to the story at all.

  2. Another Mike says:

    They also should have left the witch thing alone. She just let her entire campaign message get lost. You have to wonder what the thinking is in her campaign HQ.

  3. So that high-priced fancy PR firm she hired can’t do better than this?

  4. anon2 says:

    This story has a significance beyond the unwaxed hedges and drunken-ness…

    October 2007 is the month that Christine O’Donnell stopped paying her mortgage, and it was the beginning of her house going into foreclosure.

    If you recall, her excuse for not paying her mortgage, starting in October 2007, was because she was working 18 hour days on a right to life case.

    I call BULLSHIT.

  5. Aoine says:

    i think her party planted the story to blame the Coons campaign

    that would be them….

    i mean really – she got drink, hit on some dude, nothing happened (really) while wearing ladybug suit)

    sounds like a whole lotta nuttin to me – but more media exposure for her but she can blame coons for the FREE negative press..

    that;s their MO

  6. V says:

    No way Christine’s camp planted it. I can’t believe she’d ok putting in the detail about her grooming habits.

    That was actually the part that made me go “ok, that’s not really called for,” (I mean I don’t like her either, but this stuff just makes everyone look bad)but I think using this to attack Coons is kind of a stretch.

  7. click over to memeorandum for all the links (and photos). (Agree that it wasn’t anything she condoned. The anony author has been outed already and he was in Philly working for the Federal Reserve of all things )

    My favorite coverage was Pandagon’s but Wonkette did a great job too. Their comments will leave you in stitches.

  8. Aoine says:

    i believe they did – they have done a lot of other thing things one would think they would not do

    these people are not normal and do not have the same normal mind-set like us”they are desperate and will try to win by any means possible.

  9. anonone says:

    She needs to put on her man pants.

  10. Geezer says:

    “I think using this to attack Coons is kind of a stretch.”

    KIND of a stretch? What on Earth could Chris Coons have to do with this in the first place? Where’s the slighest scintilla of evidence? I didn’t think it was a plant before, but I do now.

  11. Jason330 says:

    I like that she is not into waxing. Plant, bushes… Too soon?

  12. anon says:

    This story is an obvious hit job. Now if they had a picture of her in a witch costume that would be another matter.

  13. OpenMinded says:

    Please put names in when making comments! I am going nuts trying to keep up with the references here! Who (on this thread) is accusing who of planting? Are you accusing CC (SERIOUSLY???) of planting the story…or CoD of planting (MORE LIKELY) of planting the story to use as fuel?

    Personally, I think it’s the work of a random crackpot trying to get his (or maybe even her) 15 minutes. However, I do bristle at the thought of the sexism involved when it comes to discussing female (even if I don’t agree with their politics) candidates personal grooming habits and choice of fashion, as a point of interest to the voting public. As fashionista snarkiness, yes, I, of all people, am all for it. But really, when it comes down to it, how many men subject themselves to waxing in private areas? I know I can speak for most women when I say, I wish they would. But I’ve never hear that particular topic discussed as it applies to men in any political forum.

    I would like to know if the President and VP discuss their choice of ties when they appear together. One normally wears a red and the other a blue…but is that planned?

    Do you see how ridiculous this sounds?

    I’m not even entertaining the thought that CC planted this, that’s just plain stupid. But if the CoD camp did, to deflect ONCE AGAIN from having her actually address issues beyond bullet points, then they are promoting sexism and setting back what little progress women have made in the political arena even further.

  14. OpenMinded says:

    A side note: I bet the Secretary of State is just CRINGING that she keeps referencing her. Cringing.

  15. anon says:

    But really, when it comes down to it, how many men subject themselves to waxing in private areas? I know I can speak for most women when I say, I wish they would. But I’ve never hear that particular topic discussed as it applies to men in any political forum.

    Are you kidding? Republicans discussed Clinton’s genitalia in Congress.

