Gifts for the Person Who Has Everything

Filed in National by on November 23, 2010

Well, Chanukah starts next Wednesday at sundown, so I thought the email with this gift information was just in time.


Here’s the text from the email:

With the holiday season quickly approaching, there’s no better time to visit the GOP Store and find truly unique and inspiring gifts for all the commonsense conservative Republicans in your life! Celebrate our 2010 election success and ring in the New Year with great gifts from your GOP Store…

Featured Items

2010 Republican National Committee Collectable Ornament

Add some patriotic good cheer and Republican pride to your holiday décor with this limited edition brass RNC Holiday Ornament — a fantastic keepsake for celebrating a successful 2010 election year!

Plush RNC 2010 Holiday Elephant

Meet “Twinkle,” the newest member of our adorable line of collectable RNC plush elephants! “Twinkle” is ready for merriment and makes a perfect stocking stuffer for all your little Republicans who have been so good this year… Actual size 5″ x 4″.

2011 RNC “American Exceptionalism” Calendar

Get ready for an exceptional new year with our 2011 Commemorative RNC wall calendar! Featuring original artwork that celebrates the unique character and achievements of the American people, the 2011 RNC Calendar will inspire you and yours throughout the coming year.

You Fired Pelosi — Now Get The Gear!

Let everyone know you helped send Nancy Pelosi a pink slip — and are ready to give Barack Obama a taste of the same medicine in 2012! Get t-shirts, buttons, travel mugs, bumper stickers and more from the GOP Store today!

Twinkle the Elephant? That sounds a lot like Michael Steele’s drag name. And I couldn’t find the Sarah Palin version of the Bass-O-Matic. Damn!

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About the Author ()

A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

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  1. donviti says:

    What? No Sarah Palin dominatrix blow up doll?

  2. jason330 says:

    Republican David will be getting one in his stocking, but what he really wants is the Boehner blow up doll.

  3. Dirty Girl says:

    @jason330 – that would be Boehner (pro…Boner)

    personally though I think that the Christine O’Donnell “O” mouth might be more to his liking – cheaper too – as it would just be her face.

    Hope for his sake he never goes pee next to “Rick” though – maybe Rick would be jealous…….

  4. jason330 says:

    Well, if the wingnut fascists ever take over America, how long do you think it would take the to line the closeted, gays up against a wall?

  5. anon says:

    Or these wingnut fascists?

    Today, the cities, populated primarily by hapless metrosexuals and wards of the state, are deep-blue; the rest of the country is red. It would’t be that hard; the only thing missing is a leader.

  6. jason330 says:

    I mean the American Christian version of Chile’s Pinochet. Try to keep up Miscreant.

  7. Miscreant says:

    Couldn’t resist.

  8. Dirty Girl says:

    well, well…..

    “Amnesty pointed out that homosexual acts are still illegal in 85 countries – predominantly Muslim and African ones, although also several parts of the United States – and punishable by death in Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Yemen.”

    wonder how Rep David et al over in wing-nut land feel about being lumped in with these countries and being +behind+ in recognizing the sexual rights of individuals

    and they think its the “illegal immigrants” and “socialism” and “bearded marxists” making us a third world country – they don’t seem to understand that in the EU we ARE considered a socially back-ard third world country!

    Nope sorry, its the American Taliban that is making us a laughing stock

  9. jason330 says:

    “wonder how Rep David et al over in wing-nut land feel about being lumped in with these countries and being +behind+ in recognizing the sexual rights of individuals”

    You’ve got that right. It is his our wingnuts fondest wish to turn the country into a banana republic. Third world economic policies and theocratic social policies would make America a Paradise for David,…up until the dear leader killed him for being gay.

  10. Dirty Girl says:

    @Jason – LOL got that right too:

    He wants us to be somewhere between Pinochet’s and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s regime, maybe with a little of Kim Jong-il thrown in for good measure

    and you are right – he would be the FIRST one to be “disappeared”

  11. MJ says:

    I think Delusional David and his buddy Rick are playing hide the sausage with each other. I find the ones who protest the loudest about gays are in fact the biggest flaming closet cases around.

