Congratulations Senator Coons!

Filed in National by on November 15, 2010

In the next hour, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. will administer the oath of office to Senator-elect Christopher A. Coons. We offer him our congratulations on becoming the 59th U.S. Senator from our First State. We elected him to be not only to be a voice of reason, but also to be a fighter for Delaware citizens rather than Delaware corporations. We will be watching, hoping our wishes are fulfilled.

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  1. a.price says:

    let’s not kid ourselves. Chris Coons won because he WASNT christine o’donnell.

  2. anon says:

    “WE THE PEOPLE” have spoken.

  3. anon says:

    Chris Coons was elected to prove that if there is a G-d, that G-d doesn’t like Christine O’Donnell.

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    I dunno there A.Price. Exit polls indicated that a Castle-Coons race would have been 44-42 for Castle. A lot of people, myself included, were voting FOR Chris, not against CHRISTINE.

  5. I voted for Chris. I think he’ll be a great Senator. If Castle couldn’t evoke enough passion to get his own Republican base out to the polls, why is it taken as a given that he would have inspired independents and Democrats to vote for him?

  6. a.price says:

    because he did for the past 20 years.

  7. Joe Cass says:

    Senator Coons, you’ve got the feet and we the fire.

  8. a.price says:

    look, i dont want to take anything away from Coons…. even though i realize that is exactly what i am doing. I just think he won for 2 reasons.
    1, he will make a good delaware senator… that is, he will lean left but not shake things up… he’s no Ted Kaufman. That is probably 30% of the reason he won.
    2 and 70% of the reason he won… the COD fish.
    It would have been interesting to see him up against a Bob Weiner.. or some other republican who isnt a nut-job and isnt well known state-wide. maybe we’ll get to see that in 4 years.

  9. a.price says:

    hey joe, i asked before, but not sure if i caught the answer… are you a dropkick murphy’s fan?
    zealously pro union, and youve thrown around some punk rock lyics…i must know!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Delaware Dem says:

    Well, I am. Don’t know about Joe.

  11. Joe Cass says:

    A.Price, I think I still have bruises from the last show, I’m a fan of all Boston Irish bands.
    But now and again, I Love to Boogie

  12. Joe Cass says:

    @ A.Price, can I make an observation without a turn into argument? Surely you know that that the ‘Murphys’ message AND crowd are less than docile. As a matter of fact, the audience is a measure of strength; a passionate anger that can’t be quelled.
    So you admire the meaning but fall short on the message?
    Don’t get pissed, I’m trying to find the way forward.

  13. V says:

    Best concert I ever chipped a tooth at.

    (I didn’t realize there were so many among us)

    Yay Chris! now back to before anon yells at me…

  14. Boxwood says:

    Congratulations Senator Chris Coons!

    Make Dealware proud by being everything COD isn’t.

  15. anon says:

    Congratulations Senator Coons! From the bluest state in the union, help President Obama keep his campaign promises to Democrats and to America. Especially at those moments when he asks you to do the opposite.

    And help us keep Senator Reid on the reservation. I think he likes you.

  16. a.price says:

    joe, i think you’re making a comparison to my position on “passionate politics”.
    one of them is a rock concert, the other is real life.
    And for the record, in a mosh pit, i throw myself, not fists. Those people are the reason i stopped going to shows.

  17. cassandra m says:

    Congratulations Senator Coons! Please make sure you are now drinking whatever Senator Kaufman was drinking each day……

  18. anon says:

    Mike Castle came to Chris’ swearing in reception and was warmly received by the crowd on hand and commended for his service by VP and the senators.

  19. Paratrooper18 says:

    O’Donnell had nothing to do with Chris Coons winning. Oh I forgot, she and the nutjobs hijacked the primary and eliminated the only Republican who could win a Senate seat in a Blue state.

    Never mind. Thanks Christine.

  20. anon40 says:

    “Mike Castle came to Chris’ swearing in reception and was warmly received by the crowd on hand and commended for his service by VP and the senators.”

    It’s not like he had anything else to do today.

  21. Paratrooper18 says:

    I am going to put a countdown clock on the internet for the cutoff to register for the next o’donnell primary.

    All independents and democrats should affiliate R so they can get O’Donnell in against Carper. That would lock him in for reelection.

    It is a shame that the cutoff in DE for primary voting is in March, months before the primary.