  16. skippertee says:

    Dear OpenMinded,
    I’m not very hairy. Waxing would be superfluous.
    True story: As a pious young 6th grader, a buddy told me of the existence of hermaphrodites. I couldn’t quite grasp the concept as I wasn’t real bright and knew nothing about sex.
    Anyway, soon after, I came out of my room at the same time my mom came from the shower and I saw she had pubic hairs.
    Now, understand, my sister’s dolls didn’t have any. And I was really troubled that MY MOM did.
    All I could figure was that SHE was a HERMAPHRODITE !
    Man, was I an IDIOT or what ?

  17. Jason330 says:

    Man oh man I wish I had not opened up this conversation. I recommend a DL admin delet all the comments in this thread after Geezers that deal with waxing.

  18. RSmitty says:

    I agree with Jason. After his shirtless day early in 2009, we are all painfully aware who does not wax, but probably could. It is just best that we forget that and do as Jason suggests, strike those comments!

  19. heragain says:

    People. look at this logically. If we assume the basic elements of the story as presented in the pictures (4 people go out for beer, Halloween) are correct, there were 4 people available to take those pictures.

    One of them was AnonDouche, 25 year old opportunist. One of them was his roommate, Christine’s boyfriend, the one who bought the townhouse. One of them was Christine. One of them was Christine’s girlfriend.

    FIFTEEN pictures of a girl. She’s not naked. They weren’t taken at arms length. They aren’t taken by the guy in the scout suit, because he was sitting next to her.

    Check your phones, right now. Of what do you have 15 pictures? Anyone have 15 pictures taken of someone who met 3 years ago, who isn’t a movie star or Obama? Any guys have pictures of the guy your roommate hooked up with, that you dated afterwards for a year?

    The only person who took 15 pictures of Christine ODonnell looking cute (and younger than her age) in a ladybug suit was Christine ODonnell, or someone she handed the camera to.

    I don’t know who wrote that story. But the dipshit portrayed in the story didn’t keep 15 pictures of her for 3 years.

    Didn’t happen. Every word in that story might be a lie. Anon stories, you assume so. The only job here is to explain those pictures.

    They should have picked 2. Much more convincing.

  20. Geezer says:

    I think it’s a generational thing. My generation never heard of “manscaping.”

  21. Well, here’s some back-up for the story. The guy is named and there’s obviously a pic of her with the man. 15 pictures on Halloween doesn’t sound that strange to me and I keep photos on my computer.

  22. OpenMinded says:

    I give up. I have given this idiot story way more than the 5 minutes it deserves. In case you haven’t noticed, I get all twitchy when women’s rights/issues/equality come into the picture. It’s my own personal albatross.

    It’s all some big dumb frat-boy thing. This story will leave you wanting to draw a flow chart:

  23. heragain says:

    UI, you are a GIRL. Girls do all KINDS of things with pictures boys don’t.

    The iphone came out about 4 months before this story. If he had a first gen iphone, he could take pictures and download them. If not, he’d have to email himself the pictures to get them on a computer. Then he’d have 15 pictures of the night he spent with his roommates girlfriend on his computer… convenient for posting to Gawker if she ever ran for the Senate.


  24. anonone says:

    Delaware Senate Race 2010: The bearded Marxist versus the bearded clam.

  25. Jason330 says:

    I hate that I just laughed at that.

  26. Geezer says:

    Good points, heragain. I’m very suspicious of how quickly her campaign blamed this on Coons.

  27. Brian Shields says:

    I agree with Hereagain… logically there’s nothing but hearsay story evidence with a bunch of innocent pictures. No corroborating story, just enough verifiable facts with the BF to make it believable..

    To me, it sounds like he is twisting the story because she refused to put out. The trimming comments, the inexperience claim, tied together with the “born again virgin” claim tells me he wanted more, she brushed him off, and he is making things up to make him look good for not scoring. He thinks she was all over him all night, then stopped short.

    He’s cashing out because she didn’t put out. He is justifying a failed encounter, to me.

  28. Geezer says:

    Brian: I’d buy that explanation a lot more if it weren’t for the “then she dated my roommate for a year” angle. In other words, he knows her a lot better than would a guy who went out with her once. Why would he bring this forward now, and why just days before the election? It’s not likely to deter her supporters from voting for her. But it’s a wonderful way to drum up sympathy from a woman who has done her best to portray herself as a victim.

    Add in the speedy attempt to smear Coons with this, and I smell an O’Donnell-camp plant.