  12. Dirty Girl says:

    “me thinks he doth protest too much”

    I agree as well

  13. jason330 says:

    For a long time I let the question of David’s closet homosexuality slide, but now he is out and about saying that Pinochet was good for Chile, but misunserdstood…?

    No dice Amigo. Gayness is now an issue, because when you defend a regime that would kill you for being born the way you were, you open that door.

  14. anon says:

    The nut jobs/O’Donnell supporters want the USA to be a Third World Country and here’s the proof:

    “This morning I received an email from a friend who has spent the last 35 years pondering the fates of economies and liberties. He recommends a decentralization of government. His call is for a return to the “village”. Small self-sustaining communities where trade is mostly barter and when barter doesn’t cover every transaction he suggests a local currency managed under the roof of a local bank. Self-sustaining communities can provide local fruits, vegetables and textiles. Outside trade can be negotiated between villages.

    Later this mild Delmarva day I attended a 9/12 Patriots’ meeting in Millsboro, Delaware and it struck me a place like Millsboro is perfectly suited for development of a self-sufficient economy. It’s surrounded by dairy, chicken and vegetable farms and the occasional fruit orchard. It has access to water and a temperate climate. The inhabitants have a wide variety of skills.”

  15. Dirty Girl says:

    OH NO and it gets better – he wasnts Sussex county to suceed:

    I’ve a non-violent solution. I stood up at the meeting and said it was time we instructed the outside world we have home rule. We instruct the divine we are our own masters. Seriously, what can they do to us if we go our own way? The legal definition of home rule has restrictions but I was speaking for sovereignty. We are our own masters. If they send in more bureaucrats we ignore them. If they send in outside law enforcers then I imagine we’ll attract a great deal of media attention, as I explained at the meeting, the fiercest prairie fire starts with a spark. Let the rest of the country and world witness our refusal to cooperate. How many little prairie fires do you think the divine can manage? Heck, from what I can see, the man inhabiting the White House might just decamp to Southern Delaware and bow as he does when kowtowing around the globe. I don’t imagine our frail and hypertensive Governor could even manage a bow without wetting his trousers.

    Christ al F***in-mighty -I really have to live near these absolute crazies
    wonder who will be king and when do we erect out border fence??

    I someone PLZ telling Law Enforcement or the FEDSS about these nut-jobs??

    Curley and Anderseon – we will have a Pinochet type regime and there will be mass diappearings

    OH my this might be our last Thanksgiving…..

    oh my

  16. MJ says:

    And it seems that our good friends over at, such strong defenders of the Constitution, delete posts they don’t like when the post calls them on their shit.

  17. Socialistic Ben says:

    I thought the constitution only applied to the government.

  18. MJ says:

    not according to Delusional David and his fellow travelers.

  19. Ordinary Joe says:

    I hear that the Obama online store has lots of copies of the Bill of Rights with the 4th Amendment shredded — great for the family members who will be traveling this Holiday Season.

  20. Ordinary Joe says:

    What, MJ? More faux outrage, given the deletion and banning practices on this site?

  21. Ordinary Joe says:

    Ah, Jason333 engaging in homophobic attacks on opponents. I do love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning!

  22. Ordinary Joe says:

    And donviti engaging in misogyny. Does wallowing in your own hatred and bigotry may you folks feel superior to decent Americans?

  23. Joe Cass says:

    Hey Joe, those Bill of Rights copies were left over from the previous regime. I guess you were too busy teabagging to notice.

  24. MJ says:

    Fail on your part, Joe. The only way you get banned here is for violating the TOS. So, shove it up your arse big boy. And why are you and your fellow travelers so soft on terrorism and protecting the flying public?

    And I think that the only hypocrisy in the morning is when your $25 trick from the night before tells you that you were good.

