Delaware Liberal

George W. Bush, Explained Part 2

Apparently in his new book Decision Points George W. Bush describes the worst moment of his presidency as when Kanye West said that he didn’t care about black people during the Katrina telethon.

Seriously, WTF?

It wasn’t when 3,000 people died in 9/11.

It wasn’t when Bin Laden got away in Tora Bora.

It wasn’t when he found out there were no WMDs in Iraq.

It wasn’t when 1,800 people died in a devastating flood in New Orleans while he galivanted around on vacation.

It was when he was criticized. Oy!

Also, Balloon Juice points us to this devastating review of Bush’s memoir. It describes Bush’s retelling of his worst moment this way:

This blindness to visual imagery is quite a motif, judging by Times extracts and an interview with its editor. Apart from being attacked for indifference to black people by Kanye West, the rapper Obama dismissed as a jackass, all his greatest regrets are pictorial public relations disasters.

His sadness over Hurricane Katrina is not for the victims in New Orleans, as Mr West understood, but for the damage done to his reputation by that snap of him staring blankly and aloofly down on the catastrophe from the window of Air Force One. His paramount distress over Iraq is not over the loss of life, civilian and military, but how that banner proclaiming “Mission Accomplished” on the aircraft carrier came to make him look naive and vainglorious. He reveals his shallowness and vapidity with these reflections in the most crystalline of clarity, and hasn’t a notion he is doing so.

It takes a certain minimal intelligence for the truly dim to have a notion of their own dimness, but this is denied him.

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