Delaware Liberal

Shocking News: “Non-Partisan” Teabagging Pollster shows Teabagger Protack favorite of Teabaggers.

I am not surprised that Delaware’s Teabaggers have not learned their lesson, since they have extremely low IQs to begin with and thus their learning ability is put into serious question. Regardless, our local teabaggers have produced an automated push poll from “Founder’s Values,” a local outfit that employs local teabagging criminal Evan Queitsch. Mr. Quietsch was last seen assaulting his fellow Republicans downstate because they dared ask his candidate, Christine O’Donnell, questions. The poll itself, of a shockingly low sample of 346 people, found Protack leading 60% to 40% over Tom Kovach.

That the News Journal’s political blog, Dialogue Delaware, reports this as actual news, rather than campaign propaganda, is embarassing. Indeed, they leave in the assertion that Founder’s Values is a non-partisan organization.

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

Any organization that employes the thug Evan Quietsch is not a nonpartisan organization.

Next time, News Journal, do more than just reprint a press release. I mean, the thug Quietsch is not even trying to hide his and his organization’s partisan teabagging nature, since he refers to Kovach as a “Mike Castle brand establishment Republican.”

Back to Mike Protack, yes…. please nominate him Republicans. You will once again be turning a competitive winnable race into a guaranteed win for the Democrats.

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