Christine O’Donnell = A Lying Witch

Filed in National by on November 1, 2010

The whole fiasco surrounding Christine’s thirty minute public access cable show that played out yesterday and today is emblematic of the person Christine O’Donnell is, the campaign she has run, and the horrible evil lying thugs she has hired.

Christine O’Donnell, and her entire campaign staff, personally owe Tim Qualls an apology. In person. Now. You will see why when you read the Dialogue Delaware article linked above.

Republican Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell and her campaign lashed out at local commercial access Channel 28 for failing to air a 30-minute documentary-style advertisement last night and this morning.[…] But Tim Qualls, the television producer who sold them the air time, says he never agreed to run the video ad late Sunday night on the Comcast channel, which he leases time on.

“I never promised her that. That’s when I run the Tim Qualls Show and I don’t bump that for anybody,” Qualls said. When it became apparent this morning the paid advertising wasn’t airing during shortly after 10 a.m., O’Donnell posted a message on Twitter via tex message airing her frustration.

Dirty politics again? I’d like to think the County run station really did just “forget” even though we reminded them this morning.

The ad finally ran at 3 pm today. Why? Because the videotape was finally delivered to the station this afternoon and Qualls was finally paid this afternoon. That fucking lying witch. She knew she had not paid Qualls and had not delivered the tape to him, yet she spend last night and today trashing Qualls for not showing her ad. Indeed, her spokesman, Doug Sachtleben, continued to lie this afternoon about the situation.

In a statement posted on Facebook at 2:56 p.m., O’Donnell spokesman Doug Sachtleben “very disappointed that an ad, which the campaign paid for last week, was not aired as scheduled.”

Qualls received the check for $2,500 and tape shortly before 3 pm. So Sachtleben knew the campaign did not pay Qualls last week, and still he lied so as to continue to play the victim. Both Sachtleben and O’Donnell also should know that the County does not own Channel 28. It is owned by Comcast and leased by Qualls through his company. Yet, in an effort to once again lie about Chris Coons, both O’Donnell and Sachtleben lied and then implied that the County, under the omnipotent direction of the bearded Marxist, pulled the ad for political reasons (not because 1) they don’t own the station, 2) they don’t have tape and 3) they weren’t paid.).

Through all these lies we see the true Christine O’Donnell. Someone who is a truly disgusting person, who will lie with no qualms at all so long as it advances her interests or covers for her own mistakes or incompetence.

Usually the final weekend, and the final day, is the day to make your closing argument to the voters. Christine O’Donnell could not have made hers any better. This whole incident summed her up perfectly.

And in the process, it looks like she lost a vote:

Qualls, a registered Republican, said he voted for O’Donnell in the Sept. 14 Republican primary.

“But I’m kind of weighing my vote now,” Qualls said.

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  1. Boxwood says:

    WAPO has a story now that Qualls is getting v/m and email cussing him out and making threats. He wants O’Donnell to issue a statement clarifying the situation. Good luck with that!

    I think Qualls just got used in a big way by O’Donnell as her video fiasco is now national news.

    I hope that Palin wannabe chokes…

  2. PSB says:

    Let me offer an alternative verdict of COD–not a lying witch, but a complete fiasco as the leader of an organization–completely incompetent.

    I think that she has no control over her organization. I think that she made statements without checking with those in her organization (and those used as contractors) to delivered the tape to a station employee Sunday night, and then COD issued tweets and her campaign issued statements that conflict with facts that could have been known had they had a functional organization.

    She isn’t necessarily showing that she is a liar. She is, however, showing that she is incompetent as a leader, and that she would be a clusterf*** if elected as a US Senator.

  3. This happened to the WDEL staff – stupid unfounded threats from her staff and calls that they’d ‘crush’ WDEL then a flurry of apologies for an ‘overly zealous’ campaign manager from the campaign lawyer.

    Paul is right that it is her out of control out of touch campaign but the buck stops with the candidate. She of the snapping angry fingers and the pushing and shoving – no wonder the staffers are jumpy.

  4. I wonder if she did this on purpose to bring more attention to her commercial.

  5. There does seem to be a trending theory that she is apt to lie and demean herself (the one-night-stand story) for attention so perhaps the inability for her to get the 30 minute spot on anything but Channel 28 (she tried and failed to get a block of time on regular channels) made it “good” strategy to do some crazy-ass lying about the station refusing/forgetting to air it.

