Delaware Liberal

Candidates for MVP (Most Valuable to the Progressive Cause) Now Being Accepted*

*But, act fast! Like today!

I’m compiling my annual (2nd year in a row!) list. Now, here are my 2010 standards: Public officials and/or candidates and/or others with a Delaware connection who did the most to advance the progressive cause in 2010. They don’t need to be progressives if they advanced the progressive cause.

You will recall that last year’s list engendered quite a bit of controversy over both who I included (*cough, Tony DeLuca,cough*) and who I excluded. But I believe I stayed true to my standards for both inclusion and exclusion. And, as I pointed out over and over again, this is MY list. Your own lists are both welcome and strongly encouraged.  Here is the  2009 MVP list with all the accompanying vitriol. Looking back, I quite like the Rorschach Test responses that I got. I also think that my list, both omissions and inclusions, holds up DAMN well one year later. Read the ongoing debate about one state legislator, in particular.

I’ve already got a working list of 17 nominees for this year, but I want more, and I seek your input on who belongs and who doesn’t. I want names and reasons for inclusions and exclusions.

I plan to write and later this week. Help me decide who gets honored and who doesn’t.

The clock’s ticking. You’ve got 24 hours…

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