  25. Ordinary Joe says:

    Let’s see — we know that the terrorists who have been trying to bring down planes are all Muslims. Why won’t Obimbo order that every Muslim go through the scanners, since his TSA chief has already declared that the rights guaranteed by the Constitution do not apply to air travel and it is better practice to focus on the individuals that are most likely to engage in acts of terrorism, rather than nuns, guys with usrostomy bags, and toddlers.

  26. Ordinary Joe says:

    MJ — thanks for sharing that you lie to your customers.

  27. MJ says:

    Oh, Joe thinks he’s being funny. How long did it take you to think that one up, asshat?

  28. Ordinary Joe says:

    Well, MJ, I just thought you were sharing your professional secrets.

    But then again, $25 seemed mighty overpriced for your services.

  29. MJ says:

    Timothy McVeigh – not a Muslim.
    David Koresh – not a Muslim.
    Randy Weaver – not a Muslim.
    Randall Terry – not a Muslim.
    David Lane – not a Muslim.

  30. Ordinary Joe says:

    Oh, and MJ, we are not soft on terrorism — we are just in favor of effective security measures.

  31. MJ says:

    Hmm, don’t you Texans have cattle to bugger or something to keep you off the streets?

    Seems to me that the TSA was set up by a rethuglican President. Guess you don’t want to take credit for that. And you are soft on terrorism, otherwise, you wouldn’t be bitching about keeping the airways safe for everyone. So your version of “effective security” is to just go after non-white people?

    Strike two for you today, bub.

  32. Ordinary Joe says:

    Timothy McVeigh – not a Muslim — and not on a plane
    David Koresh – not a Muslim — and not on a plane.
    Randy Weaver – not a Muslim — and not on a plane.
    Randall Terry – not a Muslim — and not a terrorist.
    David Lane – not a Muslim — and not on a plane.

    Interestingly enough, you cannot find a single non-Muslim terrorist who made an attempt on a plane, nor can you find one who did anything in the last decade. And one did nothing other than engage in political speech, so you fail there as well.

  33. MJ says:

    As usual, your failed wing-nut blather has become rather boring. Next.

  34. Ordinary Joe says:

    I’ve got no problem with the TSA — simply the unconstitutional tactics it is using under the Obimbo Regime. Seems to me that Barry wants to make sure that we Americans have no more rights than his Kenyan cousins. Lord knows he’s made great efforts to make our economy the equivalent of Kenya’s.

  35. Joe Stack – not a Muslim flew a plane into an IRS building.

  36. Ordinary Joe says:

    As usual, you get pissy when your arguments fail, MJ.

  37. Ordinary Joe says:

    OK, UI — and interestingly enough, the TSA security measures at work here would have done nothing to stop Joe Stack, given that they don’t check folks getting on personal aircraft AND the TSA exempts pilots from searches because they have much more effective ways (like Stack) of bringing down a plane.

    By the way, Joe Stack was an anti-Republican liberal. Seems to me that gives good reason for profiling the contributors to this site as well as Muslims.

  38. Geezer says:

    Joe: Were you this upset about the trashing of the 4th amendment when we started seizing assets on mere suspicion of drug connections?

  39. Ordinary Joe says:

    Actually, I was.

    Now are you happy to see your wife and daughter have their breasts and crotches groped by government employees? Does it make you feel safer to know that the non-consensual treatment they are receiving would constitute a sexual assault if it were done by anyone else? Does such disregard of the Constitution make you proud to be an American?

  40. MJ says:

    Actually, Joe is upset because he wasn’t groped, and that’s the only type of personal intimacy he could have ever expected to receive.

  41. Socialistic Ben says:

    joe, you know damn well that if there was any incident at all you and your baggy friends would be railing on how obama is soft on terror and drew back security measures just so his Muslim brothers could attack us.
    It isnt that you people are so hate filled and ignorant that bothers me. I’ve come to expect that from the Sons of the Confederacy… it is that you are so predictable. It is so easy to know exactly how you feel about every issue and exactly what moronic lies and talking points you are going ot use to try and communicate.

    but you know what they say… Teabag see Teabag do.