    I got at least 14 emails from the CoD campaign in my inbox in the last 24 hours – they’ll get filed unread.

  6. Picayune says:

    Of course she did this to bring more attention to her campaign. She has been telling the nation and the world that the Republican State Committee and the RNC aren’t helping her. And what happens next, RSC and RNC get angry calls from all over the country, and those people dump tons of money into her campaign because they feel sorry for her.

    She also sent me an email the other day telling me that Obama was coming to town Monday (today) and that I needed to send her more money. Another lie.

    I give her 2 weeks after she loses to file for Senate again, so that she can live off of all that money.

    She and her campaign are FUBAR.

  7. MJ says:

    We’ve gotten two calls from the bitch-witch asking for our support. My response – you’ve got to be fucking kidding. I think they’re all smoking off of the same crack pipe.

  8. Rusty Dils says:

    Hi, Rusty Dils here, (From New Mexico) I have been away for a few days, I really missed you guys, & gals
    (I am being serious). Anyway, exciting night before election.
    I have some initial thoughts. It seems like you guys & gals are really dissapointed with Christine Odonnell and her public lies. My question to you is this, what is your postion on public profanity.(like is common on this public website blog)
    It seems to me that public profanity is not that great of character trait either.
    It is kind of like being in church and yelling to the minister that someone is stealing money from the safe while you stick your hand in the collection plate and steal the offerings

  9. Huh? Profanity is the same as constant lying by a candidate? Boy, these guys will do anything to excuse lying, unqualified Christine, won’t they?

  10. a.price says:

    ok, rusty. I’ll bite.
    yes, i think public profanity is bad too. what of it?

  11. anon says:

    I got three pieces of glossy COD lit in the mailbox today, including two duplicates with an NRA theme. And I’m a registered Democrat.

  12. a.price says:

    i guess this is what they decided to be the best use of all those idiot’s money.

  13. MJ says:

    Rusty is just out of his fucking mind. Did that curl your toes, Rusty?

  14. pancho herrera says:


    So did I, in Newark. I’m a D, with no relationship to the NRA. The two pieces are identical, except they’re different colors and one’s from Friends of COD and one’s from R Headquarters at 3301 Lancaster Pike.

    Do you think it’s campaign disorganization, or just spending for spending’s sake? It can’t be part of any coherent strategy.

  15. a.price says:

    typical conservative wasteful spending

  16. Rusty Dils says:

    I am just saying that I have a theory that the so called “left side”, and the so called “right side” who seem to be thousands of miles apart, I don’t think are as far left or as far right as we think. I think everyone is just frustrated because this great country of ours is not doing so great, and instead of looking inwards, and seeing what we can do about it, (it is easy to point blame, much harder to come up with a viable solution)we are just pointing fingers and saying it is the other sides fault, when in all reality, for each state, and the country to do better, we all have to work harder and produce more.

  17. Delaware Dem says:

    Interesting, Rusty.

    So it is ok to lie your fucking ass off, about everything and anything, and it is ok to fucking slander an upstanding and longtime member of the community to save your own incompetent lying bitch ass, but don’t you dare use any fucking profanity or else you have horrible character!

    When it comes to Christine O’Donnell and pathological moralists like yourself, I don’t think I use enough profanity.

  18. MJ says:

    We also got 2 pieces (addressed to my partner) both talking about “family values.” Huge waste of money.

  19. yeoman says:

    Is your name really Dils? Out here, that means penis.

    No joke

    By the way, I tend to agree with you about profanity. I tend not to agree that our problems are primarily the fault of our unwillingness to do ‘hard work,’ but rather they are a result of a system that is increasingly geared towards and for those who already have stuff.

  20. anon says:

    Ok people it is go time! This time tomorrow night the race will have been called for Chris. Let’s work hard to get across the finish line and give COD the boot!

  21. Rusty Dils says:

    I did not say it was ok to do either, My Dad cussed like a Sailer his whole life, never edited anything from his kids, Wanted us to know what life was really all about. (And my Dad lived a great long life). But my whole life I never heard my Dad cuss in public.(Or in an inappropriate setting)
    As far as lying goes, If my dad thought you were lying, His policy was to hit, and ask questions later.

  22. Aoine says:


    LIKE THAT?? this is only public if you come into this site – if you dont come here you dont read the posts

    and if you do read the posts and dont like it LEAVE!!!









    and if the rest of you guys want a translation – i’ll gladly provide

    everybody has been using my translations – you guys might as well too

  23. OpenMinded says:

    Dills means penis? Really? So you call yourself Rusty Penis? No wonder you are attracted to the Born Again Virgin!

