Delaware Liberal

Night of the Long Knives and Pitchforks

Well, it didn’t take long for the O’Donnell faction of the GOP to begin the civil war. At last night’s meeting of the Sussex County GOP Committee, Don Ayotte, who is a contributor over at that other political blog (you know the one, the one run by Delusional David) demanded Tom Ross’ head.

According to Jud Bennett, a member of the committee,

With absolutely no regard for the rules, Don Ayotte, with the backing of a vociferous and determined, stacked house, demanded that a Sussex County Resolution be passed, censoring State Chairman Tom Ross for his actions concerning Christine O”donnell (sic) during the Primary campaign and after. According to the resolution, Tom Ross had said “Christine O’Donnell could not be elected to dog catcher”. He also “did not support O”donnell properly after the Primary”, according to Ayotte’s resolution– in which O’Donnell upset Mikle Castle in the wake of Tea Party support.

We all knew that this day was coming, but Ayotte, who is known for his extremist views at the other blog, couldn’t even wait a week. All of us over here at DL are socialists and Marxists and he’s the sane one. Bennett continues:

Vitriol, shouting, and a total break down of order transpired. Ron Sams tried to explain that this action would serve no productive purpose in unifying the party. Moderate Republican, Maria Evans expressed her views in opposition of this action, and denied the validity of Ayotte’s proposal. She also held up a tape recorder, saying that she was taping the whole deal, which no doubt will be played on the internet, and on all the local and national TV and radio stations.

I’m beginning to think this is why Dan Gaffney tweeted today “and people wonder why I don’t join the ‘club’.” Better to steer clear of this mess, Dan.

But wait, there’s more. Bennett “called for a point of order–suggesting that only official committee members are allowed to vote on something like this and it requires a quorum of 50 voters.” After this– Ron Sams brought those Sussex Committee members to the front to count them. Only 31 were present, making any official action not relevant or legal.” But Ayotte and his teabagging fellow travelers would have nothing to do with the rules.

They wanted blood, they wanted to punish, and they wanted it known that Tom Ross needed to go and this was to be a vote of no confidence. County Councilman Vance Phillips called for a planned vote on the resolution at the next meeting, but Ayotte and company would not hear it. Finally, Ron Sams said, “you want to vote, go ahead. The unruly crowd , in a voice vote, overwhelmingly supported the resolution, with a few squeaky nays in opposition.

Standing on the sidelines urging on this unruly mob, with their torches and pitchforks at hand, were Vance Phillips and Sam Wilson, two members of the Sussex County Council. Both of these guys make Joe McCarthy look like a moderate. According to a friend of mine who was at the meeting, both of these fine gents moved that the resolution be placed on next month’s agenda. My guess is that they will ensure that there is a quorum present to vote on the motion. This is also what Curly has been advocating since the primary – he wants Ross’ head on a pike.

In closing his email to his Coastal Conservative Network, Bennett said this:

Regardless, without compromise, with this “take no prisoners”, vitriolic attitude, the Delaware GOP will not rebuild, will not heal, and will continue to lose elections. This is not the right way in my opinion, but I’m just an old dinasaur. So be it.

Dave Burris probably saw this in his crystal ball, which is why he left the party. And if the GOP splits, their caucus in Leg Hall will continue to shrink.

h/t to Independent

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