Delaware Liberal

Christine O’Donnell Finally Finds Her Gravy Train

After years of operating on the fringes of the wing nut welfare system, Christine O’Donnell has finally hit the jackpot. Dimwitted 3-time losers are the new hotness. She’s already got a book deal to have someone ghostwrite her deepest thoughts. Now she’ll continue to extort money from her gullible dupes fans with a new PAC.

Former Delaware Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell is forming an issues-oriented political action committee.

O’Donnell said late Tuesday after a tea party gathering in northern Virginia that she wants to start the PAC as soon as possible to become more vocal and run ads on issues such as health care reform and taxes. She’s calling it “Christine PAC” for now.

She already has a good chunk of change left over from her Senate run – she raised $7.3M but spent only $6.1M. She was saving that money for “legal challenges.” Any guesses as to how much she’s paying herself? No wonder tax cuts for the rich have become a big priority for her.

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