Delaware Liberal


Perhaps this…

The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, one of the most right-wing courts in the country, sanctioned a former high school cheerleader because she brought a lawsuit claiming that she shouldn’t be required to cheer for her alleged rapist:

… leads to this:

A 14-year-old girl who was taunted by classmates after she accused an older student of rape has committed suicide, Detroit media reported.

Seriously, what message are we sending to our girls?  Also… parents, you had better be monitoring your kids Facebook, Buzz and Twitter accounts.  I’m lucky that my daughter shares these accounts with me.  That said, I’m shocked at what I read.  The daily abuse thrown out there is quite stunning.  Lucky again that my daughter hasn’t been a target.  Still, I can’t help but feel it’s only a matter of time.

BTW, since the 14 year old girl hung herself all charges against the boy have been dropped.  No witness means they can’t proceed.  That’s quite a message.  It’s also a very big incentive to bully.

Note:  I am not weighing in on guilt or innocence.  I’m discussing tactics, as well as how the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling sends a chilling message to girls – Shut up and cheer.

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