  29. Neil Sagan says:

    DoucheAnon could have run with this story the day after COD won her primary. The timing is not accidental. The timing reasonably implies clear intent. The question is, what is the intent and whose intent is it?

    One issue to consider is how close Christine ODonnell is to DouchAnon and the people around him. Is she or are her campaign people close enough to conspire and subsequently keep the truth subverted?

    First, from an apparently chance encounter-she knocks on his front door- they end up having a 12-hour night on the town. Why? She needed some place to change.

    Second, she ends up having a long and serious relationship with the roommate Vasher? This is pretty cozy, and is explained by a chance encounter.

    Vasher ends up buying her home before foreclosure auction. Their romantic relationship is over now.

    If the pictures stay and the Gawker story never existed, could it all be explained by her relationship with the roomate Vasher? Of course.

    May I change in you bathroom?

    The great news is that Coons’ character is impeccable. Beyond that, he’s up between 11 and 24 points. He’d have to be an idiot to undertake this and we know he’s not an idiot. In fact, he’s brilliant. Is there anyone who would not rule him out… I mean anyone except for COD and Matt Moran?

    They narrative DouchAnon tells is neatly constructed with a focus on explaining how he reacted to things that were happening. It’s compelling but its also neatly constructed. His voice is one in which things wee happening to him and he reacted to them. He tries to explain some of them but some of them he just accepts as fact.

    If you ask me, the former boyfriend has a bigger incentive to foist this on the public.

    The one with the biggest incentive of all, is the candidate who repeatedly seeks public compassion for victimization allegedly by many, many people including the press, liberals, people born with trust funds, and people who go to Yale. They have, I don’t, poor me.

    The world is stacked against her and for much or her life, complaining about it has gotten her somewhere. Victim. Poor me.

    Clearly she is victimized by this. The guy who allegedly wrote is unavailable for comment. No one can dig deeper to determine what’s behind it.

  30. heragain says:

    Also lovely that this completely wiped from the airwaves her stonewalling & threatening local press, when that was the topic.

    i mean, how can anyone EXPECT her to talk to the press, when those bad people would do something like this?

  31. Neil Sagan says:

    Excellent point heragain, “completely wiped from the airwaves her stonewalling & threatening local press”

    When she went on Hannity last night, he asked her about the story, she pivoted immediately and delivered her stump speech, you know, the kitchen sink.

    They also blamed “Coons Goons” not Chris or his campaign. This was diversionary. We know b/c they didn’t go all in but they did use it. It’s also totally in her wheelhouse… using unflattering criticism of her against her opponents.

    I anticipate one or two more “surprises” before Tuesday night.

  32. Neil Sagan says:

    With this tweet Christine O’Donnell leads you from the Gawker story to her victory on Tuesday night:

    @ChristineOD: RedState reads, “Thanking Democrat Ambition For Giving The Win To O’Donnell In Delaware” #desen #tcot #teaparty

  33. Neil Sagan says:

    @SchoolmarmDE puts a fine point on it:

    If, hypothetically, a campaign had trashed a long term married rival by accusing him of gay cheating, what would be beneath them?

  34. alyn pearis says:

    Well, for what it’s worth, Deborah Norville just introduced COD as the lead story on the “Insider” gossip show. Sarah Palin is on Entertainment Tonight. The GOP freak show rolls on. How anyone can believe that these two twits are qualified for any public office is beyond me. Anyone seen Joe the Plummer lately?

  35. Aoine says:

    has anyone made the connection that the state bug for Delaware is the LADYBUG????

    kinda creepy she dresses up as one

    that woman just ain’t right – I have always said there is a serious mental health issue there….

  36. Aoine says:

    and yet another treasurer bites the dust for o’donnell

    now ‘moron’ controls the purse strings???

    waiting for the spin on this one…..

  37. Paratrooper18 says:

    another treasurer that does not want to be around when COD ends the campaign with 3 million in cash and a new non-profit to head.

  38. Dana says:

    Not many guys would write a story in which they say that they couldn’t get it up “quickly lost interest.”

  39. Brian Shields says:

    Has anyone seen her 8 day report?