Delaware Liberal

Christine O’Donnell = A Lying Witch

The whole fiasco surrounding Christine’s thirty minute public access cable show that played out yesterday and today is emblematic of the person Christine O’Donnell is, the campaign she has run, and the horrible evil lying thugs she has hired.

Christine O’Donnell, and her entire campaign staff, personally owe Tim Qualls an apology. In person. Now. You will see why when you read the Dialogue Delaware article linked above.

Republican Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell and her campaign lashed out at local commercial access Channel 28 for failing to air a 30-minute documentary-style advertisement last night and this morning.[…] But Tim Qualls, the television producer who sold them the air time, says he never agreed to run the video ad late Sunday night on the Comcast channel, which he leases time on.

“I never promised her that. That’s when I run the Tim Qualls Show and I don’t bump that for anybody,” Qualls said. When it became apparent this morning the paid advertising wasn’t airing during shortly after 10 a.m., O’Donnell posted a message on Twitter via tex message airing her frustration.

Dirty politics again? I’d like to think the County run station really did just “forget” even though we reminded them this morning.

The ad finally ran at 3 pm today. Why? Because the videotape was finally delivered to the station this afternoon and Qualls was finally paid this afternoon. That fucking lying witch. She knew she had not paid Qualls and had not delivered the tape to him, yet she spend last night and today trashing Qualls for not showing her ad. Indeed, her spokesman, Doug Sachtleben, continued to lie this afternoon about the situation.

In a statement posted on Facebook at 2:56 p.m., O’Donnell spokesman Doug Sachtleben “very disappointed that an ad, which the campaign paid for last week, was not aired as scheduled.”

Qualls received the check for $2,500 and tape shortly before 3 pm. So Sachtleben knew the campaign did not pay Qualls last week, and still he lied so as to continue to play the victim. Both Sachtleben and O’Donnell also should know that the County does not own Channel 28. It is owned by Comcast and leased by Qualls through his company. Yet, in an effort to once again lie about Chris Coons, both O’Donnell and Sachtleben lied and then implied that the County, under the omnipotent direction of the bearded Marxist, pulled the ad for political reasons (not because 1) they don’t own the station, 2) they don’t have tape and 3) they weren’t paid.).

Through all these lies we see the true Christine O’Donnell. Someone who is a truly disgusting person, who will lie with no qualms at all so long as it advances her interests or covers for her own mistakes or incompetence.

Usually the final weekend, and the final day, is the day to make your closing argument to the voters. Christine O’Donnell could not have made hers any better. This whole incident summed her up perfectly.

And in the process, it looks like she lost a vote:

Qualls, a registered Republican, said he voted for O’Donnell in the Sept. 14 Republican primary.

“But I’m kind of weighing my vote now,” Qualls said.

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