What Tax Cuts for the Rich Will Buy

Filed in National by on November 21, 2010

Courtesy of that delightful brawler from Florida, who takes to the house floor to demonstrate in detail what an extension of tax cuts for the wealthy will buy.  Pay attention to the end, where he shows that all of the borrowed money Republicans plan to borrow and hand over to rich people could directly employ alot of currently out of work people.  This is one of the questions that Democrats should be asking — if you are going to borrow more money, should you spend it on employing Americans or spend it to let rich people buy a new Mercedes every year?


I’m going to miss Alan Grayson, because no matter what you think of the guy he still has a knack for creating the right types of questions that ought to be way more normal for Democrats.  One of the best things Democrats could do right now might be to make this guy DNC chair.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (23)

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  1. anon says:

    Coons, Carper, Carney – are you watching this?

    If not DNC chair, I’d like to see him with his own TV show, O”Reilly style.

  2. delacrat says:

    What the British say about their former colonies: “Wall St. fat cats + Obomba = mass starvation”

    50 million Americans; that’s 1 in 6.

  3. Republican David says:

    Actually what he is proposing is a tax increase of 83K a year. Imagine taking 83K out of the stock market a couple of million times over.

    How come rich people spending money is consumption while everyone else spending is creating jobs? What we need is comprehensive tax reform. I favor keeping these tax cuts so the government doesn’t spend the money while we work toward comprehensive tax reform.

  4. socialistic Ben says:

    i think the better solution would be to throw all the progressive marxist-evildoers out of air planes. David, i know you’re with me on this. Just like the Great Agusto did! right wing governance for all!

  5. Republican David says:

    LOL– too expensive. Education and persuasion are tougher but more rewarding. I have great friends who are recovering commie lib progressive types.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    Leave it to Our Village Idiot to even miss the real question — why is it that we should borrow money and vastly increase the deficit to give money to rich people to buy Mercedes?

    But we already know that not only are you incapable of a sensible or honest answer, but that you are utterly in thrall to people who frantically need you to make sure more of your tax dollars get funneled directly into their pockets.

    Even on Sunday you can’t manage to stop being dishonest.

  7. socialistic Ben says:

    i think he is being honest … with himself at least.
    that is what is so frightening. There are a lot of these guys.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    There is nothing honest, really, about being persistently shut down to genuine facts and to reality. And even less honest to pretend that he is educating or persuading anybody — especially over here.

  9. Dirty Girl says:

    The Villiage Idiot must be bored with his blog or simply not getting enough

    read a book the other day – the viliage idiot was mentioned in it – by ethnicity only – not by name (apparently it was more than his ears that stuck out)

    how funny (as in pathetic) is that – and the reason for it to appear that was is NOT the author’s stance – but the type of people our Village IDIOT here hangs out with

    which only furthers your point Cass – He is simmpy too stupid/ignorant to figure it out.

    :persistently shut down to genuine facts and to reality. And even less honest to pretend that he is educating or persuading anybody”- Cass

    yup, that would be David

  10. Geezer says:

    “Actually what he is proposing is a tax increase of 83K a year.”

    Tax restoration would be much closer to the truth.

    “Imagine taking 83K out of the stock market a couple of million times over.”

    We don’t have to imagine it. There is almost $2 trillion sitting on the sidelines already. There is no evidence that giving money to the rich is producing any economic stimulus.

    The “comprehensive tax reform” most needed is higher taxes on the rich.

  11. Republican David says:

    No, what we need is a consumption based tax designed by economists. We need to have our exports tax free and our imports taxed. We need to reward investment, education, and savings. We need to move from a debt based economy to a supply side economy. Whether or not we tax the rich a few more percent is useless to promoting growth. We have already seen that government spending kills as many jobs as it creates. Unemployment went up and stagnated at the highest sustained levels since the Depression.

    One of the reasons money is sitting in on the sidelines instead of in stocks, venture captial, and more agressive investments is the fear of government especially regulatory mandates, and tax hikes.

  12. anon says:

    We have already seen that government spending kills as many jobs as it creates.

    In the US, taxes were at record lows during our recent job crash, and still are. The low investment taxes are promoting Wall Street shenanigans and job-dumping. The last two rounds of tax cuts for the rich (1998, 2001) were both followed by speculative bubbles and crashes.

    One of the reasons money is sitting in on the sidelines instead of in stocks, venture captial, and more agressive investments is the fear of government especially regulatory mandates, and tax hikes.

    Bullshit. The reason business money is sitting on the sidelines is because their customers are broke. The rich have all the money.

    Taxes for the rich are tooo low. It’s no longer about whether to “soak the rich” or not – the rich are comfortably dry and will be fine with a little moistening. It’s about the unnaturally low taxes suppressing the normal job creation incentives.

  13. Hear Hear! Grayson for DNC Chair! love it.

    ..and what anon said. At least the DEM rank and file is getting the appropriate responses down pat to the stupid our clueless conservative friends pick up over the airwaves and redirect throughout the blogosphere.

  14. Auntie Dem says:

    Wow! There’s a candidate I could support with all my might. Alan Grayson for DNC Chair.

  15. TomS says:

    More taxes equals less job growth. The small business owners have held off hiring until we find out…we can’t afford Obama care and higher taxes…and I don’t own a Mercedes.

  16. anon says:

    More taxes equals less job growth.

    Empirical reality says otherwise.

    30 years ago when taxes were too high you might have had a point.

  17. TomS says:

    Funny how the Obama lovers think 10% unemployment is ok now.

  18. anon says:

    Funny how the Bush lovers suddenly have discovered deficits.

  19. More taxes equals less job growth.

    Funny how job growth in the 1990s was much better than during the 2000s with the lower tax rates. I’m sorry but Bush tax cut supporters need to show some data that those tax cuts helped the economy in any way.

    Republicans don’t want to talk about the fact that the Obama administration has already created more jobs than Bush did in his whole 8 years AND he’s reduced the deficit.

  20. MJ says:

    So it’s a fact that Republicans, like the delusional one, want to raise taxes. It’s all been a big GOP lie that Democrats want to raise taxes.

  21. anon says:

    Republicans don’t want to talk about the fact that the Obama administration has already created more jobs than Bush did in his whole 8 years AND he’s reduced the deficit.

    Not to mention the uncomfortable fact that business profits are doing very nicely under the socialist Kenyan.

  22. TomS says:

    Created more govt jobs…you are correct

  23. Von Cracker says:

    TomS needs to stop pulling his fantasies out of his ass and shut the eff up.

    Check this out:


    And here’s your kicker –

    “Total employment — that is, the combination of private- and public-sector jobs — during Bush’s tenure increased by 1.08 million, while total employment in 2010 has increased by 599,000. (Quick aside: Who would have thought that federal and state government jobs would have increased by 1.7 million in eight years under Bush and fallen by 357,000 since President Barack Obama took office?)”

    Liars I can deal with, but bullshitters piss me off.