Delaware Liberal

Are Republicans Purposely Sabotaging The U.S.?

Republicans pulled a nifty trick in November. Despite the fact that it was Republican policies that broke the economy and Republicans have opposed every effort to fix the economy, Republicans benefited in the election because Democrats are the majority party and got the blame for the bad economy. Republicans seem to have gone collectively crazy – calling Obama both a fascist and a communist and saying that he’s the most left-wing president EVER!!!!! Pundits are starting to ask the question – do Republicans care if the country fails as long as it hurts Obama?

On Monday, Matt Yglesias chimed in, suggesting that the White House needed to be prepared for “deliberate economic sabotage” from Republicans. On Friday, after taking note of recent Republican attacks on the Fed’s quantitative easing program, Paul Krugman agreed:

The core reason for the attack on the Fed is self-interest, pure and simple. China and Germany want America to stay uncompetitive; Republicans want the economy to stay weak as long as there’s a Democrat in the White House.

Steve Benen collected these quotes today and added his concurrence: “We’re talking about a major political party,” he said, “possibly undermining the strength of the country — on purpose, in public, without apology or shame — for no other reason than to give themselves a campaign advantage in 2012.”

Strong statements! But here’s what’s really remarkable: virtually no one in any position of authority has picked up on this since Collender first suggested it. On the Republican side, practically everyone from the party leaders on down is thoroughly convinced that Barack Obama is one or more of: a socialist, an appeaser, a Chicago thug, a racist, a would-be killer of grandmas, and a president who wants to undermine everything that makes America great because he’s ashamed of his country. This is just standard rhetoric from Fox News pundits, radio show hosts, rank-and-file members of Congress, and party poobahs. It’s hardly even noteworthy anymore.

Just look at the new START treaty. Despite the fact that Reagan signed the first START treaty and previous treaties have been approved easily. Despite being begged by the military and former Republican leaders, approval of the treaty is uncertain at best.

Last week I Matt Yglesias called our system a “reverse parliamentary democracy” because we are run by the minority and not the majority. Mitch McConnell has admitted that his top priority is not the economy or jobs, it’s denying President Obama a second term. Republicans have benefitted by not getting much of the blame for the poor economy. Now that they control one branch of Congress, this should change.

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