  42. anonone says:

    OJ, we live in a corporate police state where the government is being used to transfer property from the middle class to the wealthy corporate owners. The TSA is simply another tool being used to incrementally get citizens used to having their so-called Constitutional Rights and Civil Liberties taken from them. The Constitution was shredded once and for all when the Federal Government began torturing people.

    Meanwhile, the banks have committed massive fraud against investors and mortgage holders and are now reaping the rewards of that fraud by stealing the homes using clearly fraudulent documents. All with the assistance of the U.S. Government and the Judicial System. The stealing of people’s homes by the banks is perhaps the biggest fraud that has ever occurred in history, and it is happening right now. Obomba and Holder are doing virtually nothing to stop it. Neither are the repubs.

    So, while you can come here and bitch about the TSA, and I agree with you, both political parties (and, hence, the government) have been largely bought and paid for by corporate money. That is the problem. While people like me hoped that electing Obomba would help the situation, we were wrong. But if you think that the solution is electing more republicans or a Republican President, you are just as wrong.

  43. Socialistic Ben says:

    Joe doesnt care if people are groped or profiled… as long as those people are terroristy lookin… or worse.. LIBERAL!!!! and also the master race is allowed to carry AKs on a plane.

  44. MJ says:

    The extreme right and left are devoid of legitimate arguments against enhanced security at the airports, bus stations, and train stations. So sad to see these two groups so soft on protecting the country from terrorists.

  45. Joe Cass says:

    I got groped by TARP

  46. anonone says:

    Here is a legitimate argument against your so-called “enhanced security”:

    “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

    These words were written by people once considered to be on the extreme left.

  47. Ordinary Joe says:

    But who are now considered on the extreme Right by folks like the site owners here.

  48. MJ says:

    Doesn’t wash, A1. How does making sure that weapons that could bring down a plane or derail a train not get aboard violate the Constitution? Because Rush says so?

  49. anonone says:

    Under that logic, MJ, government agents should be allowed to search anyone, anywhere, anytime, and anyplace. Would you also support regular warrantless house searches in order to make sure that they don’t contain bomb factories that could blow up a neighborhood?

    The principle is the same and the Constitution is clear: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated…”

    Do you support the government using torture if it makes “sure that weapons that could bring down a plane or derail a train not get aboard”? What’s next?

  50. Geezer says:

    Joe: I didn’t feel unsafe in the first place. And no, I’m not happy about the groping. If it accomplished something they might have grounds for a discussion, but there’s no legitimate purpose served.

  51. a.price says:

    I know A1 is gonna love me for this, but i think armed air marshals are the way to go. You have people go through a standard metal detector… maybe have a few bomb dogs around, but in general you let people on the plane.
    If someone has decided to be a criminal and bring a weapon and tries to use it against other passengers, why not have someone with a taser (gun + pressurized cabin = no bueno)
    … unless of course you consider using a plane as a weapon protected by the first or second amendment.

  52. MJ says:

    apples and oranges A1. As usual, your lefteabagger argument fails.

  53. anonone says:

    Sure, MJ, my argument fails simply because you say it does.

    The 4th Amendment doesn’t apply to government agents fondling the genitals of innocent men, women, and children simply because government bureaucrats like you say so.

  54. Geezer says:

    “But who are now considered on the extreme Right by folks like the site owners here.”

    Really? It was left-wingers who ruled it was OK for the government to seize property until you could prove to their satisfaction it wasn’t gained through illegal activity? I don’t think so. The law & order lobby has always been primarily a conservative one.

  55. MJ says:

    Unless you have a SCOTUS or lower court ruling to back up your failed argument, then yes, you have failed.

    Here’s a suggestion for you and your buddies on the right – don’t travel anywhere. Don’t leave your homes because you fear The Man is going to get you and watch what you do. Paranoid just a bit?

  56. anonone says:

    MJ, back in the late 1700’s, you would have been a terrific Royalist and defender of the Crown.

  57. anonone says:

    “But who are now considered on the extreme Right by folks like the site owners here.”

    I dunno, Geezer. After reading MJ trash the 4th amendment as a failed argument against government groping and making suggestions about me and my “buddies on the right” maybe there is at least some truth to that statement.

