Delaware Liberal

This Is How Its Done

As anon notes in today’s Open Thread, Nancy Pelosi was on NPR Morning Edition this AM, discussing the path forward (even though the interviewer wanted to discuss horserace issues).

It was fantastic to hear her again — in the main because she is not indulging in any circular firing squad stupidity, she is not capitulating to the media narrative and she is laying down the markers for how she will be critiquing GOP performance. Listen to her closely — she’s going to be asking the GOP about jobs and working on American’s problems. She is setting up her own framing for the next year or two and I hope this means that there will be someone out there who will be asking the GOP how all of the shenanigans they are setting up is getting anyone employed. More importantly, I hope people at the DNC and President Obama are listening to her. Give them the anvil, people, and ask every single week what they have done to get American’s employed.

She is also clear about not compromising on the upper end tax cuts. But listen to how she talks about it. She talks about how every American should get a tax cut. But that we should not go into further debt to give bigger tax cuts to the wealthy. This is a smart way of talking about tax cuts — because *everyone* would get a tax cut up to their first $250K of income. The rate only goes up on the income you make beyond the $250K.

I’m also liking how she is not in the traditional Democratic crouch because *somebody* says they don’t like her. She clearly doesn’t care for that and it was pretty shabby of Dems not to push back on that, I think.

Do yourself a favor and listen to that interview, it is about 7 or 8 minutes long.

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