Delaware Liberal

The International House Of Dating

The Pandora household has hit a milestone.  Both of my teenagers are dating.  My 16 year old son has been dating his girlfriend since last March, and my 13 year old daughter got a “boyfriend” last month.  In both cases, dating seems to mean a lot of texting and teen skate on Friday nights – for which Mr. Pandora and I are most grateful.  And in my daughter’s case… it does not involve kissing.  Call me the oracle, but I see a break-up on the horizon.

But what’s interesting to me is the fact that both my kids are dating outside their race.  Honestly, I have never felt so proud of this generation.  Not because they’re bucking “tradition,” but rather because they are forging the future.  It’s so damn natural for them.  And this isn’t an isolated situation.  The melting pot of dating encompasses all their friends.  It’s normal.  So normal that the obligatory “brace yourself, Mom and Dad” conversation that we grew up with never occurred.

The kids are all right.

Old right wing white people?  Not so much.  No wonder they are having a hissy fit.  They are facing their own extinction… and they know it.

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