  58. Dirty Girl says:

    its really simple – if you do not want the TSA groping you or your family GO THRU THE SCANNER!

    if you dont like that option, dont fly


    Come up with an alternative effective sloution and stop bellyaching – because we all know you will be the VERY FIRST one to bitch if a plane load of people get blown up

    Then the “why didn’t that MUSLIM in the white house protect us” yadda yadda

    same as the anti-gov tea baggers in SUSSEX – STOP the GOV handouts in WIlmington!!! But by GOD you better give ME MY Social Security, Medicare and farm subsidies or we’re gonna……what??

    Seceed??? have home rule?? ROTFLMAO

    delusional idiot assholes.

  59. anon says:

    Listen to all this sniping and bickering. This groping thing is just a big distraction to take your eye off the fact that Democrats are about to pass the Bush tax cuts for the rich all over again, not to mention god-knows what else slips through the lame duck or fails to get done, like retroactive immunity for foreclosure fraud, or failing to close the carried interest loophole.

    Although I admit a strangers hand on my junk is one hell of a distraction.

  60. MJ says:

    And pray tell, A1, how I trashed the 4th Amendment. That’s a stretch even for you. Have you been huffing on Delusional David’s crack pipe?

  61. MJ says:

    My good friend Dirty Girl finally helped me figure out what the big aversion to going through the scanner is, especially for White men – they’re afraid that their “shortcomings” are going to be revealed. And if they opt for the pat down, then their “shortcomings” will be confirmed. This probably also applies to Delusional David and his fellow travelers.

  62. socialistic Ben says:

    and they dont want to be treated the way they think “those people” should be treated. Whats this? white people subject to the same security procedures as the “others”?

  63. V says:

    dude i don’t want to go through the scanner either. they just haven’t been around long enough for me to be convinced that they expose me to “safe” levels of radiation. i’m also not convinced they aren’t able to retain the pictures (or that someone won’t quickly figure out a way to mod the machines) and i won’t end up on the internet somewhere.

    the pat-down is revolting, but i’d opt for momentary humilation over the longer effects of the scanner.

    honestly though i say we ditch both options and go to metal detectors (for the weapons)and dogs (proven to be the best technology to currently find powdered/liquid explosives). Air marshalls on each flight and the reenforced cockpit doors can nullify anything that makes it on the plane. except maybe snakes.

  64. Dirty Girl says:

    I know what I’m gonna do – Im gonna get the pat down and stand there and MOAN and ROll MY EYES, basically duplicate that famous diner scene from “when Harry met Sally” where Meg Ryan simulates an orgasam….and the lady at the next table orders “whatever she’s having”

    The TSA will have a line for pat downs when I’m done.

    that ought to amuse the flying public surrounding the area……..everyone will laugh and I will be under the bus for doing it.

    No problem – I look good under the bus…..

  65. anonone says:

    MJ asked, “And pray tell, A1, how I trashed the 4th Amendment?”

    You trashed it by calling it a failed argument against government agents feeling up the genitals and breasts of innocent men, women, and children or leering at naked pictures of them or exposing them to radiation for whatever reason the government chooses.

    Clearly, “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures…” is violated when a government agent gropes a citizen or forces them to stand naked in front of them. Many citizens do not feel “secure in their persons” when that is done, and it is not up to the government or you to question why. The 4th amendment is quite clear about this.

    That you can’t understand that is beyond me.

  66. Dirty Girl says:

    yes, Yes, YES, YYYEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!!!! Oh GOD YES……

  67. Joe Cass says:

    Hey Dirty Girl, let’s play TSA

  68. Ordinary Joe says:

    MJ — Do you really support warrantless searches of anyone, anywhere, with out even a hint of suspicion of wrongdoing? Or only in airports?

    By the way, during colonial times, the Brits issued what were called “writs of assistance”, which allowed the searching of any place at any time for virtually any reason — as well as the detention of people because the government said so, regardless of whether or not there was any actual evidence of wrongdoing by the detained. Such writs were one of the many abuses that led to the American Revolution — and you appear to be endorsing their modern equivalents. That is shameful — but not surprising, given your love of big government.