  24. Rusty Dils says:

    Thats like saying Charles Manson is only a killer if you were killed by him. (Also, My name is Dils, Not Dias, and New Mexico is a State in the United States where English is The Official Language)

    Anyway, I’ll leave this night before election with a couple of quotes. For those of you who like to knock people that are at least trying, remember the following

    “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. ”

    Theodore Roosevelt, 100 years ago, April 23rd, 1910

    I really like you guys, and to show my appreciation, I am going to save you money. Here is how, Don’t bet on Democrates Tomorrow.

    What I mean is this, look closely at the following national pole on the senate and congressional races, what you will notice is that when you get more than a few hundred miles away from New York, ( I mean away from the states of Vermont, Conneticut, Maryland, Delaware), If you look at the whole rest of the Continental United States, I mean the Whole rest of the Continental Unites States, Besides Oregon, there are no other strong Democratic States,
    It is going to be a massacre.

    “Fools call wisemen fools, A wiseman never calls any man a fool.”
    Thomas Edison.
    Good Night

  25. OpenMinded says:

    …still…Rusty Penis? REALLY?

  26. Aoine says:

    yo rusty penis!! its a POLL you idiot

  27. Peter Fescue says:

    It is obvious that Channel 28 is lying and Christine’s campaign staff is telling the truth.

    First of all, we have proof above that liberals are all morons.

    None of this was handled by Christine personally. If you think that Christine personally puts up all the campaign signs, and Christine personally photocopies all the campaign material, and Christine personally prints up the literature, and Christine personally makes the arrangements with the TV station then you truly are a liberal, er, I mean moron.

    These things are handled by professional “media buyers.”

    However, we know that Channel 28 is lying.

    WHY? Because Qualls says “THE CAMPAIGN WANTED TO AIR THE SPOT AT 11:30 PM” and cites that as his reason for not showing the ad.


    Christine announced the campaign special before 1,000 supporters at RiverFront, and media from around the country and world.

    SHE DID NOT SPECIFY WHEN THE SPOT WOULD AIR. She specifically said that they were waiting for the TV station to tell them when the spot would air.


    I know you are liberals, and therefore DUMB, by definition.

    So try to understand:

    T H E T V S T A T I O N T O L D T H E C A M P A I G N W H A T T I M E T H E Y W A N T E D T O R U N T H E S P O T.


    The campaign DID NOT ask for any particular time slot.

    WHen Christine had 1,000 supporters listening and media from around the world there, she said WE DON’T KNOW WHEN THE SPOT WILL BE SHOWN.

    So the campaign did not know ask for 11:30 PM as a time slot.

    Quills is L Y I N G

    The campaign was willing to have the slot run ANY time that was convenient for the TV station.

    Quills is L Y I N G

  28. Peter Fescue says:

    Next, let’s talk about payment.

    Could Qualls kindly provide proof that payment is normally required in advance at Channel 28.

    You might think so, but you’d think wrong.

    For a creditworthy advertiser, such as a campaign with lots of money, payment is *NOT* necessarily made in advance.

    So can we see any evidence that Channel 28 *ALWAYS* requires payment in advance for advertisers?

    I would bet a whipped-cream pie in the face that Channel 28 DOES NOT require payment in advance from most other advertisers.

  29. Peter Fescue says:

    While you throw around your own wild imagination as if it were fact, let’s get remotely serious.

    Apart from the work of fiction that you liberals are writing, would you care to join the rest of us in the real world for a few moments?

    If Christine had wanted to create a controversy, she would have wanted to do it *LAST* *WEEK* and do fund-raising off of the controversy, and then use the money to buy more broadcast air time.

    To do it the night before the last day before the election would be throwing away any opportunity to benefit from such a stunt.

  30. Peter Fescue says:

    Add to that the fact that Qualls has backed down and is now doing whatever the campaign wants.

    The media is in a powerful position. If Coons wins, the TV station will benefit most by being friendly to Coons.

    Qualls reaction demonstrates that when he went back and checked with his staff, he discovered the screw up within Qualls own staff at Channel 28

  31. jpconnorjr says:

    Hey Peter F your rock is ready please crawl under it!

  32. Dr Crazy says:

    “the United States where English is The Official Language”

    Well I’m glad to hear that either Puerto Ricans are sorely mistaken, or that they are not part of the United States.