  69. Dirty Girl says:

    @Joe – any time, hot suff!!

    let’s stuff a Turkey!!!!

  70. anonone says:

    MJ asked, “And pray tell, A1, how I trashed the 4th Amendment.”

    By calling it a failed argument against government agents feeling up the genitals and breasts of citizens or forcing them to stand n*ked in front of them or involuntarily exposing them to radiation.

    The 4th amendment is clear that “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.” Forcing innocent men, women, and children to choose between exposing their bodies to government agents or having their genitals and breasts fondled by these same agents is clearly a breach of that right.

    The fact that you don’t understand that is really beyond me.

  71. Dirty Girl says:

    Oh Geee – I mean Joe Cass – not Ord Joe

    Ord Joe is going to be issuing letters or marque soon….

    he ought to stuff his own turkey…

    Founding Fathers didnt have palnes trains and auto in the 1700’s nor the internet

    why there is 250 years of SCOTUS decisions to INTERPRET the IDEALOLOGIES and REASONING behind the Consitution-not always take it literally..

    DUH – Read a book called the “Founding Lawyers” Ord JOE – and get a fricking legal education on the Consitution and 250 years of case law

  72. Joe Cass says:

    Help Rick Jensen Click on the link then write an email explaining that you would love to visit Alaska but Rick Jensen says that TSA will rape you.

  73. anon says:

    Denver Airport yesterday. Reporting in the DailyQuib, a TSA agent was caught in his booth masturbating as a team of high school netball players passed through. Security dragged him and cuffed him while his pants were around his knees. Jeb Rather a passenger reported to CBS news, he saw the whole thing. Other stories claim TSA and Homeland are going to put these machines in train and bus stations “as soon as the american people become adjusted”?? Will you adjust? Will you submit to the porno scanner radiation machines without a whimper. Unfortunately, most of the dumbed down will. Meanwhile only 2% of the cargo is inspected, thinking the terrorists won.

  74. Ordinary Joe says:

    Did you say 250 years of SCOTUS to interpret a document that is only 220 years old? Neat trick. You should have been reading your textbooks and not turkey porn during your civics and history classes.

  75. anonone says:

    Snopes: The Denver Airport story is false.

  76. Dirty Girl says:

    ROTFLAMO- must not have been a Christine O’Donnell fan…..

    and how many men just go and masturbate anyway – regardless? womwen too

    stats say 95% admit it – the other 5% are liars

    stop making mountains out of molehills

    Dude wants to jerk off on the job – that’s his issue

    and why take his pants down to masturbate?? isn’t that what a zippered fly is for -and don’t thay have Sam Brown belts – sounds fishy no pun intended

    get real

  77. MJ says:

    When you enter a Federal facility, or any government facility for that matter, you are subject to search and seizure, without a warrant. Airport are government facilities. If you want to fly, then you submit to search and possible seizure. If you don’t want to submit to something that has been keeping our airways safe for almost 10 years, stay the fuck out. Plain and simple. But as usual, you left and right teabaggers want to have your cake and to eat it too.

    Again, show me any court decision that has declared the TSA regulations illegal. You can’t you blowhards (A1 and Joe).

    And Joe, where please show me where I advocated “big government.” Wanker.

  78. Dirty Girl says:

    250 years is a round up dickhead – get over yourself

    if you want to come in here and fuck with me – take your best shot asshole – and you better hope I dont get up!

    coz I can (as can my blog mates) and will crucify you on Constitutional law

    so decide whether or not you want to be shown up to be a bigger asshole that you already are

    your dick that big son? or are those balls of your shrivelling up inside your torso yet?

    as you can see – I already called false on that stupid Denver story before looking it up – I can smell fake and you stink – all the way to Delaware

  79. Dirty Girl says:

    my civics/history class was not about the US…but we learned plenty about US atrocities – as I am not from this nation – nor did we do turkey porn as we didn’t have Thanksgiving either

    But I can wipe the floor with you on the issue anytime you like

  80. MJ says:

    Anon – I call bullshit on your story. I’ve seen nothing in the Denver Post on this, and I read the Post daily.

  81. anonone says:

    MJ wrote: “When you enter a Federal facility, or any government facility for that matter, you are subject to search and seizure, without a warrant.”

    This is flat-out factually incorrect.

  82. Dirty Girl says:

    @MJ – obviously Ord Joe does not understand the REAl ID Act either – nor does he live in a state that is Real Id compliant

    “national security” concerns trump the Constitution “all the time” – I mean hello – the Patriot Act took more of our civil liberties away than anything else

    Didn’t hear him scream about that

    and I will bet he is not even aware of the info chips in the Real Id Complaint driver’s Licenses either.

    DUH – what a dolt

  83. Joe Cass says:

    “Keep your government hands off my teenage daughter’s implants!”

  84. Dirty Girl says:

    UMMMMM MJ is correct- entry into a Fed Facility is implicit cooperation with you being at their disposal for whatever they want

    OH YES!!

  85. Dirty Girl says:

    @Joe Cass – i don’t want implants…just a lift n a tuck

    I mean – who wants to be ‘perky” at our age??

  86. MJ says:

    Who wants to bet that Beck/Limbaugh/Hannity/Palin/Curly/Jensen begin repeating that bullshit story about DIA as fact?

  87. Dirty Girl says:

    I wont take that bet coz I know you are right

    Talking head idiots……..

  88. MJ says:

    Obviously, A1 hasn’t entered a Federal building in quite some time. Keep spouting off your lefteabagging comments, A1. You’re so amusing.

  89. anonone says:

    Sorry, Dirty Girl. Just because you enter a Federal Facility does not mean that a Federal employee can seize any of your property or strip search you or fondle your genitals without a warrant or reasonable cause.*

    *At least that is how it is supposed to be – under the current police state, they can imprison, torture and kill you and keep it a state secret.

  90. Dirty Girl says:

    @Ord Joe and anonone – our resident legal dunces:

    Doctrine of Implied Consent:

    Individuals often enter into agreements with the government in which they waive some of their Fourth Amendment rights. For example, prison guards may agree to be searched for drugs as a condition of employment, and visitors to government buildings may agree to a limited search of their person and property as a condition of entrance. Similarly, users of computer systems may waive their rights to privacy as a condition of using the systems. When individuals who have waived their rights are then searched and challenge the searches on Fourth Amendment grounds, courts typically focus on whether the waiver eliminated the individual’s reasonable expectation of privacy against the search. See, e.g., United States v. Simons, 206 F.3d 392, 398 (4th Cir. 2000) (government employee had no reasonable expectation of privacy in computer in light of computer use policy); American Postal Workers Union, Columbus Area Local AFL-CIO v. United States Postal Service, 871 F.2d 556, 559-61 (6th Cir. 1989) (postal employees retained no reasonable expectation of privacy in government lockers after signing waivers).

    A few courts have approached the same problem from a slightly different direction and have asked whether the waiver established implied consent to the search. According to the doctrine of implied consent, consent to a search may be inferred from an individual’s conduct. For example, in United States v. Ellis, 547 F.2d 863 (5th Cir. 1977), a civilian visiting a naval air station agreed to post a visitor’s pass on the windshield of his car as a condition of bringing the car on the base. The pass stated that “[a]cceptance of this pass gives your consent to search this vehicle while entering, aboard, or leaving this station.” Id. at 865 n.1. During the visitor’s stay on the base, a station investigator who suspected that the visitor had stored marijuana in the car approached the visitor and asked him if he had read the pass. After the visitor admitted that he had, the investigator searched the car and found 20 plastic bags containing marijuana. The Fifth Circuit ruled that the warrantless search of the car was permissible, because the visitor had impliedly consented to the search when he knowingly and voluntarily entered the base with full knowledge of the terms of the visitor’s pass. See id. at 866-67.

    and do NOT even get me started on exigent circumstances

    Boyz – stick to what you know and don’t get our of your league – you just look stupid.