    Now go back to New Mexico and tell the Navajo all about their new official language.

  33. Peter Fescue says:

    Dr. Crazy:

    Is Puerto Rico part of the United States?

    Do explain.

    I missed the Congressional vote making Puerto Rico the 51st State.

    Of course Obama thinks there are 57 States, so we need to catch up quick.

  34. James says:

    Fescue ? I planted Kentucky 31 “Fescue” grass seed in my yard. It grows quick, heavy and needs to be mowed frequently.
    I know your a “True Believer ” and your 1st amendment rights are a wonderful thing to have.
    But, maybe COD will get a little “Trimming” today.

  35. anon says:

    If Christine had wanted to create a controversy, she would have wanted to do it *LAST* *WEEK*

    All that proves is she can’t even manage a smear campaign. Nobody ever accused Christine of being competent.

  36. Delaware Dem says:

    Hey, Peter, you racist piece of shit:

    Yes, Puerto Rico is part of the United States. Any third grader knows that. A territory does not have to be a state to be part of the United States, you ignorant teabagger. Washington, D.C., Guam, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, and a number of other small islands in the Pacific are all territories of the United States, and their residents are citizens of the United States.

  37. anonone says:

    Peter, did somebody pith your brain?

  38. Delaware Dem says:

    I am removing Peter’s latest posts for spamming. He will be moderated for 24 hours.

  39. anon says:

    I worked in the media and in politics for many years, and no radio or TV station runs political ads without UPFRONT payments. None. Ever.

  40. Boxwood says:

    Qualls himself said he doesn’t run political advertising without getting paid up front. That seems to be an industry standard.

    Of course that has nothing to do with the fact that O’Donnell gave him a video that was the wrong quality/format for use on Comcast and had to be recut.

    Nor does it explain why O’Donnell tried to say that Delaware 28 was a public access station run by the county (and therefore doing Coons bidding).

  41. Dr. Crazy says:

    “Washington, D.C., Guam, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, and a number of other small islands in the Pacific are all territories of the United States, and their residents are citizens of the United States.”

    LOL, Peter thinks that your territory needs a congressperson in order for you to live in the US.

    Peter, Puerto Ricans ARE citizens of the United States, and Puerto Rico is a part of the US. No, they don’t have a voting representative in Congress, but neither does DC. And, oh yes, these various territories DO have primaries and send delegates to the conventions, so if you count things like the double primary/caucus system in Texas, there are about 57 contests involved in winning the presidential nomination for either party. (Yes, there was a primary in Puerto Rico)

    But you folks who “want my country back” do not even understand the geography of your own country.

    That’s sad.

  42. OpenMinded says:

    Good to hear the baggers are all about being victims on election day and yet again, avoiding the real issues. Good way to use your energy. It’s okay, though, you’ll be able to vote tomorrow.

  43. anon says:

    If callers to WILM are any indication as to who wins Coons or the Witch. Only three callers supported dems the rest were all voting the witch. This is going to be very interesting.

  44. pandora says:

    WILM hasn’t been an indication of anything for a long time. 😉

  45. kevin says:

    Well, O’Donnells CREDIT should not be good with anybody. She has a long trail of people from her last campaign who were STIFFED on their billing to her.

    I would demand payment upfront from her before doing anything. If she did not pay upfront, i would not run the spot.

    You can’t just go through life stiffing people. She has a record of doing it. Her credit is simply no good. Unless you are a brain dead teaparty person who will still give her credit in spite of all the stiffed bills she has left behind her. good luck with that.

  46. someone with opinion says:

    I have a word or two to say, lets see if this will get printed here. Seems if you have something truthful that can be proven here, it gets deleted. I have more than one email from someone who is related to one of you that proves things he has said and what he feels. But you can’t print truth when it is about one of your own. My comment today is that I am registered Republican so that I can vote in primaries where being an Independent can’t. I vote for who I believe in, not for the party. Straight party voting in my opinion is stupid. But I digress, I have received more phone calls and more mail from Democrat candidates this time around. Have never received these before since I am registered Republican. I on the hand do not listen to the slander on either candidate as ALL politicians lie. Many of my coworkers and other friends would like to see no one vote until all of this stops and we get straight answers to all our questions without all the back stabbing. Just answer the questions for once and stick to what you believe in once you get in office. Politicians just want to get there and collect their pay. I challenge all of you to go and volunteer or work for a while in your local town government to see what goes on in small town government and then see if you really know what goes on in the rest of government. It is a real eye opener that has made me sick and tired of the good ole boy behind closed door politics that end up hurting the public citizens.

  47. Kneejerk Libby says:

    Somone, why wouldn’t your two cents get printed? Aside from the vague accusations about someone who’s related to someone who supposedly did something sometime, the rest of your post is an interesting ramble about people who are fed up with the status quo. Not particularly offensive or insulting, so here it stays. That said, there’s nothing in the rules of the interwebs that require that all points of view be accommodated on all blogs. In case you haven’t noticed, the title of this blog is “Delaware LIBERAL.” Now, if you’re actually a died-in-the-wool Tea Party conservative, about the only reason I can see that you’d want to come here and post would be to point out how stupid you think everybody here is, most likely in an effort to make yourself feel superior to those who don’t agree with you. At least that’s been my observation, as a lurker here. That kind of post, IMHO, deserves to get yanked. I’ve never come here to find out what conservatives have to say; I’m here to see what fellow liberals are thinking and doing. I read other news sites and blogs to find out what the conservatives are up to. So don’t go whining about posts getting yanked; if the audience here isn’t as sympathetic to your point of view as you’d like, there are plenty of other places you can post.

  48. someone with opinion says:

    Well said Kneejerk, like the name. I had the misfortune to date someone who is a Democrat to the core. He is the one who got me interested in finding out more about politics and got me to start reading this blog. I have been reading ever since. He also told me that I would not like some of what I read here and I don’t but I still appreciate that you have the right to say whatever you want, just like I have the right to read whatever I want. I was treated with disrespect from the person I dated because of things he believed in and because of his way of thinking all others than democrats are just plan wrong. I don’t like either party, like I stated I just picked one over the other so I could vote in the primaries. I like to hear other opinions on all things. I for one do not cuss or think you have to cuss to have your say, but everyone has their right to say what they want. I got involved more from dating this guy because I wanted to know more so I give him credit for that. But I have never spoke to someone like he did or treated someone because I decided to lump all republicans or democrats into one group because I didn’t like something. I would never say line everyone up who was an R or D and do things to them. I don’t care if you are not sympathetic to my point of view. I am just stating that I feel after going out and volunteering and then being hired into a small town government and seeing what goes on, that everyone here should too. And if one of your own gets attacked with truth, don’t try to hide it under the rug. If you want to attack be willing to be attacked. My thinking is stop the attacks and work together, but that will never happen. I posted under a different name and that was deleted because I hit a nerve that one of your own didn’t want pursued. I am not superior to anyone, don’t make myself out to be and don’t want to be. I’m just a concerned citizen who has seen first hand now what government can and does do and gets away with it. And believe it or not I have a Democrat to thank for what I have gotten involved in and am still involved in, but I am doing so with eyes wide open and learning a lot, good and bad. And I was the one who wouldn’t accept his apologies anymore and broke all contact. I don’t get mad and strike out with words that can’t be taken back and later are regretted and remembered by those I care about. And I don’t like any of the current picks to choose from, but I am not going to slam them. I’m far from perfect and make my own mistakes, I try to learn from them and not make the same ones twice.

  49. anonone says:

    This is the thread for people with broken return keys.

  50. anon2 says:

    I just want to say that saying “all politicians lie” is a convenient excuse to vote for a liar. Voting for liars is just about the most stupid thing anyone can ever do and I assure you it makes our Founding Fathers puke. Christine O’Donnell is a known, proven liar. Voting for her is an abomination.

    And yes, everyone makes mistakes. But that doesn’t mean we should send them to DC to make more mistakes.

  51. pandora says:

    OMG, A1! I was just thinking the same thing.

    And, someone with an opinion, it is not our practice to delete posts unless they are “outing” someone. That’s a no-no.

  52. someone with opinion says:

    I am not a teabagger and I am not for O’Donnell so go ahead and do what you do best, try to assume.

  53. Dr. Crazy says:

    “I was treated with disrespect from the person I dated”

    That’s unfortunate, but I don’t understand the connection to politics, anymore than whether Roman Catholicism is a legitimate belief system based on the actions of priests who sexually abuse children. Imagine the emotional conflicts those victims who remain Catholic have to deal with.

  54. Gale says:

    She is a witch and bitch!

  55. Copernic says:

    Apparently God’s will couldn’t keep her from being rejected by the state of Delaware.