  91. Dirty Girl says:

    @anonone – so now that we have called you out and shown you to be wrong we have a codicil – ROTFLMAO

    “At least that is how it is supposed to be” – anonone

    Ok honey – stay under whatever rock you crawled under 50 years ago – I know its tough to keep up

  92. anonone says:

    Please point out where it states that the government can seize whatever property that it wants or search you in any way it wants merely because you entered the building. You can’t, of course. Furthermore, the article cites “a limited search of their person and property as a condition of entrance,” not fondling of genitals and breasts or looking at naked pictures of them or exposing them to radiation.

    I’d also point out a recent case where the government’s prohibition against photographing Federal Buildings (and where it seized the photographers camera) was found to be illegal:

    and where the Supreme Court decided 8 -1 that a strip search of a girl in school violated her rights:

    It is truly odd how MJ and Dirty Girl seem to delight in surrendering their rights to the Government.

  93. anonone says:

    Please point out where it says the government can seize any property that it wants or fondle your genitals or take n*ked pictures of you or expose you to radiation merely because you entered a Federal Building. You can’t. The case law that you cites discusses a “limited search of their person and property as a condition of entrance” not forfeiture of property rights, as MJ incorrectly stated.

    I’d also point out that the government’s attempt to criminalize photographing Federal Buildings has been lost:

    and strip searching of children for drugs in schools has also been found to violate the Constitution’s protections against unreasonable search or seizure 8-1 by the SCOTUS:

    I am sure that both of those cases had disappointing outcomes to you since MJ and you both seem to delight in surrendering your 4th amendment rights to government agents.

  94. Dirty Girl says:

    please point out where it say you have a right to Social Security, Medicare and waterboarding either??

    you cannot – Look you are obviously neither an attorney nor a constitutional scholar

    Let me remind you: and I won’t cite it, do a little speech – but – the public good and welfare is the concern of the Feds.

    So until then remember those famous words of the Bard:

    ” a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”

    That is where the Tea Baggerz stand – soon to go the way of McCarthyism and the John Birch Society

    I didn’t hear you bitch much when the Patriot Act was passed. the single piece of legislation that took more rights away than anything else did.

    Bush still your hero?

  95. Dirty Girl says:

    and please look up



  96. anonone says:

    @Dirty Girl:

    1) MJ wrote: “When you enter a Federal facility, or any government facility for that matter, you are subject to search and seizure, without a warrant.” As I said, this is flat-out factually incorrect. There is no implied consent for seizure. And they cannot search you without a warrant unless you consent, implied or actual.

    2) I have always been vehemently against the PATRIOT act. You didn’t hear me “bitch much” ’cause you weren’t around.

    I have been a proud card-carrying member of the ACLU most of my adult life, so don’t try to lecture me with your ridiculous drivel. I don’t think losing civil liberties is trivial or funny, as you clearly do.

  97. Dirty Girl says:

    better renew your ACLU card – yes they CAN search you without a warrant
    after they do THEN you can go bellyache to the ACLU

    good luck with that…..

    and for the record – been carrying the ACLU card a little longer and stronger than you

    Im not talking about whether what they do is Right or Wrong

    Im dealing in realities dear and do not think to lecture me about losing civil liberties – been there, done it, got the T-shirt.

    but I also understand the concept of “suffer and grieve” and the realities of life a post terrorism world.

    you had better get used to it…and up your donations to the ACLU.

  98. anonone says:

    Unlike Americans like you who preach “you had better get used to it”, I never will.

  99. Dirty Girl says:

    why would you assume I’m American?

    Kinda like you assume the feds cannot search you without a warrant?

    Like I said – up your $$$$ donations to the ACLU

  100. Joe Cass says:

    I never will. And you won’t ever accomplish anything approaching the freedoms you seek with your focus on the thumbnail. There’s a big, bold nation out here that operates on the lump sum.
    Feel free to remove the thorn from the lion’s paw but consider the options when Leo rises.